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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
2.12 Mб

4. Open brackets using Active or Passive Voice.

I Am Thankful...

- for the taxes that I (1. pay) because it means that I (2. employ);

- for the mess to clean after a party because it means I (3.have, surround) by friends;

- for the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I (4.have) enough to eat;

- for my shadow who (5.watch) me work because it means I am out in the sunshine;

- for a lawn that (6.need) mowing, windows that (7.need) cleaning and gutters that (8.need) fixing because it means I (9.have) a home;

- for all the complaining I (10.hear) about the government because it (11.mean) we have freedom of speech;

- for the spot I (12.find) at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking;

- for the lady behind me in church who (13.sing) off key because it means that I can hear;

- for the piles of laundry and ironing because it means I have clothes to wear;

- for weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I (14.have, be) productive;

- for the alarm that (15.go) off in the early morning hours because it means that I am alive;

- for getting too much e-mail because it lets me know I have friends who (16.think) of me.

Reported Speech

  1. People, places, times and things

People: I → he/she; you →me; my → his/her; your → my;

Place: here → there; at the office

Times: a few days ago → a few days before, a few days earlier; this → that;

yesterday → the day before, the previous day; today → that day;

tomorrow → the next day, the following day, on Monday; now → then, at that time;

last week → the week before, the previous week; these → those

next week → the week after, the following week.

Things: this project →the project

  1. Tense changes

Present Simple → Past Simple

Present Progressive → Past Progressive

Present Perfect, Past Simple → Past Perfect

Present Perfect Progressive, Past Progressive → Past Perfect Progressive

Past Perfect Progressive→ -/-/-/

Future Simple → Future-in the Past (will → would, shall → should)

(no change for must, might, could, should, would)

a) Reporting affirmative sentences

I’ll see you here tomorrow ”, said Sue. → Sue said that she would see me there the next day.

b) Reporting questions

- general: “Do you speak French?”, she asked → She asked me if I spoke French.

- special: “When will you arrive?”, she asked → She asked me when I would arrive.

c) Reporting commands and requests

- Take us to the airport”, she said → She told the driver to take us to the airport.

- “Would you mind waiting for a moment?”, she said → She asked me to wait.

1. Change the following direct speech into indirect speech.

  1. He asked her, “Have you shared this information with others?”

  2. The therapist said to the client, “Relax”.

  3. The experimenter asked his subjects, “Have you filled in the questionnaire?”

  4. The mother said to her son, “Don’t’ worry.”

  5. The mother asked her daughter, “Did you tell the therapist everything?”

  6. The teacher said to the students, “Find the working definition of the term emotion in the text.”

  7. The doctor said to his patient, “Take this medicine regularly, three times a day.”

  8. The teacher asked his students, “Are you satisfied with the results achieved?”

  9. He asked me, “Will you join in?”

  10. The professor asked the student, “Are you sure that pulse rate will change in this case?”