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Упражнение 1. Среди предложенных отрывков найдите а) тезисы конференции

(abstract for conference communication), б) резюме автореферата диссертации (summary of PhD theses), в) аннотацию к статье (abstract).


Due to the continuous growth of freight transport, external costs caused by transport are rising. Road transport is the main contributor to these external costs. Alternative, more environmentally friendly transport modes, like barge and rail transport, often lack the opportunity to offer door-to-door transport services. Through the combination of several modes of transport, intermodal transport could provide a solution to overcome these issues. Combining barge or rail transport with road transport assures the flexibility which is needed to offer door-to-door services. Besides, intermodal transport is often assumed to be more environmentally friendly than unimodal road transport. Comparing the external costs from intermodal transport with those of unimodal road transport is however not straightforward. Intermodal transport involves several activities, which all have to be accounted for. Furthermore, external costs are very dependent on the situation in which they are caused and calculations are subject to large uncertainties.

This paper offers an overview on how external costs of intermodal transport and unimodal road transport may be compared. First, a brief review on the calculation and comparison of external costs of transport is given. Next, two key models for the comparison of intermodal transport and unimodal road transport are discussed. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is performed on the second model. Key parameters for increasing the competitiveness of intermodal transport regarding external costs, are determined.

KEYWORDS: external costs, intermodal transport, unimodal road transport, sensitivity analysis


Road pavement layers and highways roadbeds are constructed of stabilized soil together with a synthetic surfactant. Nowadays the effect of use of modern synthetic materials made abroad for the construction of road pavement layers and highway roadbeds under climatic and geological conditions of Siberia has been insufficiently studied.

The overall goal of our research is to develop a technique of stabilizing of road pavement layers by synthetic materials under climatic and geological conditions of Siberia.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve a range of issues. One of them is the experimental investigation of properties of stabilized soils which includes the following:

1)investigations of physical-mechanical properties;

2)investigations of frost resistance and properties of stabilized soils under defrosting;

3)investigations of durability of stabilized soils.

For lab tests some samples of stabilized and non-stabilized soils from different sections of highways within Novosibirsk oblast were selected.

The results of the lab tests indicate the positive effect of the stabilizer use. Among the results of the use of the stabilizer for clay soils we specify the following:

1)stabilization adhesion has increased by 70-75%;

2)the angle of internal friction has enlarged by 15%;

3)the modulus of elasticity has risen by 40%.

At the same time the characteristics of frost heaving and water swelling have decreased by 45% and 55% respectively.

Thus, taking into account the results of the lab and in-situ tests we may conclude the following:

1)when using the stabilizer for road construction needs positive effect takes place;

2)when using the stabilizer for stabilizing of clay soils all physical-mechanical characteristics of soils increase.


Objectives of research and experiments

Research and experimental development circumscribed and doctoral thesis topic, held a rich content and experiences included potting choice and objectives of impact experienced in the character improvement methods and analytical work in soil and plants substantiation agrochemical changes its impact of soil fertility improvement methods.

The general objectives and specific research and experiments can state the following:

1.Study of the soil;

2.Agrochemical soil survey for the recruitment of classes and fields of fertility – as;


3.Study the effect of impact of salinization artificial simulated environments by adding specific salts and liquid salt drilling on soil and vegetation;

4.Study the effect of impact of soil polluted by heavy metals, natural gas exploitation;

5.Experimentation and Research of compound mineral fertilizers, organic and organ-mineral effect in improving degraded soil agrochemical works gas drilling operation;

6.Addressing the possibility of developing an effective model in the study states logical table impact of pollution from the drilling.

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте предложения и выделите в них клише, характерные для а) тезисов, б) резюме авторефератов диссертаций, в) аннотаций к статье. Найдите им соответствия в русском языке.

1.The analysis based on an ideal state as well as the simulation and control to reach it are common issues in the design and construction of a cable-stayed bridge.

2.Subjects of the research are the international regulations and national environmental protection as a descriptive inventory methods remediation and ecological reconstruction.

3.This paper introduces the static and fatigue design of continuous shear connections used for the VFT-WIB construction method.

