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Практикум для студентов инженерно-технических специальностей




УДК 42(075):62


В о л е г ж а н и н а И.С., Б ы к а д о р о в а Е.С. Письменный жанровый перевод: Практикум для студентов инженерно-технических специальностей. – Новосибирск: Изд-во СГУПСа, 2014. – 75 с.

Практикум состоит из десяти разделов, разработанных на материале типичных для профессиональной деятельности инженеров текстов разных жанров. Создан в качестве продолжения практического курса письменного перевода.

Предназначен для студентов инженерно-технического направления программы «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации». Также адресован профессионалам, чья деятельность связана с техническим переводом в железнодорожной отрасли.

Практикум рассмотрен и рекомендован к изданию на заседании кафедры «Иностранные языки».

О т в е т с т в е н н ы й р е д а к т о р канд. социол. наук, доц. С.В. Чусовлянова

Р е ц е н з е н т кафедра иностранных языков ФБОУ ВПО «НГАВТ» (завкафедрой канд. филол. наук,

доц. Е.И. Мартынова)

© Сибирский государственный университет путей сообщения, 2014

© Волегжанина И.С., Быкадорова Е.С., 2014


«Каждая из разновидностей переводимого материала отличается своими специфическими чертами, которые ставят особые требования к переводу. То, что, например, может быть признано точным и правильным в переводе научного или делового текста, допускающего обороты книжно-письменной речи, легко может оказаться неуместным и неверным в переводе произведения художественной литературы, где полноценность перевода часто достигается именно путем отступлений от более дословной передачи, и наоборот».

А.В. Федоров


Упражнение 1. Прочитайте предложения. Выделите речевые клише1 и найдите им соответствия в русском языке. Для каких письменных текстов характерны эти клише (например, для научных статей, инструкций, патентов и др.)? Определите жанр, к которому относятся такие тексты.

1.The local regulations for electrical connections must always be observed.

2.Companies Trei and Solimec take their active part in reconstruction of railroad network in Sicily.

3.Automation monitoring and control system should insure the distance for operator’s station from blocks and plant units up to 300 m on communications links.

4.Inspect the Machine using the following order.

5.For information on clearing the replication history, see Lotus Domino Administrator Help.

6.For the purpose of reduction of any events of traffic jamming and provision of unobstructed traffic communication with the airport, 7 km of surface railway tracks are projected for dismanting to be reconstructed to run via underground tunnels.

7.The Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall buy on DAP (Incoterms 2010), 3,000 (three

thousand) metric tons of Graphite Electrodes 610 mm with equal number of preset screwed-in nipples with contacting paste (hereinafter referred to as "the Goods"), manufactured by SHOWADENKO K.K.

8.Thus, apart from removing any vibration strains, this technology makes it possible to operate in close proximity to surrounding buildings with the level of noise and emissions minimized and with no mud used during construction.

9.On the basis of the decision accepted at the meeting (the Protocol # 01 from 12. 03.09), SINERJI-M, LLC undertakes to execute a full scope of construction works on construction of a building of the Trade – entertainment center according to the terms of the Contract from 23.01.09 # 01.

10.Bosch. Still on track for growth.


1 Речевые клише – типовые словосочетания или синтаксические конструкции, которые воспринимаются как общепринятые обороты, обусловленные языковой нормой.


11.In other words, the investment climate in real estate is evolving just as I predicted in earlier editions of this book.

12.One of the important issues in operating carousels is the management of storage location and order picking.

13.As shown in Fig. 20 A electrical connector (100) hinges open to receive sensor (40) of sensor subassembly (90).

14.According to the invention there is provided a rotationally driven positive displacement pump.

15.Gain a broad perspective on leading your organization in a dynamic and highly competitive global market.

16.The objective of the present study is to select some sustainable logistic practices in order to improve the urban freight distribution in Bilbao city.

17.I am pleased to enclose our offer for the sale of this material on EXW, Novosibirsk terms.

Упражнение 2. В группах по 3-4 человека обсудите, с какими типами специальных текстов вам, возможно, предстоит работать в будущем. Напишите по 3–5 русскоязычных клише для каждого типа текста. Подберите для них англоязычные эквиваленты.

Упражнение 3. При выработке стратегии перевода переводчик опирается на знание специфики текстовых жанров.

1. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст и определите его жанр.

The local regulations for electrical connections must always be observed (in Germany VDE 0100). The mains voltage rating for the instrument can be read off from the name plate left of the power switch. The mains voltage setting of the Protec P3000 is fixed and can not be changed. A separate fuse for each of the mains conductors has been integrated into the mains socket (Fig. 1-4/6).The main voltage is applied to the instrument via the detachable mains cable which is supplied with the instrument. A main power socket is available for this purpose at the rear of the instrument.

