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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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2. Match phrases with their definitions.

1. face down

a) with the front or face upwords

2. sb’s face fits

b) used for saying that something appears to be true but might not to be true when you have examined it in more detail

3. face up

c) in a situation where you have to deal with something unpleasant or difficult

4. in the face of something

d) used for saying that someone is the right type of person for something

5. on the face of the earth

e) if you say something to someone’s face, you say it to them directly

6. on the face of it

f) with the front or face toward the ground

7. to sb’s face

g) used for emphasizing that something is the biggest, best, worst etc that could possibly exist

3. Insert prepositions: about, down (2), of (2), off, to, up (2), with

1. The country is now faced … the prospect of war. 2. I decided I must face … to the truth. 3. The soldiers faced … and started marching south. 4. They showed they could face … the opposition. 5. He was the only one who faced … to the problem. 6. Steve has disappeared … the face of the earth. 7. They won in the face … stiff competition from all over the country. 8. He’s the most expensive designer on the face … the earth. 9. If Terry has anything to say, he should say it … my face. 10. He was lying face … in the water.

4. Read the text at sight and choose the most suitable heading from the list below for each part 1-7 of the text. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

A The passionate type

B The bony type

C The brainy type

D The muscular type

E The criminal type

F The plump type

G The happy type

H The quarrelsome type

Face to Face

1 They often have a pear-shaped head. They are intelligent but can also be absent-minded. They like to spend time at home when they can think in peace and quiet. Most of the time they are either thinking, studying or sleeping. They remain single, or put off getting married till later in life.

2 They are well-built and courageous and they do not lack self-confidence. They are easily insulted and get angry quickly. They are quite hard-working at school or at work, but without overdoing it. They enjoy the simple life. They do not often become rich.

3 They are a bit overweight. They are adaptable and know how to do a good job, though they are not very energetic. They are easy-going and get on well with people. They often do well in business. On the negative side, they can occasionally be self-centered and insensitive towards others.

4 They tend to be thin. They are flexible and do not change their ideas easily. They take their time doing things and do not learn quickly. Their thin lips suggest a certain coldness or hardness of character. they often make good farmers, engineers or administrators.

5 The full, flushy lips and the prominent jaw are usually signs of sincerity, warmth and strong emotions of the romantic variety. These types are outgoing and sociable. They often get married young. Although they may not shine, they will do well both at work and at play.

6 The distinguishing feature of this type is that the width and height of the face are roughly the same. They give the impression of being melancholy. They are usually red-faced and look healthy. They have large, dark eyes and bushy eyebrows. They have a wide nose and large mouth. These types are tough and determined, even aggressive. They strike first and ask questions later.

7 This type has a triangular face, with a wide forehead and a very narrow chin. They usually have even, well-shaped features, except for their mouth, which will be either too small or too big. Their eyes are large and often very dark. Their nose is narrow at the top but has wide nostrils. Their personality is bright and cheerful, but they can also be tense and edgy. They think a lot and take in a lot of what goes on around them.