4.This study evaluates rail transit benefits based on a comprehensive analysis of transportation system performance in major U.S. cities.

5.The conclusion made is that there are plenty of situations in which rail transit is not cost effective due to inadequate demand, unusually high construction costs, or a lack of integration with transportation and land use policies, and other transit options should be selected.

6.It can be stated that in this field of science theory and practice forms a strong unity, both in improving the knowledge and in developing new technologies.

7.The thesis has the goal of examining the technology of agro-ecological reconstruction of polluted soils through the exploitation of natural gas has become the definition of fertility, productivity and production capacity of soils.

8.This paper includes a feasibility study of a steel cable-stayed bridge with a main span of 1,088 meters.

9.Due to modernization and technological developments school mathematics is affected at the technical level.

10.Described is the interaction between construction and legal concepts.

11.Methods of research are generally scientific (analysis, syntheses, abstraction, deduction, induction and others).

12.Thus, existing modeling studies and marginal abatement cost curves often do not capture the full costs and benefits of transport interventions, notable those related to ‘avoid’ and ‘shift’.

13.The initial results from the case studies indicate the following.

14.The results obtained can be information to substantiate the impact studies, risk assessment alkalinization-salinisation by drilling fluids and obviously setting, implementation and verification of preventive and curative treatments with the role of ecological reconstruction and improvement methods.


15.It is widely recognized that human actions that depart from or fail to achieve what should be done can be important contributors to the risk associated with the operation of nuclear power plants.

16.Above all, according to Bishop, J (1988), the ‘enculturation’ was focused on values with an insist of moving away from a ‘transmission’ image of mathematics education.

Упражнение 3. Прочтите текст. Определите, черты какого стиля письменной речи ему присущи: а) очень официального (very formal); б) официального, включая академический (formal, including academic); в) нейтрального / общеупотребительного (neutral); г) непринужденного / разговорного (informal); д) грубого и вульгарного (rude and vulgar). Обоснуйте свое решение.

Insights into the Role of the Operator in Advanced Reactors

J. Persensky,1 Paul Lewis,2 and John O'Hara3

1US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington D.C., jjp2@nrc.gov

2US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, pml1@nrc.gov 3Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, ohara@bnl.gov

Nuclear power plant personnel play a vital role in the productive, efficient, and safe generation of electric power, whether for conventional light water reactors or new advanced reactors. It is widely recognized that human actions that depart from or fail to achieve what should be done can be important contributors to the risk associated with the operation of nuclear power plants. Advanced reactors are expected to present a concept of operations and maintenance to the power plant staff that is different from what is currently the case at conventional reactors. Therefore, regulatory staff will need new tools, developed from the best available technical bases, to support licensing and monitoring tasks. This paper addresses the development of regulatory review guidance to address these needs. The guidance will ensure that advanced reactor personnel have the tools, knowledge, information, capability, work processes, and working environment (physical and organizational) to safely and efficiently perform their tasks.

Упражнение 4. Деловая игра «Сборник тезисов».

Задание 1. Ректор передал в научный отдел университета тексты из английского реферативного журнала, публикующего рефераты научных работ и другие вторичные информационные материалы (библиографического описания, аннотации). Вы переводчики научного отдела. Объединитесь в группы по специальностям, распределите между собой тексты и переведите их на русский язык.

Строительство/эксплуатация железных дорог, логистика.

In this paper we use a Bayesian graphical dynamic model (GDM) for forecasting traffic flow. A GDM is a multivariate model which uses a graph in which the nodes represent flows at the various data collection sites, and the links between nodes represent the conditional independence and causal structure between flows at different sites. All computation in GDMs is performed locally, so that model computation is always simple, even for arbitrarily complex road networks. This allows the model to work in real-time, as required by any traffic management system. GDMs can also readily accommodate changes in traffic flows. This is an essential property for any model for use with traffic management systems where series often exhibit temporary changes due to congestion or accidents, for example. Finally, GDMs are often easily interpretable by non-statisticians, making them easy-to- use and understand. The paper will focus on the problem of forecasting and monitoring traffic flows in two separate busy motorway networks in the UK.

