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System.DivideByZeroException: Cannot divide by b because it is zero ---> System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.

at UserQuery.g__DoSomething0_0() in C:[...]\LINQPadQuery.cs:line 36

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at UserQuery.g__DoSomething0_0() in C:[...]\LINQPadQuery.cs:line 42 at UserQuery.Main() in C:[...]\LINQPadQuery.cs:line 55

If you're trying this example in LinqPad, you'll notice that the line numbers aren't very meaningful (they don't always help you). But passing a helpful error text as suggested above oftentimes significantly reduces the time to track down the location of the error, which is in this example clearly the line

c = a / b;

in function DoSomething().

Try it in .NET Fiddle

Section 76.12: Nesting of Exceptions & try catch blocks

One is able to nest one exception / try catch block inside the other.

This way one can manage small blocks of code which are capable of working without disrupting your whole mechanism.



//some code here try


//some thing which throws an exception. For Eg : divide by 0


catch (DivideByZeroException dzEx)


//handle here only this exception

//throw from here will be passed on to the parent catch block




//any thing to do after it is done.


//resume from here & proceed as normal;


catch(Exception e)


//handle here


Note: Avoid Swallowing Exceptions when throwing to the parent catch block

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