Cau tio n

Before connecting the instrument to the mains you must make sure that the mains voltage rating of the instrument coincides with the locally available mains voltage.


Only 3-core main cables having a protective ground conductor must be used. Operation of the instrument with the ground conductor unconnected is not permissible.

2. На основании информации, представленной в таблице, обоснуйте свой выбор.

Предпереводческий анализ текста как компонент стратегии письменного перевода





Предпереводческий анализ текста

Дает нам необходимые сведения о том, что



надо передать


Сбор экстралингвотекстуальных сведений

Вплотную приближает нас к определению



параметров, значимых для перевода текста


Определение источника, реципиента и цели пе-

От этого зависит набор языковых черт, кото-



рые необходимо будет передать, запланировав



соответствующие операции на этапе перевода


Выявление состава информации и ее плотности:

Связан с проверкой текста на наличие доми-


а) синтаксический уровень анализа;

нирующих речевых средств


б) семантический уровень анализа;



в) прагматический уровень анализа



Создание формулы коммуникативного задания

Позволяет сформулировать коммуникативное



задание исходного текста и текста перевода



И.А. Алексеева


Упражнение 4. Деловая игра «Секретарь директора».

Понедельник. Директор переводческого агентства «Тема и рема» получил несколько срочных заказов и попросил Кристину Андреевну – своего секретаря – передать их в работу. Однако секретарь случайно уронила стопку текстов и не смогла привести их в порядок, поскольку не владеет иностранными языками. Вы – внештатные сотрудники агентства. Помогите секретарю справиться с проблемой. Определите, от каких клиентов были получены тексты, а затем отошлите их переводчикам нужной специализации (бланки со списками клиентов и сотрудников размещены после текстов). Обоснуйте свое решение.



The object of the given agreement is the right to hold the patent to application 200/1000, (hereinafter Patent), recognized as its rightful patent holder Ivanov V.V. in Russian Bureau 1.01.2000.

Invention contents: gas sensor that may be used to measure gas

pressure in different tubes, hereinafter G_S. The invention description and patent addendum must comprise the Addendum of the given Agreement. The Seller must present the Buyer with all materials related to know-how patenting and all corresponding documentation on signing the Agreement.

Subject of agreement

The Seller hands over to the Buyer his rights to own the Patent on the agreed territories, including the right to conduct patent registration no later than 1.01.2001, based on the Patent privilege stated above.


The Buyer has the right to gain all rights of ownership and registration on the Patent in any country except Russia, where the Seller remains the Patent owner.

Special Conditions

The Buyer is aware that the Seller, as the sole patent holder, is also the Patent author and has coauthors. The Seller states that he is acting on behalf of the copyright agreement and will independently fulfill his obligations before the coauthors.



1. Knowledge of Materials in Connection with Engineering Design. - Before entering upon the treatment of the topics which form the content of this book, we shall consider briefly in what way the subject matter is related to the important field of engineering design.

Suppose, as a first case, that an existing structure is to be the subject of an engineering investigation. It may have been weakened by decay or corrosion, or a change in the forces or loads to which the structure is to be subjected may be proposed and it may be necessary to reinforce its members, or to make some improvement in the arrangement or sizes of its parts.

It is evident that for such a structure the loads may be easily ascertained. The materials of which the parts are made may be examined. The essential dimensions of every member may be measured. The manner in which each part is acted upon by external forces and by forces coming upon it from adjacent parts may be determined. When all the necessary preliminary information is at hand, the investigation narrows down to the study of each separate member and terminates in the calculation of the strength (and possibly also of the deformation) of the member under the conditions in which it is found in the structure.




Bosch drives forward innovation in the automotive industry.

Economic volatility and environmental trends. Still on track for growth – more associates. Automotive Technology is the largest Bosch Group business sector. In 2010, its sales came to 28.1 billion euros, or 59 percent of total group sales. This makes the Bosch Group one of the leading automotive suppliers.

The roughly 167,000 Automotive Technology associates worldwide work in seven areas of business: injection technology for internal combustion engines, powertrain peripherals, alternative drive concepts, active and passive safety systems, assistance and comfort functions, incar information and communication, as well as services and technology for the automotive aftermarket.

Bosch has been responsible for important automotive innovations, such as electronic engine management, the ESP® antiskid system, and common-rail diesel technology.


Dear Sir,

We have reviewed the details of your fax dated 7/12/2005 (Reference 74-23-97) regarding amendments to the L/C (L/C № 3BM854966).

Our shipping manager has confirmed that they will accept the requested amendments to line 45A (addition of name LIDOS-20) and to line 78 (The payment of commission equaling USD 65). Regarding the requested amendments to line 46, they advise that they will only accept if the Bill of Lading and Packing Declaration are included in the list of documents required for issuing the L/C.

