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Shabetya Olena Exercises in Modern English Synt...doc
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2.7 Elliptical and One-Member Sentences

41. Define the missing part in the following elliptical sentences:

Model: Thank you (the subject).

I rushed to the window, she – to the door (the predicate).

The sea was calm, the sky – blue and cloudless (the link-verb).

  1. The night was dark and wild, the clouds ink-black.

  2. Do you remember the date? – No, I forget.

  3. Winter almost gone, spring coming soon now.

  4. The night was dark, the wind high, and the rain pouring in torrents.

  5. Mary is younger than you.

  6. Some of the girls spoke French, others English.

  7. The days were warm and sunny, the apple trees in full bloom.

  8. The time was one o’clock in the morning, the night cold with a full moon shining fitfully between clouds.

42. Point out all one-member sentences:

  1. Noise. People. Light. The city was awake.

  2. A momentary still louder roar as the train crossed the iron bridge.

  3. Wind. Dusk.

  4. A whole day’s walk yesterday with no plan, just a long ramble of hour after hour, entire enjoyable.

  5. The shadow of a lifted arm against the light. A violent descent, and then a swirl in the black water and the great fish struggling on he bank.

  6. Rain, rain. November rain, darkness, wind and dirt.

  7. Shut the door please.

  8. Sorry!

  9. Please!

2.8 Samples of Syntactical Analysis of the Simple Sentence

  1. It is the duty of every citizen strictly to observe the laws of our country.

Antici- Compound nominal predicate

patory “ it” Subject Link-verb Predicative

I t

t o observe


the duty

Infinitive Verb in finite form Noun

Adverbial modifier

(manner) Direct object Attribute


the laws


Adverb Noun Noun with preposition

Attribute Attribute

of ...country


Noun with preposition Adjective




2. There are many new schools in our city.

Introductory Simple verbal

“there” Subject predicate


s chools


Noun Verb in finite form

Attribute Attribute Adverbial modifier (place)




Adjective Adjective Noun with preposition




43. Analyze the following simple sentences:

  1. The tinkling of distant cowbells could be heard in the growing stillness of the evening.

  2. In the darkness of the night, above the noise of the winds and waves the young man heard screams and wild cries.

  3. My uncle Pete is expected to arrive in London tomorrow.

  4. Last year my little brother began to learn History of Ukraine and read a lot of books on History.

  5. After the rain the falling leaves were lying thick and wet upon the path.

  6. In the morning the white snow lay thick upon the branches of the trees.

  7. It was impossible to cross that wild stream there at night.

  8. A rich harvest has been grown on the boundless fields of our country this year.

  9. Your leaving us so soon was a great disappointment for all of us.

  10. You may depend on his performing his part of the work efficiently.

  11. From the cottage window lights began to glow and wink upon the darkening fields.

  12. The members of our expedition were experienced and courageous people.

  13. It was quite unexpected his putting me that strange question.

  14. To be lost in such a thick fog is not a pleasant experience.

  15. I consider this wonderful picture a masterpiece of art.

  16. You must find it rather dull living here all by yourself.

  17. Heavy chill clouds lay on the summit of the surrounding mountains.

  18. The little squirrels kept rubbing each other’s noses to keep themselves warm.

  19. She could see her father walking up and down the picture gallery.

  20. This poet gave powerful artistic expression to the most advanced ideas of his time.

  21. It is hardly possible for him to translate this article without a dictionary.

  22. The people in the North do not see the sun come out for many months.

  23. On the little pond the leaves floated in peace, the sunlight shining over them.

  24. In October the weather continued calm for some days.

  25. She keeps interrupting me to talk over her impression of this morning.

  26. The most pleasant surprise is their coming to see us today.

  27. Sometimes she would lean out of the window to watch the children play in the street.

  28. The easterly mountains grew visible against the sky.

  29. We are looking forward to the pleasure of your staying with us for the vacation.

  30. He entered the room excited and eager to tell them about it.

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