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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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13. Carry out an opinion poll. Pick out one question and put it to every student in your group. Use the following questions:

- What would you do if you saw a house on fire?

-What famous person would you like to meet if you had a chance?

- Which books or music recordings wouyld you take with if you went to live on a deserted island?

- What cities or places of intrest would you visit if you went to the USE, Britain, France?

- What would you say or do if someone called you a fool?

- What changed would you make I your house if you had an unlimited amount of miney?

- If President Kennedy hadn’t been killed, would any radical changes have taken place in America?

14. Make up a chain story.

Begin like this: If I hadn’t overslept …; If I were not interested in psychology…


Participle one – present, active: a running child, a smiling girl

Participle two – passive, past: a broken vase, a written letter

  1. A) Translate the phrases, paying attention to participles.

A stolen purse, a lost book, a reading woman, a forgotten dream, fallen leaves, a spoilt child, a challenging proposal, fighting children, falling snowflakes

  1. Translate into English using participles.

Дующий ветер, поющая птица, сломанный дом, упавшее дерево, танцующие дети, изношенный плащ, разорванная страница, бегущая вода, замерзшее озеро.

  1. Choose the correct form of the participle.

Mind: -ing describes a situation, person or thing (a boring man, an exciting event)

  • ed describes how people feel (I was bored, they were excited)

School report shocks the parents

Teachers are finding it increasingly difficult to control classes of young pupils, says a report published yesterday. The evidence from the 100 schools which were involved in the study is not encouraged/encouraging. The report paints a depressing/depressed picture of schools up and down the country, with teachers feeling disappointed/disappointing not only by students’ results in tests but by the worrying/worried increase in violent behaviour in class and in the playground. ‘I am worn out at the end of the day; my job is exhausted/exhausting, I can tell you,’ complained one teacher. One of the most disturbed/disturbing revelations is the use of drugs by youngsters. Although teachers were not totally surprised/surprising by the findings, parents are worried/worrying; some even described the report as shocked/shocking and demanded immediate action. Pupils who were asked to comment on the report said they found school uninterested/uninteresting; they blamed teachers for teaching boring/bored lessons. The report is particularly embarrassed/embarrassing for the Minister of Education who claimed recently that British education is ‘the best in the world’.

  1. Complete the following sentence with the correct form of the participle, using the verbs in the list.

interest relax surprise confuse bore annoy frighten embarrass depress irritate

1.The instructions in the exam were very complicated and left the students feeling totally _______ . 2. I don’t find horror films at all _____ - in fact, I find them quite funny. 3. Would you be _____ in coming to the theatre this evening? I have a spare ticket. 4. Can’t you fix that dripping tap? It’s getting on my nerves – it’s really ______ . 5. I didn’t expect to see Peter at the party. I was really _____ to see him there. 6. He’s had a lot of bad news recently and is feeling a bit _____ . Let’s go and cheer him up. 7. I find it ____ to lie on the sofa and listen to music after a hard day’s work. 8. I was told the film was really good but I felt utterly ____ by it. 9. I get really ____ when people throw rubbish down in the streets. It makes me furious. 10. If I said anything as stupid as he did in front of a thousand people, I’d feel really _____.