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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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  1. Answer the questions about the text.

1.What superstitions are mentioned in the text? Are there any of them you have never heard of before? 2. What of these superstitions do you believe in? 3. Are any of your relatives or friends superstitious? Can you give examples of their superstitions? 4. Have you got a lucky or an unlucky number? What is it? 5. Do you feel nervous on Friday, the 13th? 6. Do you have any personal rituals that bring you luck? 7. What professions make people superstitious, to your mind? 8. Do you think that numerology is a serious science? 9. Do you listen to astrological forecasts? 10. Can you remember any other superstitions?

  1. Use the correct prepositions.

1.A lot ____ people who survived in the war believed that some rituals helped them to stay alive. My father, for example, was sure that he would not have come back home if he had ever walked _____ the ladder. 2. Numerologists give advice _____ numbers, and some people believe ____ it. 3. If you spilt salt, you should throw some ___ it ____ your left shoulder. 4. If you broke a mirror, you should wash the pieces ____ water and throw them _____ . 5.____ the past, people used to think that when people sneezed, their soul could escape ____ their body. 6. Some ___ the superstitions turned ____ customs. 7. Some people are sure they‘ll have good luck if they give a new pair ____ shoes ___ a poor person. 8. If your right ear itches, somebody is saying good things ____ you. 9. You’ll have bad luck if you light three cigarettes ____ one match.

  1. A) Work with your partner and write as many superstitions as you can remember.

For example: It’s good luck if you find a horseshoe.

If you break a mirror, it’s bad luck.

b) Work in small groups and discuss the following questions:

  1. Have any of the above things ever happened to you? Did you have good or bad luck afterward?

  2. Where do you think superstitions come from?

  3. Do you think your future is already determined or you think you make your own future?

  4. Do you think we can create our own good luck or bad luck by what we believe? Or are some people just naturally lucky or unlucky?

  1. Read the story about j. Dixon and discuss it with the help of the questions below the text.

Jeane Dixon, a famous psychic, can apparently read people’s minds and foresee the future. Once she begged her husband not to take a plane. At the last minute he took the train. The plane crashed. One night she walked into a party and told the people there exactly what they had been doing before she arrived. Another time she looked at the picture of a girl she had never seen before and got up and started walking just like the girl. The girl’s father was amazed – his daughter had a medical problem and could not walk normally.

  1. Do you believe in ESP (extrasensory perception)? Can some people read minds and foresee the future?

  2. Have you ever heard of incident like the ones above? Tell your group mates about them.

  3. Have you ever foreseen an event or had a feeling that something was going to happen? Do you know anyone who has?