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Chapter 72: C# 6.0 Features

This sixth iteration of the C# language is provided by the Roslyn compiler. This compiler came out with version 4.6 of the .NET Framework, however it can generate code in a backward compatible manner to allow targeting earlier framework versions. C# version 6 code can be compiled in a fully backwards compatible manner to .NET 4.0. It can also be used for earlier frameworks, however some features that require additional framework support may not function correctly.

Section 72.1: Exception filters

Exception filters give developers the ability to add a condition (in the form of a boolean expression) to a catch block, allowing the catch to execute only if the condition evaluates to true.

Exception filters allow the propagation of debug information in the original exception, where as using an if statement inside a catch block and re-throwing the exception stops the propagation of debug information in the original exception. With exception filters, the exception continues to propagate upwards in the call stack unless the condition is met. As a result, exception filters make the debugging experience much easier. Instead of stopping on the throw statement, the debugger will stop on the statement throwing the exception, with the current state and all local variables preserved. Crash dumps are a ected in a similar way.

Exception filters have been supported by the CLR since the beginning and they've been accessible from VB.NET and F# for over a decade by exposing a part of the CLR's exception handling model. Only after the release of C# 6.0 has the functionality also been available for C# developers.

Using exception filters

Exception filters are utilized by appending a when clause to the catch expression. It is possible to use any expression returning a bool in a when clause (except await). The declared Exception variable ex is accessible from within the when clause:

var SqlErrorToIgnore = 123; try




catch (SqlException ex) when (ex.Number != SqlErrorToIgnore)


throw new Exception("An error occurred accessing the database", ex);


Multiple catch blocks with when clauses may be combined. The first when clause returning true will cause the exception to be caught. Its catch block will be entered, while the other catch clauses will be ignored (their when clauses won't be evaluated). For example:


{ ... }

catch (Exception ex) when (someCondition) //If someCondition evaluates to true, //the rest of the catches are ignored.

{ ... }

catch (NotImplementedException ex) when (someMethod()) //someMethod() will only run if //someCondition evaluates to false

{ ... }

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catch(Exception ex) // If both when clauses evaluate to false

{ ... }

Risky when clause


It can be risky to use exception filters: when an Exception is thrown from within the when clause, the Exception from the when clause is ignored and is treated as false. This approach allows developers to write when clause without taking care of invalid cases.

The following example illustrates such a scenario:

public static void Main()


int a = 7; int b = 0; try




catch (Exception ex) when (a / b == 0)


//This block is never reached because a / b throws an ignored

//DivideByZeroException which is treated as false.


catch (Exception ex)


//This block is reached since the DivideByZeroException in the

//previous when clause is ignored.



public static void DoSomethingThatMightFail()


// This will always throw an ArgumentNullException.



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Note that exception filters avoid the confusing line number problems associated with using throw when failing code is within the same function. For example in this case the line number is reported as 6 instead of 3:

1. int a = 0, b = 0; 2. try {

3. int c = a / b;

4. }

5. catch (DivideByZeroException) {

6. throw;

7. }

The exception line number is reported as 6 because the error was caught and re-thrown with the throw statement on line 6.

The same does not happen with exception filters:

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1. int a = 0, b = 0; 2. try {

3. int c = a / b;

4. }

5. catch (DivideByZeroException) when (a != 0) { 6. throw;

7. }

In this example a is 0 then catch clause is ignored but 3 is reported as line number. This is because they do not unwind the stack. More specifically, the exception is not caught on line 5 because a in fact does equal 0 and thus there is no opportunity for the exception to be re-thrown on line 6 because line 6 does not execute.

Logging as a side e ect

Method calls in the condition can cause side e ects, so exception filters can be used to run code on exceptions without catching them. A common example that takes advantage of this is a Log method that always returns false. This allows tracing log information while debugging without the need to re-throw the exception.

Be aware that while this seems to be a comfortable way of logging, it can be risky, especially if 3rd party logging assemblies are used. These might throw exceptions while logging in non-obvious situations that may not be detected easily (see Risky when(...) clause above).





catch (Exception ex)

(Log(ex, "An error occurred")) { // This catch block will never be reached } // ... static bool Log(Exception ex, string message, params object[] args) { Debug.Print(message, args); return false; }

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The common approach in previous versions of C# was to log and re-throw the exception.

Version < 6.0





catch (Exception ex)


Log(ex, "An error occurred"); throw;


// ...

static void Log(Exception ex, string message, params object[] args)


Debug.Print(message, args);


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The finally block

The finally block executes every time whether the exception is thrown or not. One subtlety with expressions in when is exception filters are executed further up the stack before entering the inner finally blocks. This can cause unexpected results and behaviors when code attempts to modify global state (like the current thread's user or culture) and set it back in a finally block.

Example: finally block

private static bool Flag = false;

static void Main(string[] args)


Console.WriteLine("Start"); try




catch (Exception) when (EvaluatesTo())






Console.WriteLine("Outer Finally");



private static bool EvaluatesTo()


Console.WriteLine($"EvaluatesTo: {Flag}"); return true;


private static void SomeOperation()




Flag = true;

throw new Exception("Boom");




Flag = false; Console.WriteLine("Inner Finally");



Produced Output:


EvaluatesTo: True

Inner Finally


Outer Finally

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