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Chapter 146: CLSCompliantAttribute

Constructor Parameter

CLSCompliantAttribute(Boolean) Initializes an instance of the CLSCompliantAttribute class with a Boolean value indicating whether the indicated program element is CLS-compliant.

Section 146.1: Access Modifier to which CLS rules apply

using System;

[assembly:CLSCompliant(true)] namespace CLSDoc


public class Cat


internal UInt16 _age = 0;

private UInt16 _daysTillVacination = 0;

//Warning CS3003 Type of 'Cat.DaysTillVacination' is not CLS-compliant protected UInt16 DaysTillVacination


get { return _daysTillVacination; }






Type of 'Cat.Age' is not CLS-compliant

public UInt16 Age

{ get { return _age; } }

//valid behaviour by CLS-compliant rules public int IncreaseAge()


int increasedAge = (int)_age + 1;

return increasedAge;




The rules for CLS compliance apply only to a public/protected components.

Section 146.2: Violation of CLS rule: Unsigned types / sbyte

using System;

[assembly:CLSCompliant(true)] namespace CLSDoc


public class Car


internal UInt16 _yearOfCreation = 0;

//Warning CS3008 Identifier '_numberOfDoors' is not CLS-compliant //Warning CS3003 Type of 'Car._numberOfDoors' is not CLS-compliant public UInt32 _numberOfDoors = 0;

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//Warning CS3003 Type of 'Car.YearOfCreation' is not CLS-compliant public UInt16 YearOfCreation


get { return _yearOfCreation; }


//Warning CS3002 Return type of 'Car.CalculateDistance()' is not CLS-compliant public UInt64 CalculateDistance()


return 0;


//Warning CS3002 Return type of 'Car.TestDummyUnsignedPointerMethod()' is not CLS-compliant public UIntPtr TestDummyUnsignedPointerMethod()


int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; UIntPtr ptr = (UIntPtr)arr[0];

return ptr;


//Warning CS3003 Type of 'Car.age' is not CLS-compliant public sbyte age = 120;



Section 146.3: Violation of CLS rule: Same naming

using System;

[assembly:CLSCompliant(true)] namespace CLSDoc


public class Car








Identifier 'Car.CALCULATEAge()' differing only in case is not CLS-


public int CalculateAge()


return 0;


public int CALCULATEAge()


return 0;




Visual Basic is not case sensitive

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Section 146.4: Violation of CLS rule: Identifier _

using System;

[assembly:CLSCompliant(true)] namespace CLSDoc


public class Car


//Warning CS3008 Identifier '_age' is not CLS-complian public int _age = 0;



You can not start variable with _

Section 146.5: Violation of CLS rule: Inherit from non CLSComplaint class

using System;

[assembly:CLSCompliant(true)] namespace CLSDoc


[CLSCompliant(false)] public class Animal


public int age = 0;






'Dog': base type 'Animal' is not CLS-compliant

public class Dog : Animal




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