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Shabetya Olena Exercises in Modern English Synt...doc
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3. The Compound Sentence

44. Say how the clauses of the following compound sentences are coordinated:

Model: The rain had stopped, but a cold wind was still blowing (but – adversative conjunction).

The sun rose, the mist disappeared (asyndetical coordination).

  1. The curtain of rain lifted, and the sun came out.

  2. In the morning Henry cooked breakfast, but Bill was still sleeping.

  3. The wind blew, the clouds gathered, the rain fell.

  4. Darkness stretched before their eyes; the rain came down in torrents.

  5. Sam sometimes walked with us to show us the boats and ships; and once or twice he took us for a row.

  6. One of the sisters was in white, while the other was all in black.

  7. Take a lantern; otherwise we shall not be able to find our way.

  8. Open the third drawer from the top, but don’t pull it too far.

  9. The sea was very heavy; each wave was like a big mountain.

  10. He was spending all his time on teaching, whereas he yearned to do research work.

  11. Be careful, or you may slip and fall into the river.

  12. All was very silent, only some sea birds were flying about.

  13. Her fears proved well grounded, for the child fell seriously ill.

  14. It is getting dark; therefore I will go home.

  15. It was bitterly cold, so we didn’t go out.

  16. In the meantime the clouds came lower and it began to hail and snow.

  17. I walked to the brink of the ledge and looked down; my head swam.

  18. The sun had vanished into a black cloud resting on the mountain range in the west, and it turned dark and damp in the valley.

  19. The lark sprang up in front of his feet; the air was full of butterflies, a sweet fragrance rose from the wild grasses.

  20. The horses were harnessed, the bells attached to the yoke tinkled and the driver had already reported twice that the carriage was waiting, but still there was no sign of my companion.

45. Translate into English the following compound sentences paying attention to the conjunctions:

  1. Було пізно, і сонце вже сіло.

  2. Ми повинні поспішати, інакше ми запізнимося на автобус.

  3. Вона не лише красива жінка, але до того ж вона пише чудові вірші.

  4. Або ти говориш нечітко, або я погано чую.

  5. Мені не сподобався сам фільм, але музика в ньому чудова.

  6. Я намагався переконати її, проте вона наполягала на своєму плані.

  7. Твоя робота непогана, однак вона могла б бути кращою.

  8. Він має багато недоліків, все ж я кохаю його.

  9. Жінка була дуже втомлена, незважаючи на це вона продовжувала працювати.

  10. Північні області Італії добре розвинені, тоді як південь країни відносно відсталий.

  11. Він не відчував ніякого страху, бо був сміливою людиною.

  12. Потяг відходить за кілька хвилин, тож нам треба поспішати.

  13. Я думаю, отже, я існую.

  14. Стає пізно, тоді тобі краще піти додому.

4. The Complex Sentence

4.1 Subject and Predicative Clauses

46. Say whether the following sentences have subject or predicative clauses:

  1. It is necessary that everybody should be in time for work.

  2. How we are to use this machine is another matter.

  3. Their greatest difficulty was that they were short of time.

  4. It is a well-known fact that in crossing rapids one should not look at the water.

  5. It is high time he gave a definite answer.

  6. The question is whether he will come at all.

  7. It is lucky that you have found your watch.

  8. His excuse was that the train was late.

  9. Whether he will do it or not is not clear.

  10. My opinion is that he is mistaken.

  11. The truth is that he was a selfish man.

  12. Whether she will come or not depends on circumstances.

  13. This is what we agreed upon.

  14. The measure of your physical strength is what you can lift.

  15. What they have been talking about is very interesting.

  16. That is where I live.

  17. It looks as if it were going to rain.

  18. This is why he is so happy.

47. Say what moods are used in the subject clauses:

  1. It is requested that all should be ready by six o’clock.

  2. It is necessary that he should read the passage all over again.

  3. It is very annoying that you should have forgotten it so soon.

  4. It is strange that these events should have happened at the same time.

  5. It is necessary that the agreement be signed today.

  6. It is high time we were off.

  7. It is about time you should go home.

  8. That you should think so is very strange.

  9. Your mother being a teacher, it is quite natural that you should speak English so well.

  10. It is high time you made up you mind on this matter.

  11. It is unusual that he should have left house so early.

  12. It was decided that all the programs be worked out within a week.

48. Say what moods are used in the predicative clauses:

  1. My suggestion is that we should finish our work tomorrow.

  2. The order is that everybody be present at the meeting.

  3. The request is that all the books should be returned to the library.

  4. It looks as if it were going to rain.

  5. My wish is that my friends should come to my birthday party.

  6. The girl looks as if she had been crying.

49. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the use of moods in subject and predicative clauses:

  1. Необхідно, щоб ви взяли до уваги всі деталі.

  2. Неможливо, щоб він сказав таке.

  3. Моєю пропозицією є те, щоб ми обговорили цей роман на наступному уроці.

  4. Дивно, щоб він не відповів на таке легке запитання.

  5. Прохають, щоб двері були закриті.

  6. Незвичайно, щоб він чекав нас там зараз.

  7. Давно час, щоб ви взялися до роботи.

  8. Вона виглядає так, неначе працювала цілий день.

  9. У батька був такий вигляд, неначе він збирався щось сказати.

  10. Давно час, щоб студенти закінчили роботу.

  11. Необхідно, щоб угода була підписана негайно.

  12. Моїм бажанням було те, щоб батьки подарували мені велосипед.

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