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inside. John Smith is your errand boy – give him orders.

Card 2 Betty wants to send a parcel and a letter to her friend Henry.

You have to send parcel to your friend in another city. You go to the nearest post office, hand the package to the clerk at the window marked “Parcel Post” You have to pay for the stamps and stick on the package.

Then you go to the next window marked “Stamps” You have to queue up there. You have to write a letter and send it, but you don’t know how to send it and nobody can help you as all staff is busy at Mr. Brown’s post office. They are rearranging everything.

Card 3 John Smith, the worker at Mr. Brown’s post office, is trying to help

Betty with her parcel.

You haven’t seen Betty for 10 years. You used to be best friends in college, but suddenly she moved to another town. How can you refuse your best friend now?

You are helping Betty trying not to forget about Mr. Brown’s orders so as not to lose your job.

Unit 5

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions, using active vocabulary and Indefinite Tense Forms (Active and Passive Voices).

1.How do you know whether a work of art is good?

2.Do you need to know art history to understand art?

3.Do you often visit art exhibitions? Which ones do you prefer?

4.Have you ever tried yourself in art? Were you a success?

5.Do you agree that the best works of art are painted in oil? Explain your point of view.

6.What people are the most difficult to deal with? Why?

7.What suggestion can be made if a person has lost a chance of buying something at a fair price?

8.What people do you admire? Describe their features of character?

9.Have you ever had a desire to study at an art school? When was it?

10.How much time did you usually spent on your home task last term?

11.What goods do supermarkets deal in?

12.Can you remember a situation when someone was unfair to you? What did you do?

13.How do you react if you are offered to fetch a taxi?

14.What tools do you use if you have to cut something into pieces?

15.Are you always in a hurry? Why? Why not?

16.Who and what do you miss most if you have to stay away from home for a long time?

17.What do you do if there are several pages missing from a book?

18.How do you usually react if you are interrupted in the middle of a conversation or an important task?

19.Where do you go to if you want to buy a pair of shoes or a pair of trousers?

20.Are you prepared to work hard to get good results in your English exams? What do you have to do for it?

Exercise 2. Agree with the following statements and expand on them or object to them and correct.

1.Not everyone can understand modern art.

2.One doesn’t need to have a specialized education to be an artist.

3.Nowadays practically all people can afford to buy a real work of art.

4.If you try hard you can eventually find a fair price for everything.

5.If you hurry a person during fulfilling some work he or she is supposed to make mistakes.

6.There is usually a high rise in temperature in the middle of summer.

7.Paintings and sculptures are usually sold by art dealers.

8.Many modern businessmen can’t afford the time for their families.

9.Artists perform a great service for mankind.

10.Historically there were a lot of reasons for making pictures apart from the artist’s desire.

11.Very often it happens that an artist is not appreciated in his lifetime and yet highly praised after his death.

12.People of art are difficult to deal with.

13.If a deal is made, nothing can be done to change the situation.

14.People in Ukraine have no chance to communicate with English native speakers.

15.It is a good idea to rise if a woman enters the room.

16.With industrious and responsible people nothing is left for chance.

17.People who are much admired can become arrogant and too self-confident.

18.Art students are suggested visiting art galleries and museums.

19.If you are not happy with the price of goods at the market you can bargain with the seller.

20.Too many young people hurry into marriage without considering the responsibilities.

21.If some lectures are missed one can easily read the information in a book.

22.Bad weather can never interrupt sporting events.

23.A good hunter never misses.

24.One doesn’t necessarily need a knife to cut off a piece of bread.

25.The task of leadership is not to be wise after the event, but to know how to fight when the battle is on.

Exercise 3. Describe the following pictures using active vocabulary and grammar.

a.Compare an abstract and a classic picture. Which do you prefer and why? Dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of both.



Describe the modern picture gallery


and compare it with the classic one you have seen or visited.

c.Look at the picture of the pictures of a street painter and a modern graphic designer. Try and compare the way they create their images, considering the tools, the environment and the purpose of their creative activities.

Exercise 4. Read the following jokes, find the similar ones and tell them to your group-mates.

a.Did you hear about the two little boys who found themselves in a modern art gallery by mistake? - "Quick," said one, "Run! Before they say we did it!"


Recently a guy in Paris nearly got away with stealing several paintings from the Louvre. However, after planning the crime, breaking in, evading security, getting out and escaping with the goods, he was captured only two blocks away when his Econoline van ran out of gas. When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied: - "I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh."

b.An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings on display at that time.

"I have good news and bad news," the owner replied. "The good news is that a gentleman enquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death. When I told him it would, he bought all 15 of your paintings." "That's wonderful," the artist exclaimed. "What's the bad news?"

"The guy was your doctor..."

c.A wealthy man commissioned Pablo Picasso to paint a portrait of his wife. Startled by the nonrepresentational image on the final canvas, the woman's husband complained, "It isn't how she really looks."

When asked by the painter how she really looked, the man produced a photograph from his wallet.

Returning the photography Pablo observed, "Small, isn't she?"

