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  1. Explain the following.

  1. valuable resource

  2. deadline

  3. to eliminate wastage

  4. excessive workloads

  5. non-work activity

  6. a time log

  7. it is up to you

  1. Read the passage below and discuss it. What polychronic/ monochronic cultures can you name? Time Orientation

The attitude to past, present, and future differs widely across cultures. Some put more emphasis on the past, while others stress the present.

In the USA, for example, the future is more important for people than the past, whereas in Russia the importance of past and future are more equally balanced.

Cultures with short-term orientation tend to have the following features:

  • respect for traditions

  • people prepared to overspend to keep up with their neighbours

  • small amount of savings

  • people expect quick results

Cultures with long-term orientation tend to have the following features:

  • traditions adapted for modern context

  • people are thrifty

  • large amount of savings

  • people persevere for slow results.

In polychronic cultures, it is acceptable to do several things at the same time, and the approach to deadlines is flexible.

In monochronic cultures, one thing is done at a time, with great stress being laid on meeting deadlines and schedules.

(from Gibson R., 2000, Intercultural Business Communication)

Answer the questions below.

  • What are the most common time wasters?

  • What time-saving tips are suggested in the text?

  • Why is it so important in business to keep deadlines?

  • Do you always meet deadlines?

  • Do you think if time management skills are important for students?

  • What helps reach the goals?

  1. Make up a list of time-saving tips using all the materials and add the missing ones (if there are any).

Language Work

  1. Look and memorise the word-groups and tell the difference between ‘take time’ and ‘make time’:

  1. take time – требовать времени

  2. make time – наверстать упущенное время

  3. save time – экономить время

  4. waste time – тратить время

  5. time management – управление временем (подраздел менеджмента, изучающий методы, которые позволяют эффективно расходовать собственное рабочее время)

2. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words.

1. I try to … time to run at least twice a week. 2. Bill is very careful and …(s) time so he won’t make any mistakes. 3. On the flight back to Washington, the President … time for reporters’ questions. 4. There was no time to … . 5. Time … is usually a necessity in any project development.

3. Have a fun:


The man: “God, how long is a million years?”

God: “To me it’s about a minute.”

The man: “God, how much is a million dollars?”

God: “To me it’s a penny.”

The man: “God, may I have a penny?”

God: “Wait a minute.”

Reading and Speaking (3)

1. What do you think about business dress-code?

2. Should business etiquette differ from daily one?

English Business Etiquette

  • Conservative dress is very important for both men and women. Whether you’re inter-viewing for a professional jobs or a restaurant position.

  • Dark suits, usually black, blue, or gray, are quite acceptable.

  • Men’s shirts should not have pockets; if they do, the pockets should always be kept empty. Additionally, men should wear solid or patterned ties, while avoiding striped ties.

  • Men wear laced shoes, not loafers.

  • Businesswomen are not as limited to colours and styles as men are, though it is still important to maintain a conservative image.

  • It is unwise to rush the English into making a decision.

  • A simple handshake is the standard greeting (for both men and women) for business occasions.

  • Privacy is very important to the English. Therefore asking personal questions or intensely staring at another person should be avoided.

  • Eye contact is seldom kept during British conversations.

  • To signal that something is to be kept confidential or secret, tap your nose.

  • Personal space is important in England, and one should maintain a wide physical space when conversing.

  • A smiling face is a welcoming face. Smile a lot, respect the people and their customs and you will be treated with respect.

The English like to form orderly queues (standing in line) and wait patiently for their turn e.g. boarding a bus.

If someone is blocking your way and you would like them to move, say ‘excuse me’ and they will move out of your way.

It is very good manners to say “please” and “thank you”. It is considered rude if you don't. You will notice in England that they say “thank you” a lot. If you accidentally bump into someone, say “sorry”.

Men and women both hold open the door for each other. It depends on who goes through the door first.

Unit 2

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