A graphical dynamic approach to forecasting road traffic flow networks//Catriona Queen, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The Open University


Мосты и тоннели.

The analysis based on an ideal state as well as the simulation and control to reach it are common issues in the design and construction of a cable-stayed bridge. For a long-span cable-stayed bridge, the huge initial stress accumulated in the pylon and the girder will reduce the overall structure stiffness. Thus, the live load evaluation employing influence lines, which is based on the MullerBreslau Principle, will no longer be an accurate method. When the main span of the bridge is extended longer, some more critical issues, such as large-deformation effects and stability during construction, will arise.

This paper includes a feasibility study of a steel cable-stayed bridge with a main span of 1,088 meters. Methodologies for defining the final ideal state, the backward and forward analysis for construction simulation and control, the geometric nonlinearity together with the static stability analysis are discussed briefly. Some features of the Visual Bridge Design System (VBDS), which is adopted as the system for conducting the analysis of the 1,088 meter-cable-stayed bridge, are introduced.

The results of the analyses, including the final ideal state, the live load envelope with the consideration of the nonlinear effects of the initial stresses and cable sags, and the stability due to lateral wind and construction loads are summarized. The aerodynamic stability of the structure for flutter and vortexinduced oscillations is not included in this study.


Промышленное и гражданское строительство.

Heuristic knowledge has been integrated with analytical tools to support decision making for flood management. Development of an expert system called Intelligent Flood Management System for the selection of appropriate flood damage reduction measures for a given area is described. The selection of flood damage reduction measures is based on hydraulic, hydrological, geotechnical, environmental, and economic factors related to the river system and the area to be protected from floods. The knowledge base of the Intelligent Flood Management System is generic and can be used to identify a suitable flood management option for any area. The model base of the Intelligent Flood Management System consists of the hydraulic analysis package HEC-RAS, the flood damage analysis program HEC-FDA, and a model for economic analysis. The graphical user interface is developed for effective communication with the system. The developed system has been implemented to identify appropriate flood damage reduction options for the town of Ste. Agathe in Manitoba, Canada using data from 1997 flood in the Red River Basin.

Ahmad, S; Simonovic S. Integration of heuristic knowledge with analytical tools for the selection of flood damage reduction measures. 2001

Строительные и дорожные машины.

A finite element model has been made of a spline coupling between a shaft and a sleeve. The stress concentration factor is calculated and compared to analytical calculations. An analytical model for the load distribution in the axial direction and the torque transfer between shaft and sleeve is presented and compared to finite element results. Methods to uniform the load distribution and thereby decrease the stress concentration factor are tested with the analytical model. The induction hardened shafts with splines are fatigue tested and the lives are presented. The residual stress on the shaft surface is measured. The analytical model shows that the best way uniform the load is to vary the thickness of the spline tooth in the axial direction. Different shapes and sizes of the tooth thickness variation are also investigated. It is probably possible to extend the fatigue life at least two times for this spline, by uniforming the load distribution.

Tjernberg, A. Load distribution in the axial direction in a spline coupling. 2001

Информационные технологии.



Задание 2. Вам также поручили перевод аннотации к русскоязычной научной статье. Выполните поставленную задачу, опираясь на информацию в Приложении 1. Перед сдачей перевода посоветуйтесь со своим более опытным коллегой, который работает за соседним столом. Покажите ему свой текст, обсудите детали и, если необходимо, внесите коррективы.


Гурлев В.Г.



В статье рассматриваются разработка и совершенствование расчётно-экспериментальных методов прогнозирования свойств жидкостекольных связующих композиций для изготовления литейных стержней, форм и противопригарных покрытий на основе изучения закономерностей протекания физико-химических процессов формирование их структуры, как наиболее приоритетная и актуальная научно-техническая программа машиностроения. Основной целью работы является создание научно-обоснованных рекомендаций и методов по реализации знаний о формировании структуры смесей и взаимодействие форм и стержней с расплавленным металлом в процессе изготовления отливок.

Методы или методология проведения работы

Анализ опытных, конструкторских и исследовательских работ, посвящённых формообразованию при использовании жидкостекольного связующего. Оценка дефектов поверхности разработанных связующих композиций по методу БЭТ. Термогравиметрические и реологические исследования. Обработки экспериментальных данных на ЭВМ.


