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УМК ин.яз.(английский) БТФ

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20.This hotel is … than that one.

-much crowder -more crowdest -much more crowded -much more crowd

21.There are a lot of taxis on the taxi … .

-rink -runk -rank -tank

22.My friend is two years … than me.

-elder -eldest -oldest -older

23.What is the … news?

-last -latest -least -late

24.give the synonym to the word “picturesque”

-filthy -bustling -spacious -magnificent

25.to prohibit from action

-to invent -to allow -to ban -to let

26.Водопровод и канализация

-plumbing and heating -plumb and drain -plumbing and drains -plumb line

27.Коллегия присяжных


-jewelry -juror -jury award

28.Multinational -cosmology -cosmopolitan -cosmonautics -cosmetics

29.Your bag is exactly … same … mine.

-a; as -such; as -the; as -like; as

30.Many things are similar … the rest of Europe.

-as -to -of -for

31.Everything is completely different … how it was before.

-from -for -of -to

32.… highest mountain in … Great Britain is … Mount Ben Nevis.

-the; the; the - -; a; -

-the; -; -

- -; the; the

33.I live in … Times Square not far from … Central Park.

-the; the

--; - -a; a

--; the

34. London stands … the river Thames.

-in -at -near -on

35.There used to be … traffic … there is now.

-fewer; as -less; as -less; than -fewer; than

36.I live in the same town … my friend.

-as -like -to -than

37.She lives … the city centre … Park Avenue № 44.

-on; in -in; at -in; in -at; in

38.… deepest lake in … world is … Baikal.

-a; the; - -the; -; the -the; the; - -the; the; the

39.It’s a place to buy flowers

-a greengrocer's -a butcher’s

-a grocer’s -a florist’s

40.Beth is more intelligent than Kate. -Kate is as intelligent as Beth.

-Beth is just as intelligent as Kate. -Beth is less intelligent than Kate. -Kate isn’t as intelligent as Beth.

41.Canada is one of the … populated … in the world.

-least; countries -less; countries -most; country -more countries

42.Lake Baikal is … in the world.

-the most deep

-deeper -the deepest

-more deeper

43.That was … party I’ve ever been to.

-the best -the better -best -good

44.The highest mountains in the world are -the Rockies

-the Himalayas -the Urals

-the Alps

45.The Olympic Games of 2014 will take … in Sochi.

-part -place -advantage -power

46.“old-fashioned” means

-modern -up-to-date -out-of-date -new

47.Is your house much … ?

-far -farther -furthest -the farther

48.She is dressed according to ….. fashion.

-the last -the latest -the latter -the later

49.It’s the …. Trip I’ve ever had.

-bad -worse -worst -baddest

50. This film is much …. than the book I have read.

-interesting -most interesting -more interesting -as interesting


1.Insert the proper word into the sentences.

1.He phoned up the railway booking office and inquired about the timetable and … .

2.It was a through express, train, so he didn’t have to … trains.

3.Swiss Airlines have the fastest …, but on the other hand, their flights are rather infreguent.

4.I’d like to … a seat on a flight to Frankfurt, please.

5.Have you got your … fixed up? Yes, that came from the emblassy last


6.Could you, please, give me the details of frequency of … from London to

New York?

7.I’d like to change our … date? If possible, please. – Certainly. When do you wish to return?

8.As soon as we decide to go on a trip we sent them a telegram of our …

9.I’d rather get to the airport in good time before the …

10.I hope the noise doesn’t … you.

(planes, flights, arrival, departure, disturb, change, return, visa, book, fares)

2.Correct mistakes. There can be more than one mistake in a sentence.

1.He will book a ticket by 8 o'clock tomorrow.

2.They decided to leave to Minsk at once even without discussing some of the questions.

3.Mr. Adams wanted him discuss the transfer of money.

4.The coach leaves in the airport at 8.

5.Mary Smith was been interviewed for a new position when I was on busing in Frankfurt.

6.He mast to meet with government official, that’s why he arranges a flight to Moscow.

7.They prefers American Airlines for Luftgansa.

8.If he was rich, he would fly in the non-smoking section in business class tomorrow. But unfortunately he is short of money and he will go by train.

9.He wanted to find out whether did he want a round trip ticket or a one way ticket.

10.They asked don’t continue the interview.

Reproduce the dialogue.

Вы не возражаете, если я открою окно?

No, I don't mind. It's very stuffy here.

Извините за беспокойство. Будет ли у нас остановка в пути?

Yes, there will be a stop-over in Warsaw for 30 minutes.

Oh, that's fine. Я хочу купить что-нибудь попить. I'm thirsty.