Please find attached a copy of the document which will help in the completion of the Packing Declaration. This document (Packing Declaration) is required by our Quarantine service in Australia


and it is necessary for all cargo (if it is related to agriculture or not). It is important that the Packing Declaration be completed on your company letterhead.

Please confirm that this is acceptable and we will amend the L/C accordingly.


It is known that the dynamic influence of trains is one of the primary causes of deformation of track and its subgrade as the result of reducing the strength of subgrade soils [1-3].To eliminate these defects various engineering methods, including injection ones are used. Their implementation increases physical and mechanical properties of soils. One of those methods is the method of pressure injection of a cement-sand-clay solution [4].

Not enough studies have been done on the change of strength of soils fixed by injection pressure at vibrodynamic influences. It requires a complex experimental research under field and laboratory conditions.

To find the characteristics of the oscillatory process we carried out a field research on the exploited embankment, where the elimination of strains by pressure injection of the cement-sand-clay solution under pressure at to 3.0 MPa had been previously done.

At such pressure there is a violation of continuity of the soil in the form of slit-shaped gaps that are filled with the injectable solution, which leads to compaction of the soil between the zones of breaks and reinforcement of the massif formed by the lenses of a binder solution.


1) This manual is intended to provide users with direction and guidance for the maintenance of FLOW SAFE F70PR Series safety relief valves. This manual indicates the proper method of valve disassembly, soft goods replacement, and valve reassembly. FLOW SAFE provides this manual as a guideline and reference only. It is not intended to serve as a training manual or manufacturing guide. FLOW SAFE assumes no responsibility for personal or property damage that may occur in conjunction with this manual.

2) FLOW SAFE recommends that all valves be placed on a regular maintenance schedule that includes the routine replacement of softgoods. FLOW SAFE recommends softgoods replacement every three years but cautions that each customer make their own determination and set their own schedule based upon use and environment. FLOW SAFE believes that when maintenance and reassembly is performed as outlined in this manual there is no safety hazard.

Cycling the valve at least once a year is considered to be good practice to verify operation.


3) When a new valve leaves FLOW SAFE, it has been manufactured and tested by


and experienced personnel. When you remove a valve from your system and


the maintenance tasks that are outlined herein you will need proper training.


Do not attempt to accomplish these tasks without adequate training and understanding of the valve operation.


This guide contains general information about HP and Compaq notebook computers, including connecting to a wireless network, multimedia, power management, security, and so on.

NOTE: Some of the features described in this guide may not be available on your computer.

Finding more information about your new computer

The following user guides and reference material are provided with your computer, either in print, on the computer hard drive, or on an optical disc or SD Card:

Quick Setup poster–Guides you through setting up your computer and turning it on. The poster is located in the computer box.

NOTE: Refer to the poster for the location of your user guides and reference material.

Getting Started–Contains information about your computer, including product-specific features, backup and recovery, maintenance, and specifications.

Help and Support–Contains information about the operating system, drivers, troubleshooting tools, and technical support. To access Help and Support, select Start > Help and Support. For countryor region-specific support, go to http://www.hp.com/support, select your country or region, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Safety & Comfort Guide–Describes proper workstation setup and proper posture, health, and work habits for computer users. It also provides important electrical and mechanical safety information. To access this guide, select Start > Help and Support > User Guides. This guide is also available on

the Web at http://www.hp.com/ergo.

Regulatory, Safety, and Environmental Notices–Contains safety and regulatory information, and battery disposal information. To access the notices, select Start > Help and Support > User Guides.



Переводческое агентство «Тема и рема»



ООО «Патент-плюс»

Рекламное агентство «Продвижение»

Издательство «Вечный ученик»

International Journal of Advanced Studies

ООО «Строительная и бытовая техника»

Газета «Сплетни зарубежья»

ЗАО «Бизнес-корреспонденция»

ООО «Косметический ремонт»


Переводческое агентство «Тема и рема»

Штатный сотрудник






Хорошилова Жанна Ивановна

Перевод научной и научно-технической









Посисеев Глеб Федорович

Перевод документации.





Игнатьев Андрей Порфирьевич

Перевод деловой корреспонденции.





Туманова Эмма Генриховна

Перевод рекламы.





Хазе Татьяна Эдуардовна

Перевод научно-учебной литературы.





Сомсикова Ольга Яковлевна

Перевод газетно-журнальных


информационных текстов.







Вторник. Вы разослали тексты по адресам электронной почте, но из-за неполадок в сети все письма вернулись назад. Из-за срочности заказов директор отдал тексты внештатным сотрудникам. Получите свои тексты и переведите их на русский язык.