Разработаны противопригарные покрытия с использованием жидкостекольных связующих композиций, содержащих окислительные добавки (NH4)2SO4 или Al2(SO4)3.

При использовании модифицированного связующего не только увеличивается температурный интервал размягчения противопригарных покрытий, что способствует уменьшению вязкости расплава в широком температурном интервале и увеличивает его поверхностное натяжение, но и увеличивается температура начала течения силикатов, т. е. повышается огнеупорность противопригарных покрытий. Это приводит к образованию легкоотделимого пригара.


Область применения результатов

Технология приготовления формовочных и стержневых жидкостекольных смесей в литейном производстве: изготовление разовых форм отливок.

Ключевые слова: жидкостекольные связующие композиции, литейные стержни, формы и противопригарные покрытия, физико-химические процессы, формирование структуры литейных форм и стержней.


Упражнение 1. Прочитайте выдержки из учебника «Введение в теорию реляционных баз данных» (An introduction to relational database theory). Выделите в них речевые кли-

ше, характерные для научно-учебной литературы. Найдите им соответствия в русском языке.

1.This chapter gives a very broad overview of what a database is; what a database management system (DBMS) is what a DBMS does.

2.We start to familiarize ourselves with terminology and notation used in the remainder of the book, and we get a brief introduction to each topic that is covered in more detail in later sections.

3.You will find many definitions of this term if you look around the literature and the Web.

4.Of course the information might happen to be incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, so perhaps it is better to say that the account is believed to be true.

5.Thus, when designing a relational database we do so without trying to anticipate specific uses to which it might be put, without building in biases that would favour particular applications.

6.For example, the table in Figure 1.1 shows an organized collection of symbols.

7.Can you guess what this tabular arrangement of symbols might be trying to tell us?

8.Do you intuitively guess that the symbols below the first row in the first column are all student identifiers, those in the second column names of students, and those in the third course identifiers?

9.An important thing to note here is that only certain symbols from the sentence in quotes appear in the table – S1, Anne, and C1.

10.Now look at Figure 1.2, a slight revision of Figure 1.1.

11.Notice that in English we can join all these sentences together to form a single sentence, using conjunctions like “and”, “or”, “because” and so on.

12.We might also be able to conclude that the following sentences (for example) are false.

13.And we will see how these, and other constructs, can form the basis of a database language.

14.The various reasons why this table cannot be depicting a relation should become apparent to you by the time you reach the end of this chapter.

15.That is all you need to know about client-server architecture.

16.Before that we need to briefly review what is expected of a DBMS in general.


17.To repeat, the commands given to a DBMS by an application are written in the database language of the DBMS.

18.In the sense that constraints are for integrity, authorisations are for security.

19.Note the three parts of an authorisation: who, what, and to what.

20.For example, suppose the university has a rule to the effect that there can never be more than 20,000 enrolments altogether.

21.If Tutorial D did include such commands, we might reasonably expect them to look like those shown in Example 1.5, which are meant to be self-explanatory.

22.Informally, Example 1.8 deletes all the tuples for student S4 and can be interpreted as meaning “student S4 is no longer enrolled on any courses.

23.As a consequence, every expression denoting a value has a declared type too, whether that expression be a reference to a variable, parameter, or attribute or an invocation of an operator.

24.Most importantly, these uses for types enable a processor such as a compiler or a DBMS to detect errors at “compile-time”.

25.At this stage it is perhaps tempting to conclude that relations are all of the same type, which we might as well call RELATION, just as all integers are of type INTEGER.

26.Clearly, there is in theory an infinite number of relation types, because there is no limit to the degree of a relation.

27.I conclude this chapter by reminding you of the important distinctions I drew to your attention at its beginning.

28.Assuming that student S is indeed enrolled on course C1, the second denotes the singleton set { < > }, this being the body of the relation RELATION { TUPLE { } }.

