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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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  1. Answer the following questions about the text you have just read.

1.What disease can be caused by stress? 2. How can people react to stress? What does it depend on? 3. What type of personality do you think you are? Why? How do you react to stress? 4. In what way do men and women deal with stress? 5. Who tends to develop depression more often – men or women? 6. In what situations do people suffer from chronic stress? 7. What are the measures to reduce stress? 8. What kinds of exercises do experts recommend? 9. Why should people express their emotions when they have stress? 10. What are the main sources of stress? 11. What is understood as “hassles”?

  1. Translate the sentences into English:

Cтресс становится все более важной проблемой здоровья людей. Источниками стресса могут быть напряженные отношения в семье, проблемы на работе, плохой сон, усталость. Стрессы ведут к сердечным заболеваниям, они могут вызывать высокое кровяное давление, боли в спине, головные боли. Если у вас проблемы на работе или если вы ухаживаете за больным или пожилым человеком, у вас может развиться хронический стресс. Важно, как вы реагируете на стресс. Эксперты советуют принять ситуацию или постараться изменить ее. Психологи разделяют всех людей на два типа личности: тип А и тип Б. Люди первого типа в состоянии стресса агрессивны. Люди второго типа более спокойны. В любом случае необходимо принять меры для уменьшения уровня стресса. Эти меры включают диету без кофеина, физические упражнения, баланс между работой и отдыхом, хороший сон. Кроме того, врачи рекомендуют выразить свои эмоции. Если вы держите свои негативные эмоции в себе, вы будете чувствовать себя хуже.

  1. Make up a short dialogue between a doctor and a patient who experiences chronic stress. Text b

  1. Discuss the following issues before you read the text.

  1. What is the best way to relax when you are exhausted by work?

  2. A holiday trip will solve all your problems, won’t it?

  3. What is the best time to have a holiday? How many times a year?

  4. What are the possible difficulties you may have when on holiday?

  1. Read and translate the text, paying special attention to the words and phrases in italics. How to Beat a Holiday Stress

Stress is now a major health issue of our time. People usually consider work as the main cause of stress. But, in fact, holiday stress can be even more damaging. The traditional summer break can undermine health and put pressure on family relationships.

Instead of tackling the problem before going away, a lot of people believe a holiday will work magic for tem. But holidays are spent in a strange place where it may be difficult for tense people to relax. They may feel even more disturbed if they get the idea that others are having more wonderful time than they are. It becomes a vicious circle, with people coming home more stressed than before they went away.

Holiday preparations involve a series of mini-stresses like tying up loose ends at work, remembering to cancel the milk and newspapers, boarding the family pet, arranging foreign currency, last minute shopping, working out how much spending money to take and worrying about securing the home against burglars. Crowded airports, delayed flights, packed hotels are also stress factors for most holidaymakers.

Stress experts say we should take two or three holidays a year instead of a long mid-summer one. A big mistake is to take your holiday according to the month, instead of when your body tells you it is time to unwind. July and August can be the most disastrous months for holidays because there are always crowds, queues and delays. Some people like crowds, but holidays are a time for peace, quiet and personal space.

Disappointment is very stressful. If you have high hopes for your holiday and it lets you down, you won’t be refreshed, and may feel in need of another holiday. It’s not going to kill you, but it won’t help you to recharge your batteries.

Many couple and families are simply not used to spending a long time with each other, and some people cannot cope with that. Another strain is that you are not able to do what you want on holiday. You end up compromising, and no one has a really good time. A wife is going to feel stressed if she has to cook, to look after children and do all the other chores she handles at home, while her husband goes off to play golf.