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  1. Explain the following.

  1. locating and applying for a job

  2. job openings

  3. to contact an employer

  4. chances for employment

  5. to carry advertisements

  6. to choose an employee

  1. Match the English word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

  1. to apply for a job

  2. to advance a career

  3. to contact an employer

  4. to consider several applicants

  5. the most common way

  6. word-of mouth

  7. to be available from an employment agency

a. связаться с работодателем

b. молва

c. быть доступным в агентстве по найму

d. подавать заявление о приеме на работу

e. рассматривать нескольких кандидатов

f. продвижение по служебной лестнице

g. самый обычный способ

  1. Fill the gaps with the suitable words and define parts of speech.

  1. avail b) available c) unavailable d) availability

  1. Unfortunately, the Career section you are trying to access is ______ for the moment. 2. I will check the ______ of my staff for that date. 3. I tried to ___ myself of this opportunity to improve my English. 4. Match your strengths with ______ jobs.

  1. Answer the questions below.

  • What job are you thinking of applying for?

  • What are you worried about?

  • Do you want to work full-time or part-time?

  • Do you have a job now?

  • Do you want to change your job?

  1. Mark the main ideas of the text and retell it in English.

Language Work

  1. Look and memorise the words:

  1. to employ – нанимать (на работу); использовать

an employer – наниматель, работодатель

an employee – служащий, работающий по найму

More than 2,000 people are employed in the industry.

Employers consider several applicants when they want hire a new employee.

  1. to advertise – рекламировать, помещать объявление

advertisement – реклама, объявление

Many companies advertise jobs on the Internet.

Big companies often pay celebrities to appear in their advertisements.

  1. available – наличный, имеющийся в распоряжении

availability – наличие

Part-time jobs are available for college students.

Many companies choose to produce abroad because of the low labour costs and the availability of skilled labour.

  1. References to the advert:

  • I see from your advertisement in the … (newspaper) that you have a vacancy for a …

  • It was with great interest that I read the advertisement for …

  • I was interested to learn that your company wishes to recruit …

  1. Applying for a job:

  • I should like to apply for the position of …

  • I wish to apply for the job of …

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