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  1. How can a teacher enhance classroom control and encourage students to think for themselves?

  2. How can a teacher help students achieve their future dreams and goals?

  3. How should a teacher respond to students who call out?

  4. Why is touching a tricky subject?

  5. What are higher-level questioning techniques?

  6. How can crossing the arms be regarded in the classroom?

  7. How should a teacher respond to students’ “yes” or “no” answers?

  8. What is the positive reinforcement?

  9. How can a teacher make use of group or unison responses, response costs?

  10. What is the most powerful method of non-verbal communication between a teacher and students?

  11. What are the possible ways of communicating the phrase “What are you doing?” to students?

  12. Why is scanning the classroom of importance? When should the teacher do the scanning?

  1. Give some tips (which have not been mentioned) how to get the students’ attention in the classroom and strengthen the teacher's relationships with them.


  1. Skim the text and fill in the gaps with the words which you think may suit. Preventing Conflicts in the Classroom

A dispute between a teacher and a student quickly can turn classroom management into … . Diminish conflict situations with these … .

Students will try to challenge their teacher and provoke a …, even if it's just to divert the attention away from the … . It is important to remain calm and … but firm. Anticipation, preparation, and organization together with clear and fair rules diminish conflict situations.

The first important moment is the encounter in the hallway. Pack a few dozen children together in a narrow space and this will quickly turn into …, pushing and fighting. A teacher intervention at this time will turn the first contact with the pupils into a … confrontation. The … the students enter the classroom, the better. Stand at the … so that both the hallway and the classroom can be supervised.

Then, before the students enter the classroom, write a … on the blackboard. This will engage them … into working quietly. When extra material (books, worksheets, pencils, scissors, etc) needs to be provided, display the items on a … in the classroom so that pupils can take them upon entering. By not distributing the …, time will be gained and chances that pupils are disturbing the class will be decreased.

  1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate derivatives of the following words: impress, argue, practice, confident, notice. How to Prevent Collisions During the Lesson

It is important that the teacher is … present in the classroom. Teach with …, walk around in the classroom. Even when a teacher doesn't feel that assertive, he /  she has to give that … . Pupils feel quickly when a teacher is not very confident and will try to gain control over the teacher and class room situations.

Regularly give positive feedback about a student's behaviour, attitude or task and make sure the class can hear it too. When a student needs a reprimand, don't just shout it out, but go to that student and almost whisper it to him /  her. Students will be quiet too since they want to hear what the teacher says to their classmate. Another … tip to avoid incidents and … during lesson time is to label books and other materials so that it is clear what belongs to whom.