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  1. Request of a vacancy

  • I would be interested to know whether you have a vacancy for …

  • I am looking for a position in …

Reading and Speaking (2)

1. What application forms are required?

2. What information does a resume include?

Job Application Forms

When you apply for a job, you will be asked to send your CV (resume), together with a letter or e-mail of application. It is important to know how to write a good resume, or a summary of background and qualifications, and a letter of application (a cover letter, a letter of interest). All these skills can improve your chances for employment.

If you are applying for a new work place you have to send your CV (curriculum vitae) or Resume, the Application (Cover) Letter, and the Letter of Recommendation that are expected in such cases.

Most applicants for white-collar jobs get in touch with employers by mail (email). A letter to an employer should be type-written. In the application letter, introduce yourself and explain why you are writing. Briefly indicate an experience and skills you have that relate to the kind of job you are seeking. Include your address and telephone number so that the employer can reach you. If you contact an employer by telephone, try to provide the same information that you would cover in a letter.

A resume or a CV is a summary of your history and professional qualifications. Most employers consider several applicants for each job opening. Thus, the employer has to consider two sets of qualifications if he wants to choose from among the applicants: professional qualifications and personal characteristics. A candidate’s education, experience and skills are included in the professional qualifications. These can be listed in a resume or summary of your background.

Employers often receive a lot of applications for a job, so it is very important to make sure that your CV and job application letter create the right impression and present your personal information in a brief, well-structured, and attractive way. A CV should be clear, with a limited number of main sections, so that an employer can pinpoint the information they are looking for quickly and easily. You do not need to give a lot of details.

The resume usually consists of the following parts: Personal, Education, Work Experience, Interests and Skills, Hobbies.

Here is how you should organize your resume:

  1. Your name, address and phone number go at the top.

  2. Under Personal you write:

  1. when and where you were born;

  2. your marital status (married, single or divorced), your children;

  3. citizenship.

  1. Under Education you describe:

  1. University (school) you finished and the years of study (for example 2010-2014 The State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering of Voronezh);

  2. the diplomas and degrees obtained, also mention the subject (e.g. The State University of Voronezh, Economics);

  3. a higher degrees (e.g. Master; Ph.D), and the university which granted it.

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