Хотите сока? У меня две бутылки апельсинового сока.

I'hank's a lot. Разрешите представиться. Меня зовут Майкл Дэвидсон.

I'm glad to get acquainted with you. My name is Vladislav Milovsky. Я из Варшавы. And you?

I come from London. Я еду в командировку в Минск.

Is it your first visit to Minsk?

Да. Мне нужно обсудить некоторые вопросы, касающиеся открытия нового филиала в Минске.

How long are you going to stay here?

Я думаю, что смогу уладить все дела за 3 дня. У меня уже забронирован обратный билет на 15 мая.

Will you fly first class, business class or economy?

Business class. Это будет рейс компании American Airlines с остановкой


Ксожалению, я никогда не был в Беларуси. Мне кажется, это очень интересно.

Do you prefer travelling business or for pleasure?

I don’t know exactly, но чаще всего я езжу по делам. Кто готовит вашу поездку ?

My secretary arranges everything for a trip, заказывает билет, бронирует номер в гостинице.

О, да через 15 минут мы будем в Варшаве, и мое путешествие подходит к концу.

Thank you. It was pleasant to speak to you. Have a pleasant journey.


1.I'm not working now, the baby's due in 3 weeks.

-I'm unemployed. -I'm out of work.

-I'm on maternity leave. -I'm on sick leave.

2.I lost my job. They had to make cutbacks.

-I was made redundant. -I was dismissed.

-I was sacked. -I was fired.

3.Why did they take you on?=

-Why did they sack you?

-Why did they make you redundant? -Why did they promote you?

-Why did they employ you?

4.Are you freelance?=

-Are you satisfied?

-Do you work for yourself? -Do you get job satisfaction? -Are you in charge of anything?

5.Is it a very rewarding job?=

-Is it a very satisfying job? -Is it a very hard job?

-Is it a very frustrating job? -Is it a very tough job?

6.Do you get any perks?=

-Do you get any wages?

-Do you get any career prospects? -Do you get any fringe benefits? -Do you get any training?

-Do you get any tips?

7.The process of finding new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job, etc.

-recruitment -remuneration -reference -recommendation

8.Is it a very demanding job?=

-Is it a very boring job? -Is it a very easy job?

-Is it a very monotonous job? -Is it a very responsible job?

9.to hand in one's notice=

-to resign -to sack -to dismiss -to apply

10.the feeling that the purpose of your life is to do a particular type of work, especially because it allows you to help other people

-responsibility -resignation -achievement -vocation


-dismissment -dismissal -dismissness -dismission


-choice -choicing -choose -choosement

13.I'm writing to apply ...the position ...Senior Computer Programmer

-to; of -to; for -for; of -for; for

14.someone who finds people with the right skills and experience to do particular jobs, and who tries to persuade them to leave their present jobs

-headhunter -employer -applicant -candidate


-application form -vacancy -interview -employment

16.He resigned ... his job.

-of -off -after -from -at

17.money added to someone's wages, especially as a reward for good work


-fringe benefits -perks

-tips -commission

18.I get 20,000 dollars from my teaching job and another 10,000 dollars from writing.

-My total commission is 30,000 dollars. -My total income is 30,000 dollars. -My total tax is 30,000 dollars.

-My total bonus is 30,000 dollars.

19.I'm responsible ...this department.

-of -in -for -to

20.работать посменно

-to do shiftwork -to work flexitime -to overwork

-to have a part-time job

21.I don't want a part-time job.

-I'd prefer to work flexitime. -I'd prefer to work overtime. -I'd prefer to do shiftwork.

-I'd prefer to work full-time.

22.I'm bored in my job. I need a ...

-fresh challenge. -fresh change. -training course. -trainee course.

23.When the company loses business, it's normal for workers to

-be sacked

-be made redundant -be resigned

-be retired -be dismissed -hand in

24.a tough job

-an interesting job -a challenging job -a demanding job -a monotonous job -a hard job

25. ... workers do physical work, rather than working in offices

-white-collar -blue-collar -black-collar -yellow-collar

26.As a nurse or a pilot, you have to be prepared to work...

-shifts -part-time -freelance

27.In order to satisfy increased demand, the staff...

-overworked -worked over -worked overtime

28.Jack lost his job last month and is now...

-unemployment -on the dole -off work -retired

29.It must be very soul-destroying to work in ...job where there is no chance of ...

-an interesting; job satisfaction -an interesting; working conditions -a dead-end; promotion

-a dead-end; career

30.Trade union leaders and management are negotiating about the possibility of a 35-hour...

-workers week -working week -worked week

31.continuing for only a limited period of time

-permanent -full-time