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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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To be stupid and selfish and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, the others are useless.(Gustave Flaubert)

A bad cold wouldn`t be so annoying if it weren`t for the advice of our friends.(Kin Hubbard)

We don`t believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease. (Voltaire)

Be careful about reading health books. You might die of a misprint. (Mark Twain)

Walking is man`s best medicine. (Hippocrates)

Role play

  1. You are going to prepare for a role play. Work in two groups, A and B.

Group A: Here is a step-by-step model for how to run a coaching session

Stage 1: Find out what your client is worried about, or what change they would like to make in their lives.

Stage 2: Encourage your client to explain exactly what his/her short term goals are.

Stage 3: Explore the problems and barriers blocking the client’s way.

Stage 4: Explore practical options and set realistic time limit.s

Stage 5: Encourage your client to commit to their goals – help them visualize how their lives will be happier if they succeed.

Think of at least one useful question to ask at each stage. Think of three things you can say to encourage your client to stick to his/her goals.

Group B: You must each choose a different problem from the list below.

  • You aren’t enjoying your university course and want to leave university. You know your parents won’t approve.

  • You want to be fit to take part in a local sports event.

  • You need to save money, but you can’t stop shopping.

  • You hate your job and want to find a new one.

  • You don’t get on very well with your mother-in-law and this is making your partner unhappy.

  • Decide exactly how much of a problem it is and why it is a problem, what you want to do about it, what is stopping you from doing anything about it at the moment.

Work in pairs with one student from Group A and one student from Group B. Role play the coaching session. Change pairs, so that each client is talking to a new coach, and each coach is dealing with a different problem. Change pairs again as above. Work in your original groups, A and B, discuss these questions and report back to the class.

Group A: Which client was the most difficult to help? Why?

Group B: Which coach gave the best support and guidance?

  1. Imagine a discussion between each pair in the following list:

an anti-smoker - a chain smoker

a fitness freak - a couch potato

a vegan - a junk food addict

What would they say to defend their positions? Think of the arguments and the counter-arguments that these people could use to persuade the others to change their lifestyle. Present your points to the class. The class decides what arguments are acceptable.

  1. Prepare a television programme about diets. One student will play the role of the presenter. Some students will be experts, the others will be people who came to the studio to share their experience in using different diets.

  2. Imagine that you are parents who want to develop their child. They discuss if their child should take up some kind of sport or start playing the piano, for example. Speak of advantages and disadvantages of sport.

  3. Below are some arguments for and against smoking in public places. Work in groups of four. Two of you will argue for smoking in public places, and two of you against. Try to convince two other people that you are right.


  • There is no real proof that smoke is harmful to nonsmokers.

  • People who are allergic to smoke can avoid places where people smoke

  • Smokers have the right to enjoy what they like to do. Lots of annoying activities aren’t banned in public

  • To ban smoking in restaurants would prevent smokers from enjoying the meal


  • Smoking is bad for the health of smokers and nonsmokers

  • Nonsmokers find smoke irritating to their eyes, nose, and throat, and they don’t like the smell.

  • Smokers litter.

  • In restaurants, smoke spoils the taste of food and spoils the meal.