Exercise 5. Make a dialogue using indefinite tense forms basing on the following situations.

a. An art dealer and a customer discussing the price of a still-life.

b.An Englishman and a Frenchman arguing about the advantages of their national art schools.

c.A young painter arranging his personal exhibition with the owner of the art gallery who is unwilling to display the paintings.

d.Two students discussing modern art.

e.A husband and wife choosing between a realistic and an abstract painting to put in their sitting room.

Exercise 6. Read the sayings and proverbs. Make sure you understand them, find Ukrainian/Russian equivalents. Think of situations to illustrate them.

a.“Art has no enemy except ignorance.”

b.“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”

c.“Art lies in concealing art.”

d.“When one loves his art no service seems too hard.”

e.“Art is long, life is short.”

f.“The devil is not so black as he is painted.”

Exercise 7. Translate the following dialogues using active vocabulary.







- Який чудовий натюрморт! Це –

- Какой прекрасный натюрморт!

справжнє мистецтво! Цікаво, ким

Это – подлинное искусство!

він був намальований?

Интересно, кем он был нарисован?

- По-моєму, це Сезанн. Він би

- По-моему, это Сезанн. Он бы

гарно виглядав в нашій вітальні.

отлично смотрелся у нас в

- Ти маєш рацію, але боюсь, що


він не для продажу. Хазяїн,

- Ты права, но боюсь, что он не для

очевидно, дуже пишається цим

продажи. Хозяин, по-видимому,

полотном. Крім того, я не готовий

очень гордится этим холстом.

тратити таку велику суму.

Кроме того, я не готов тратить

- Я щойно розмовляла з його

большую сумму.

жінкою і впевнена, що шедевр

- Я только что разговаривала с его

буде нам

продано достатньо

женой и уверена, что шедевр будет



продан нам довольно дешево.

- Яка вдача!


- Какая удача!




2. - Можеш привітати мене!

2. - Можешь поздравить меня!












художньої школи, і я незабаром

художественную школу, и я скоро


поїду до Ліверпуля.



уеду в Ливерпуль.





- Вітаю. Тебе тут буде не

- Поздравляю. Тебя здесь будет не


вистачати. Як тобі вдалося

хватать. Как тебе удалось












- Мені запропонували відправити

- Мне




кілька своїх робіт на виставку. Я

несколько своих работ на выставку.


вирішив, що такий шанс не

Я решил, что такой шанс не должен


повинен бути упущений.


быть упущен.





- Молодець. Ще в школі твоїми

- Молодец. Еще в школе твоими


картинами завжди захоплювалися.









Теперь тебе не придется тратить


витрачати час, працюючи на

время, работая на заправке.









- Да, по крайней мере, ближайшие


- Так, принаймні, найближчі

четыре года будут связаны с


чотири роки будуть пов'язані з




























- Послухайте! Було запропоновано

- Послушайте! Был предложен


прекрасний план, але не було

прекрасный план, но не было


згадано, хто буде керувати цим

упомянуто, кто будет руководить







этим проектом.





- Тільки не я! Я не маю часу! Я й

- Только не я! У меня нет времени!


так постійно поспішаю.


Я и так постоянно в спешке.



- Віддаючи тобі належне, скажу,

- Отдавая тебе должное, скажу, что


що дійсно багато роботи було

действительно много работы было


виконано тобою останнім часом.







- Уяви собі, я навіть не можу









почитати ранкові

- Представь себе, я даже не могу


газети. Сподіваюся, під кінець

позволить себе почитать утренние


року мені підвищать зарплатню.

газеты. Надеюсь, к концу года мне


- Я думаю, це варто обговорити з

повысят зарплату.





босом. Він незабаром їде в

- Я думаю, это следует обсудить с


тривале відрядження, тому не

боссом. Он скоро уезжает в


пропусти нагоду поспілкуватися з




ним сьогодні ввечері.













пообщаться с ним сегодня вечером.














- Днями я виявив відсутність

- На днях я обнаружил отсутствие


підручника з теорії мистецтва.


учебника по теории искусства.



- Ти вже згадував про це, і тобі

- Ты уже упоминал об этом, и тебе





предлагали сходить в библиотеку за


бібліотеки за новим.








- Це не справедливо! Стільки часу

- Это не справедливо! Столько

було витрачено на роботу із

времени было потрачено на работу

книгою цього автора, а тепер

с книгой этого автора, а теперь

доведеться складати доповідь

придется составлять доклад заново!




- Не повышай голос. Ты сам

- Не підвищуй голос. Ти сам

виноват. Это уже второй учебник,

винен. Це вже другий підручник,

который пропадает у тебя за этот

який зникає у тебе за цей місяць.










- Поквапся. Не можна втрачати

- Поторопись. Нельзя упускать

шанс подивитись такий фільм.

шанс посмотреть такой фильм.

- Почекай! Не люблю, коли мене

- Подожди! Не люблю, когда меня

переривають! Я вирізаю з

прерывают! Я вырезаю из журнала



для усного




викладу. Тобі пропонували купити

изложения. Тебе предлагали купить

квиток на наступний сеанс.

билет на следующий сеанс.


