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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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3. Try to answer the following questions and explain your point of view.

  1. Should all women work with power tools? Why?

  2. Do you think that it’s better when men are in charge of the homes? Why?

  3. Should women decorate the homes, but not build things?

  4. Should men carry heavy things for their women?

  5. Is taking care of a household a job for the entire family?

  6. Do women do more work than men?

  7. Do you agree that men should earn money; women should take care of the homes?

Post-Text Activities

4. Listen to the story “American Women Flock to Home Improvement Stores for Do-It-Yourself Class” and decide if the following statements are True (t) or False (f).

1) Surveys indicate that growing numbers of American women rely on a husband or a boyfriend or a professional fix-it man to take care of home repair and construction projects.

2) As a result, retailers are now targeting the female market by offering home improvement classes for women.

3) The stores hope to make further increases in the $100 billion a year.

4) Instructor Bruce Spahr runs classes exclusively for women at a Washington, D.C., area Home Depot store.

5) Ms. Childs is an enthusiastic student.

6) At the nation’s home repair stores, male customers have consistently outnumbered males in the last five years.

7) The research shows that more married women own their own homes and doitheir own repairs.

8) Among single women, 57% don’t own their own home, either because of divorce or because of delayed marriage.

9) “Women tend to be very intellectual and get into jobs that involve their brains”, says Ms. Magazine.

10) Home Depot spokeswoman Carol Luten says the number of women who’ve enrolled in her company’s home repair classes has reached 250,000 nationwide in just two years.

5. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

“I love (1) ___. I do a lot of my (2) ___ work, you know, in my house and (3) ___ like that.”

She’s wearing (4) ___ protection because you will have (5) ___ occasionally (6) ___ up, and, and of course you wanna protect your eyes. Um, and also (7) ___wearing ear protection and, as you’ll (8) __, these (9) ___ do get… are loud. Okay, Cindy, why (10) __ you go ahead and, uh, take a hand at it?”

6. In small groups, take the following “Dangerous Statements” as springboards for discussion. The group will have twenty minutes maximum. You may discuss any of the statements. Do not worry if you only discuss one question. That’s fine.

Dangerous Statements

Women in Russia will soon be dressing like American women

American women are stronger than Russian women

Women have to do lots of repairs because husbands don’t help

Most divorced women don’t get much help from their husbands

American women are too independent for their own good

Differing roles of men and women are more pronounced in Russia

Russian women are very feminine, but usually weak

Men build houses; women build homes

Love makes a house a home

Women are weak or aggressive

7. In the above VOA article we learn that 250,000 American women are taking classes in home repair. This is not cleaning and decorating. This is serious remont - tasks traditionally done by men. These women are learning to use hammers and saws, to do plumping and fence building.

Write your informal and personal reactions to the topic in one page (300 words), answering some of the following questions.

If you are a women, would you like to participate in such courses? What specifically would you like to learn how to do? What repairs would you make in your home or yard? What would your husband think about this?

If you are a man, would you like your wife to take a home repair course? Would you like your wife to be able to build cabinets or fix the water pipes? Or would you object to this? If so, how would you prefer your wife to contribute to the caretaking of the household?

Remember, you don’t need to be married to answer these questions. They are hypothetical questions.