Упражнение 2. Изучите предложенный отрывок текста. Из какого источника он взят? Что вы можете сказать о его авторе? Кто его реципиент? Сформулируйте коммуникативное задание текста. Проанализируйте состав информации на а) синтаксическом уровне; б) семантическом уровне; в) прагматическом уровне эквивалентности (при необходимости используйте Приложение 3).

Before entering upon the treatment of the topics which form the content of this book, I shall consider briefly in what way the subject matter is related to the important field of engineering design.

Suppose, as a first case, that an existing structure is to be the subject of an engineering investigation. It may have been weakened by decay or corrosion, or a change in the forces or loads to which the structure is to be subjected may be proposed and it may be necessary to reinforce its members, or to make some improvement in the arrangement or sizes of its parts.

It is evident that for such a structure the loads may be easily ascertained. The materials of which the parts are made may be examined. The essential dimensions of every member may be measured. The manner in which each part is acted upon by external forces and by forces coming upon it from adjacent parts may be determined. When all the necessary preliminary information is at hand, the investigation narrows down to the study of each separate member and terminates in the calculation of the strength (and possibly also of the deformation) of the member under the conditions in which it is found in the structure.

The second type of problem is of more frequent occurrence and usually is more interesting. The structure is at first only a creation of the imagination of the designer. Naturally the structure which he has in mind is likely to be influenced by former designs and by the ideas of others. Still a great deal of latitude if offered to the designer of any new structure in the use of his inventiveness, his knowledge of facts and of materials, and his skill in analysis before his concept is fully developed. (…)


Total Stress.

A stress is a force distributed over a surface. The resultant of this stress is called the total stress acting on that surface.

Figure 4

Figure 5

The total stress on a surface CD within a body in equilibrium may be found from the consideration that, if this surface is imagined as dividing the body into two parts A and В (Fig. 4), the resultant of the forces exerted by В on A together with all other forces acting on A form a system of forces in equilibrium (Fig. 5). In like manner, the resultant of the forces exerted by A on B together with all other forces acting on В form a system of forces in equilibrium. That is, the total stress acting on CD may be found by considering the equilibrium of either A or B.

Example I. Assume the eyebar (Fig. 4) to be in equilibrium. It is required to find the total stress F acting on the section CD. Imagine the plane CD to divide the bar into two parts A and B. Take A free (Fig. 5). If the weight of the bar is neglected, the only forces acting on A are P and F. For equilibrium to exist, these forces must be equal and opposite and must act in the same straight line; i.e., F = P.


Standardized Tests. To make the results of tests of different pieces comparable with each other, the American Society for Testing Materials has set up specifications for the methods of conducting many different tests and has adopted definite sizes and shapes of test-pieces. For making tensile tests on metals two standard gage-lengths have been adopted, an 8- and a 2-in. gage-length. Figure 1 shows the dimensions of an 8-in. test-piece, the strain being measured over the 8-in. gage-length A . . . B.

Knowledge of Materials in Connection with Engineering Design

Упражнение 3. В переводческое агентство «Тема и рема» обратились преподаватели технического университета с просьбой перевести несколько учебных пособий английских авторов. Директор агентства предложил внештатным сотрудникам взять на себя часть заказа. Распределите между собой отрывки из учебных пособий согласно выбранной специальности. Переведите их на русский язык.

Строительство/эксплуатация железных дорог, логистика.

Advanced railway systems will show the performance of a rail car versus its trip plan (or service standard) as the car moves over the railway’s network. This allows rail traffic planners at terminals to prioritize traffic where possible to ensure that service standards are met. The movement and re sorting of rail cars in rail yards for assembly into trains is called traffic classification and the terminal facilities, locomotives and crews required to accomplish this activity are a major source of railway cost. However, as will be discussed in the section on traffic classification processes in terminals below, the options for traffic planners to return traffic that is running late to on time status are generally very limited due to the physical and cost limitations associated with traffic management in rail terminals.

On a daily basis, the realities of changes in shipper demands, railway performance, and outside impacts such as weather and connecting carrier problems – requires railways to adjust their train plans to ensure that their networks remain fluid and railway assets are efficiently used. Thus, while sophisticated modeling provides the starting point for railway train planning, on a day-to-day basis there is still the opportunity for operations managers to make decisions to cancel, combine or add trains to their operations to reflect daily market and operating requirements.