Упражнение 1. Прочитайте предложения. Определите, какие из них относятся к американским источникам. Обоснуйте свой выбор.

1.Railroad systems provide economic, social and environmental benefits.

2.Transport is a complex system that depends on multiple factors, including the pattern of human settlements and consumption, the organisation of production and the availability of infrastructure.

3.Rail transit services require about $12.5 billion annual public subsidy.

4.The conference lasted for three hours without breaking.

5.Some studies suggest that the number of cars in the world will increase considerably in 2050, creating serious sustainability problems.

6.After the study Measuring Accessibility as Experienced by Different Socially Disadvantaged Groups examined the quality of transportation services, the Committee recommended new standards.

7.The analysis indicated that women with full access to a personal motor vehicle have greater employment options and are more likely to be employed than those who do not.

8.Comprehensive Transport Planning Group then asked for another appointment.

9.Lin (2008) critiques emission reduction policies and orders specific design principles used immediately.

10.Current emissions testing uses gentler test cycles so the drivers pass emissions tests but achieve better fuel efficiency at the cost of higher emissions during operation on the road.

11.Many people assume that pedestrians and cyclists pay less than their fair share of roadway costs since they are not generally charges road user fees, as are motorists.

12.He got the extension of his program through 03/01/2012 (March 1st).

13.The faster and more comfortable the transit service, the faster the traffic speeds on parallel highways.

14.We will discuss your project after all the applicants fill out their forms and take places in the conference hall.

15.The clause was stricken out.

16.During the last century most North American cities became increasingly personal motor vehicle oriented (for this analysis personal motor vehicle refers to cars, light trucks, vans, SUVs and even motorcycles).

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. К каким жанрам они относят-

ся? Кто авторы этих текстов: а) Todd Litman (Rail Transit in America. Victoria Transport Policy Institute, 2011) или б) Duncan Wilkinson (Railway engineering. The ARUP Journal 1/2004)? Обоснуйте свой выбор.



Running trains to, on, or through the CTRL requires a multiplicity of integrated systems to guide, power, and control the rolling stock, so as to give a failsafe environment for transporting passengers and goods. These systems and the railway engineering skills required to integrate them fall into two categories. The first provides for the high-speed railway itself - an overhead line electricpowered railway, with train speeds up to 300km/hr on 21st century technology infrastructure. This category of railway engineering is termed 'system-wide' because the contracts it comprises for the track, power, signalling, and communications systems are not geographically fixed like the civil engineering contracts, but are delivered system-wide.


During the last century most cities became increasingly automobile oriented (for this analysis automobile refers to any personal motor vehicle, including cars, light trucks, vans, and even motorcycles). Now, the majority of personal travel is by automobile, the majority of transportation resources (money and land) are devoted to automobiles and their facilities, and many communities have automobile-dependent land use patterns that provide poor access to non-drivers. The resulting growth in vehicle traffic creates various problems, including congestion, highway and parking facility costs, costs to consumers of owning and operating automobiles, traffic accidents, inadequate mobility for non-drivers, and various environmental impacts.

Упражнение 3. Три переводчицы предложили свои варианты передачи английских имен собственных на русском языке. Какие способы они использовали: транскрипцию, транслитерацию, перевод или их комбинацию?


British Rail

Бритиш рейл





North Coast, Ltd.

Норт коуст, лтд.





Northern Pacific

Норзерн Пасифик





Comanche War Trail

Военная тропа команчей





Channel Tunnel

тоннель под Ла-Маншем





Edmonton – Winnipeg

поезд Эдмонтон – Виннипег





Neptune Terminals

терминал «Нептун»





Montreal Taschereau yard

сортировочная станция Монреаль Ташеро





The Doyle, Dane & Bernbach agency

агентство Дойл, Ден и Бернбах





Dr. Steuart Henderson Britt

доктор Стюарт Хендерсон Брит





the United States

Соединенные Штаты





U.S. Department of State

Госдепартамент США





General Electric Corp.

Дженерал Электрик Корпорейшен





Campbell Soup

Кэмбелл Суп





Mean Joe Greene

Свирепый Джо Грин





the Wall Street Journal

Уолл Стрит Джорнал




Упражнение 4. При переводе русскоязычных материалов конференции переводчик столкнулся с проблемой передачи некоторых имен собственных на английском языке. Помогите ему справиться с этой проблемой, используя Приложение 1.

The Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе was organized by ESCAP and held in Астане from 27 September to 2 October 2011.

The Committee elected the following officers: Chair: г-н Эрдем Диреклер (Турция) Vice-Chair: г-н Темир Ниязбеков (Кыргызстан)

г-н Юрий Башмер (Российская Федерация)

г-жа Снежана Устюжанина (Российская Федерация)


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]