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3.3. Review Unit 3

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Теперь вы можете многое рассказать о городе, в котором живете и учитесь. Исходя из содержания текста и своих знаний о Воронеже, ответьте на вопросы, используя слова, данные в скобках:

1. What does the Voronezh Region comprise? (the Middle Russian Uplands)

2. When was a fortress built on the bank of the river? (four hundred years ago)

3. Where is Voronezh mentioned for the first time? (the 12th century chronicles)

4. What did Peter I begin to construct of on the banks of the river Voronezh?

(the Russian fleet)

5. How many ships came out of the Voronezh docks? (200 ships)

6. How many days and nights did Voronezh fight during the Great Patriotic War?

(nearly 200 day and nights)

7. When was our city liberated? (on the 25th of January 1943)

8. What order was Voronezh awarded for its glorious past?

(the Order of the Patriotic War and the Order of the Military Glory)

9. What is the population of the city? (about one million people)

10. What has altered the city greatly?

(high-rise buildings, the man-made sea, the pattern of streets)

11. What things are produced on Voronezh plants and enterprises?

(aircrafts, earth-moving machines, car tyres, aluminum construction parts,

presses, lathes, engines, steel bridges, mineral processing equipment)

12. What kind of scientific institutions does Voronezh have?

(a university, research institutions, higher educational establishments)

13. What outstanding talents played on the Drama theatre’s stage?

(M.Shchepkin, P.Mochalov, A.Ostuzhev, M.Yermolova, V.Komissarzhevskaya)

14. What museums are there in Voronezh?

(the Fine Arts Museum, the Museum of Local Lore)

15. What famous people were born in Voronezh?

(A. Koltsov, I. Bunin, A. Platonov)

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Читайте текст, вставляя пропущенные слова:

а) выберите те, которые соответствуют тексту:

Voronezh is an




city. A fortress was




four hundred years ago.

Our city


is situated

is located

on the right bank of the river. Tsar Peter the Great




Russian fleet on the banks of the river. During the Great Patriotic War the defenders of

the city




courageously. Voronezh was




the Order of the Patriotic


Today Voronezh is one of Russia’s




cities. Its population is about




million people.

б) Продолжайте рассказывать текст, вставляя пропущенные слова:

Voronezh enterprises produce car t…, engines, steel bridges, aluminium c… parts, aircrafts. Voronezh is a city of s… . It has r… institutions, a u…, higher educational establishments. The city has rich c… traditions. Voronezh has the Opera H…, the Chamber theatre, the P… theatre. Our city is the m… of great Russian poets and writers. Their poetry, paintings, songs are t… of the Voronezh land.

ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Составьте рассказ о Воронеже по плану, используя слова, данные в скобках:

1. The territory of the Voronezh Region (the Middle Russia Uplands, the Central Black earth (Chernozem) zone).

2. The history of our city (400 years ago, a fortress).

3. The cradle of the first Russian fleet (Peter the Great, 200 ships).

4. The Great Patriotic War (defenders, the 25-th of January 1943; the Order of the Patriotic War).

5. Voronezh today (population, high-rise buildings, pattern of streets and squares).

6. The industry of the city (enterprises, aircrafts, earth-moving machines, car tyres, aluminium construction parts, presses, lathes, engines, steel bridges, mineral processing equipment).

7. The city of science (research institutions, higher educational establishments).

8. Cultural traditions of the city (theatres, museums, poetry, folk tales, songs).

ЗАДАНИЕ 4. А теперь продолжаем учиться общаться. Как рассказать о своих родных местах?

Your native places Родные места

Where do you live?

I live in a city.

I live in the country.

It is located…

in the European part of Russia

in Siberia

on the banks of the Volga River

Nature is beautiful in our parts.

What is your city famous for?

It is famous for its…




Many famous people lived here.

Many buildings in our city were designed by famous architects.

When was it founded?

It was founded…

in the sixteenth century

four hundred years ago

The history of the city is very interesting.

Now the city is…

a big industrial centre

a centre of science, culture, art, education

There are many …. in the city




ancient buildings

churches and cathedrals

We have a university.

It is (not) very old.

What is the … part of the city?



most beautiful

What part of the city do you live in?

I live ….

in the centre of the city

in the old part of the city

in a new residential area

The people are proud of the city’s history and beauty.

Где ты живешь?

Я живу в городе.

Я живу в сельской местности.

Это находится….

в Европейской части России

в Сибири

на берегу реки Волга

У нас очень красивые места.

Чем знаменит ваш город?

Он знаменит…. своей историей

своей архитектурой

своими музеями

Здесь жили многие известные люди.

Многие здания в нашем городе были спроектированы известными архитекторами.

Когда он был основан?

Он был основан…..

в 16 веке

400 лет тому назад

История города очень интересна

Сейчас город является…..

крупным индустриальным центром

центром науки, культуры, искусства, образования

В нашем городе много…




древних зданий

церквей и соборов

У нас есть университет.

Он (не) очень старый.

Какая самая …часть города?




В какой части (каком районе) города ты живешь?

Я живу…

в центре города

в старой части города

в новом жилом районе

Жители гордятся историей и красотой города.

ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Запомните английские пословицы, связанные с вашими родными местами.

1. East or west home is best. – В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Восток ли, Запад ли, а дома лучше всего.

2. There is not place like home. - Нет места лучше, чем собственный дом.

3. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. – Дома сухой хлеб

вкуснее, чем жареное мясо в гостях. Дома и стены помогают.

4. An Englishmans home is his castle. – В чужой монастырь со своим

уставом не ходят. Дом англичанина – его крепость.

5. When at Rome, do as the Romans do. - В чужом доме – не хозяин.

Когда ты в Риме, делай так, как делают римляне.

6. Practice makes perfect. - Повторение – мать учения. Золотые руки у

того, кто обучался хорошо. Практика ведет к совершенству.

7. Rome was not built in a day. – Не сразу Москва строилась. Рим не был

построен в один день.

ЗАДАНИЕ 5. Соедините части пословиц.

  1. There is not place a) built in a day

  2. When at Rome, do b) than roast meat abroad

  3. East or west c) like home

  4. Practice makes d) is his castle

  5. Dry bread at home is better e) home is best

  6. Rome was not f) as the Romans do

  7. An Englishman’s home g) perfect

ЗАДАНИЕ 6. Побеседуйте с вашим партнером о ваших родных местах, не забудьте использовать пословицы.