The Canadian Rail Logistics System

Мосты и тоннели.

The term railway and highway “engineering structures” (ES) denotes a complex of structures used for permanent way at the intersection with various obstacles. Some of these structures are aimed to protect the permanent way against the adverse environment effects or natural calamities and


disastrous phenomena. This term incorporates the following structures: aqueducts, bridges, overpasses or flyovers, trestles, viaducts, culverts, tunnels, galleries, and retaining walls. The function of these structures is quite different from that of the civil engineering structures therefore the term does not include buildings, wells, garages, etc., though they are also man-made structures.

The tunnel types of ES are divided into tunnels driven through mountain ranges (fig. 1.2a), and galleries located on mountain slopes (fig. 1.2b). They protect roads from stone downfalls, snow slips, avalanches, drifting snow, sand drift, and wet landslides. Retaining walls and balconies can provide a high degree of road protection from disasters. They are less complicated railway and highway engineering structures (fig. 1.2c, d, e).

Speaking of Natural bridges you should bear in mind, that they are naturally created arch formations resembling a bridge. Some bridges are formed by the collapse of a cavern’s roof that may leave remnant portions as bridges. Others may be produced by entrenched rivers eroding through meander necks to form cutoffs.

Railway and highway engineering structures

Промышленное и гражданское строительство.

This chapter is concerned with the basic approach to design of reinforced and prestressed concrete. It deals with both cast-inplace and precast concrete whether reinforced or prestressed. It includes information on the use of plain or deformed steel reinforcing bars and with tendons which may be either pretensioned or post-tensioned. In this context some definitions and an indication of limitations may be useful.

(1) Reinforcement which is used to provide the tensile component of internal forces in reinforced concrete, generally consists of one of three types of material: plain round mildsteel bar produced by hot-rolling; plain square or plain chamfered square twisted mild-steel bar which has had its yield stress raised by cold-working; ribbed bars, which may be hot-rolled from steel with high yield stress or coldworked by twisting from hot-rolled mild-steel. Since steel reinforcement can only develop an effective tensile force by extension of the concrete by cracking, there is a limit on the maximum strength of steel that can be used. In general the yield stress should not exceed 500N/mm2 although higher strength steels may be used if particular care is taken to avoid excessive cracking or deflection.

Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Design

Строительные и дорожные машины.

In derivations of any of the basic equations in fluids, the concept of control volume is used. A control volume is an arbitrary space that is defined to facilitate analysis of a flow region. It should be remembered that all fluid flow situations obey the following rules:

1.Newton’s Laws of Motion

2.The Law of Mass Conservation (Continuity Equation)

3.1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics

4.Proper boundary conditions

Apart from the above relations, other equations such as Newton’s law of viscosity may enter into the derivation process, based on the particular situation. For detailed procedures, one should refer to a textbook on fluid mechanics (…)

Often in fluid mechanics, we come across certain terms, such as Reynolds number, Prandtl number, or Mach number, that we have come to accept as they are. But these are extremely useful in unifying the fundamental theories in this field, and they have been obtained through a mathematical analysis of various forces acting on the fluids. The mathematical analysis is done though Buckingham’s Pi

Theorem. This theorem states that, in a physical system described by n quantities in which there are m dimensions, these n quantities can be rearranged into (n-m) nondimensional parameters. Table 1 gives dimensions of some physical variables used in fluid mechanics in terms of basic mass (M), length (L), and time (T) dimensions.

Rules of thumb for mechanical engineers, J. Edward Pope


Информационные технологии.

Coletti P. Basic Computer Course Book, 2012


Упражнение 1. В группах по 3-4 человека обсудите, какие тексты можно отнести к жанру технической документации. Что общее между этими текстами?

Упражнение 2. Изучите предложенный фрагмент текста. Что вы можете сказать о его авторе? Кто реципиент этой информации? Сформулируйте коммуникативное задание текста. Проанализируйте состав информации на а) синтаксическом уровне; б) семантическом уровне; в) прагматическом уровне эквивалентности (используйте Приложение 4).


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]