- З тобою важко мати справи! Не

- С тобой трудно иметь дело! Не

розумію, чому дівчата тебе так

понимаю, почему девушки тебя так






- І не зрозумієш. У мене просто

- И не поймешь. У меня просто


ніколи не


ничего никогда не остается на

навмання. Краще подай мені інші

авось. Лучше подай мне другие







Exercise 8. Role play.

Card 1 Miss Blake, a young artist who has created a series of landscape paintings and wants to organize a personal exhibition

You graduated from an Art School a couple of years ago and have been successfully painting since then. You have already displayed some of your pictures and some have even been successfully sold. However, you have never had a personal exhibition. You are absolutely positive that such an exhibition is necessary for achieving you life-long dream – becoming a famous artist. You apply to the Head of the “Greendale Art Hall” with the suggestion of putting your pictures in display.

Card 2 Bill Cunningham, the Head of the “Greendale Art Hall”

Your exhibition hall is quite well known not only in the country but also abroad. You are quite experienced in organizing art displays and promoting young promising artists. The problem with Miss Blake is that she is a traditional painter producing realistic landscapes, but modern art critics prefer abstract art. You are not willing to take a risk and agree to support the young artist only if she finds a sponsor.

Card 3 John Doyle, the owner of a big Computer manufacturing plant and a great art lover.

You have been invited to the meeting to consider the possibility of sponsoring a young artist. You don’t like her pictures much, though they are OK, but you like the pretty girl and you will most likely invest some money into her exhibition.

However you can’t openly show you sympathy for Miss Blake and ask her to name the reasons why she deserves to be sponsored.

Unit 6

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions, using active vocabulary and Passive Voice. Perfect Tense Forms, Continuous Tense Forms.

1.Can you imagine how many films have been made at the Universal Film studious?

2.What does a person have to do to be given the degree of Doctor of Medicine?

3.What was Albert Einstein given a Nobel Prize in physics for?

4.Are there any secrets hidden by the government? What do you think they are?

5.Do you think it is easy to hold scientific research? What difficulties might there be?

6.What happened when a nuclear bomb was invented?

7.Do you always accept invitations when your friends ask you to come to a party? What can make you reject?

8.Is the law often broken in your country? What can be the reason and consequences?

9.Have you ever been invited to a wedding? What happened during the ceremony?

10.Are there any positive things about being frank? Give examples.

11.What kinds of law are studied at law schools?

12.Have you ever had to accept help from strangers?

13.Where was the first book printed? What consequences did it have for mankind?

14.What do you think a person can be proud of? Why?

15.Has there been anything interesting in the home affairs recently?

16.What scientific research is being carried out in your university?

17.Are you often touched? What a story should be to make you sad?

18.Have you ever been shown around an unknown city? What places of interest were you introduced to?

19.When do people use the phrase “Touch wood”? Think of an example.

20.Have you ever received guests at home? What preparations did you have to make?

Exercise 2. Agree with the following statements and expand on them or object to them and correct.

1.One must be frank in any life situation.

2.A lot of significant scientific discoveries were made in the twentieth century.

3.Most people are afraid of the police.

4.Ukrainian people hardly ever were allowed to go abroad twenty years ago.

5.Appearance is deceptive.

6.Domestic affairs are of no significance to ordinary people.

7.Teenagers often get into trouble because of their inexperience.

8.“Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it.”

Albert Einstein

9.It is easy to make a record but it is difficult to hold it.

10.It happens that sometimes little children hide something from their parents. Why?

11.It is not a very good idea to discuss your personal affairs with close friends.

12.Trouble shared is a trouble halved.

13.It is always very pleasant to receive a letter.

14.“No one should approach the temple of science with the soul of a money changer.” Thomas Browne

15.“He who never made a mistake never made a discovery.” Samuel Smiles

16.A person’s personality cannot be changed during his life.

17.There are no discoveries to be made on the Earth nowadays.

18.Pride often prevents us from making the right decision.

19.Time always reveals the truth.

20.Mode and more mass media have appeared recently but the quality leaves much to be desired.

Exercise 3. Describe the following pictures using active vocabulary and grammar.

a. Compare the way ancient astronomers had to work and the way the situation has changes nowadays.

b.Look at the pictures and say if modern scientists have to work under the same conditions. What are the similarities and what are the differences?

c.Look at the pictures of different scientific inventions. Think of their positive and negative influence of the life of mankind. Discuss with a partner.

Exercise 4. Jokes.

a.Two atoms were walking across a road when one of them said, "I think I lost an electron!" "Really!" the other replied, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I 'm

absolutely positive."


Q: What is the simplest way to observe the optical Doppler effect? A: Go out at and look at cars. The lights of the ones approaching you are white, while the lights of the ones moving away from you are red.


Einstein's favorite limerick was: There was an old lady called Wright

who could travel much faster than light. She departed one day

in a relative way

and returned on the previous night.

b.A Mathematician, an engineer and a physicist were traveling through Scotland




a black



the window of








see that

Scottish sheep



"Hmm", says the physician, "You mean that some Scottish sheep are black". "No", says the mathematician, "All we know is that there is at least one sheep in Scotland, and that at least one side of that one sheep is black!"

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