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Distance Education

Distance education over the world has a history of more than 100 years. But it gained popularity only after 1970’s. Many countries like China, England, Japan, Russia, Spain and the USA use this method, especially in higher education. For example, the Open University in England has more than 80,000 students who take about 140 courses per year. This university has 260 local teaching and 13 regional information centres.

Such factors as age, place, and daily activity do not serve as limiting factors in distance education. Distance education has two main advantages over traditional education. The first advantage is a solution to the problem of teaching staff shortage and the second one is the low cost of education which gives many people an opportunity to receive higher education. It is a system of education for different people at any age. This education allows each student to have an individual scheme of study.


Write about the disadvantages of distance education. Does our university use method of distance education?


Economics of Education

Education varies from country to country but it has the same economic characteristics in all countries. It improves skills which make people more productive. By means of education people do creative research which helps to improve technology. Education creates large economic values varying from technical productivity in factories and offices to progress of knowledge.

Various values of education are of two groups: private and social. Each student gets private benefits when he or she learns new skills which will allow them to get a well-paid job. Besides, the job will probably be more pleasant.

There are also public benefits of education. First, it provides more productive workers for society; economy becomes more efficient and profitable. Without education many people do not cope with difficulties of life. Second, people understand social life better. Third, greater productivity of population provides more taxes in order to pay for public needs.

The task of economics of education is to evaluate public and private benefits and make decisions how much a government is going to invest in every type of education. The government is raising the level of financing education.

Technologies are becoming more complex and demand for education as well as a number of qualified specialists will grow in future. The role of economics of education and the scope of problems studied by it is growing from year to year.


Write about your private benefits of education. What is the task of economics of education?

III. Социально-культурная сфера общения

(Я и моя страна. Я и мир.)

Unit 3


Home is where the heart is.

English proverb

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Прочитайте интернациональные слова и определите их значения, обращая внимание на части речи:

а) существительные: region, zone, chronicles, dock, fleet, million

б) прилагательные: military, memorial, geometrical

в) глагол: alter

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Прочитайте следующие географические названия.

The Voronezh Region – воронежский край (область)

The Middle Russian Uplands – Средне - русская возвышенность

The Central Black earth (Chernozem) Zone – Центрально - черноземный район

ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Используя образец и выражения, данные справа (за чертой), скажите, где располагается Воронеж, наш край, но сначала повторите глаголы:

lie – быть расположенным

is situated – расположен

is located – расположен

comprise – охватывать

Образец: Our city lies (как вы думаете, на какой реке?) on the river Voronezh.

1. Voronezh is situated (как вы думаете, в какой области?)

in the Voronezh Region

2. The Voronezh Region is located (как вы думаете, на какой равнине?)

on the Middle Russian Uplands

3. The Voronezh Region comprises (как вы думаете, какой район?)

the Central Black earth zone

ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Прочитайте следующие числительные с существительными. Переведите их на русский язык.

400 years ago; nearly 200 days and nights; 12th century chronicles; the 25th of January 1943; 200 ships; one million people; 600 kilometres; 1695; 1586

ЗАДАНИЕ 5. а) Познакомьтесь со словами и словосочетаниями, которые помогут вам понять 1 часть текста:

1) a fortress – крепость

The Fortress was the beginning of our city.

2) to mention – упоминать

Voronezh is mentioned in the 12th century Russian chronicles.

3) bustling – шумный

a bustling city

4) to destroy – разрушат

During World War II many buildings were destroyed.

5) a cradle – колыбель

Voronezh is the cradle of the First Russian Fleet.

6) a pattern – тип, образец

the pattern of streets and squares – тип планировки улиц и площадей

б) Прочитайте английское название Великой Отечественной войны и словосочетаний, связанных с этим названием.

1) the Great Patriotic War – Великая Отечественная война

During the Great Patriotic War Voronezh fought for 200 days and nights.

2) the Order of the Patriotic War – Орден Великой Отечественной войны

3) the Order of the Military Glory – Орден Воинской Славы

The city was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War and the Order of the

Military Glory for its military feat.

4) Victory Square - площадь Победы

In the memorial in Victory Square we can read the names of the defenders of our city.

ЗАДАНИЕ 6. Прочитайте 1 часть текста к теме «Наш город».