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Статья XVII

1. Настоящий Договор, включая Меморандум о договоренности и Протоколы, являющиеся его неотъемлемой частью, подлежит ратификации в соответствии с конституционными процедурами каждой из Сторон. Настоящий Договор вступает в силу в день обмена ратификационными грамотами.

2. Настоящий Договор будет зарегистрирован в соответствии со статьей 102 Устава Организации Объединенных Наций.

Совершено в Вашингтоне 8 декабря 1987 года в двух экземплярах, каждый на русском и английском языках, причем оба текста имеют одинаковую силу.

За Союз Советских Социалистических


М. Горбачев

Генеральный Секретарь ЦК КПСС

За Соединенные Штаты Америки

Р. Рейган

Президент Соединенных Штатов Америки


Задание 5 Прочитайте нижеследующий текст. Определите его жанровую принадлежность. Какие характеристики позволяют отнести его к официально-деловому стилю?

Ymca Camp Winona

2002 Employment Letter of Agreement

This agreement is made between YMCA Camp Winona and ______________, hired for the position as _______________. Both parties are strictly held to the conditions stated below. This Letter of Agreement is in effect starting May 26, 2002, and extending through July 20, 2002.

YMCA Camp Winona agrees to provide the said employee:

  1. With full room and board during the staff training week and during the regular sessions of summer camp.

  2. With all instructional materials and equipment necessary to fulfill their role in camp.

  3. With 10 days of training events, including workshops on counseling, camper safety, and camp procedures.

  4. With paychecks in the amount of _________ per week. Paydays shall fall on June 1st, June 14th, June 28th, July 12th and July 26th. Federal taxes and Social Security will be deducted. Payment for staff training period will be made upon completion of contracted dates.

  5. With one verbal and one written evaluation of the employee’s job performance by the Program Director during the summer.

  6. With all benefits pertaining to Workers’ Compensation should he/she suffer any work-related injury during the employment period.

  7. Employees’ services are being depended upon for the full season according to the dates as indicated above. If employee’s services are regarded by the director as unsatisfactory, or if they arrive later or leave earlier than contracted, or if perchance the camp would be forced to close earlier than scheduled due to some unlikely emergency, or in the event of serious financial setback, compensation for employee would be computed on the time-served basis.

  8. Staff training pay will be paid with last check pending FULL completion of contracted dates.

In exchange for this, the said employee agrees to:

  1. ATTITUDE—Dedication to the goals and programs of the YMCA Camp Winona, and loyalty to its standards, director and staff are essential to camp morale and must be expected of me. I also understand that responsibilities should be performed respectfully, willingly, cheerfully, and with a cooperative attitude. Gossip, small cliques or a critical attitude toward other counselors or the administration have no place at camp. I, therefore, realize that I AM ENCOURAGED TO BRING TO THE DIRECTOR ANY POLICY OR PROGRAM WHICH I DO NOT UNDERSTAND OR WHICH I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS.

  2. SAFETY—My number one priority is the safety of our campers and staff. Alertness and good judgment are vital. I am expected to follow instructions regarding safety procedures and supervision which are outlined in the staff manual and discussed in the staff training session.

  3. CONCERN FOR CAMPERS—At all times the welfare of the campers must be placed ahead of personal interests. I should emphasize the best in each camper and never be party to an act that would be inconsiderate or harmful to the campers.

  4. INDUSTRIOUSNESS—My enthusiasm, hard work and attention to detail will make for an impressive performance. Laziness, incompetency, unreliability, indifference and neglect of duty are liabilities to safety and success and have no place at YMCA Camp Winona.

  5. PERSONAL APPEARANCE—Neat appearance and good grooming, particularly in regard to clothes and hair style, are important at camp. My clothing should be clean, appropriate and in good taste. My hair should be kept neatly groomed and well-trimmed.

  6. CAMP READINESS—The dates specified in this contract include a camp readiness period prior to the campers’ arrival. I should come to camp ready and willing to “pitch-in” cheerfully with the cleaning and preparation of living quarters and the camp grounds.

  7. PERFORMANCE—Perform the specific details of my job to the best of my ability as stated in my job description, and to perform any other duties assigned by the Camp Director.

  8. CAMP STAFF RULES—Abide by all camp staff rules and regulations set forth by the Camp Director (both verbal and written, i.e. personnel policy).

  9. Release the Daytona Beach YMCA Camp Winona and all persons working for the Daytona Beach YMCA from any responsibility, financial or otherwise, for accident or illness that may result during the employment period.

  10. Notify the Camp Director of termination of employment at least two weeks in advance of the last working day.

Signed this _24th___ day of _April______, 2002.

_______________________________ __(John Smith – Digital Signature)__

Employee Program Director