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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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3. Insert the following prepositions: about, at, before, by, from, of, on, with.

1. Judge a man … his questions rather than his answers (Voltaire).

2. Keep your eyes wide open … marriage, half-shut afterwards (B. Franklin).

3. You learn to speak … speaking, to study … studying, to run … running, to work … working; in just the same way, you learn to love … loving (A. France).

4. Diffusion … responsibility leads individuals in a group to take greater risks than they would if they were acting … their own.

5. Obedience to authority is influenced by socialization, the foot-in-the-door effect, confusion … attitudes, and buffers.

6. If you are afraid … being lonely, don`t try to be right (J. Renard).

7. No change of circumstances can repair a defect … character (R.W. Emerson).

8. Nothing shows a man`s character more than what he laughs … (J.W. von Goethe).

9. How people behave as part of a group often differs … how they behave as individuals.

10. People may try harder, take greater risks, or make different decisions when they are … others than they would if they were alone.

4. Read the text translating words in italics from Russian into English. Social Facilitation

Social facilitation 1. относится to the concept that people often perform better when other people are watching than they do when they are 2. одни. In other words, the presence of other people seems to facilitate and 3. ободрять their performance. Hannah, 4. например, was not at all surprised that Janet had done so well at the track meet. She had witnessed before that Janet competed 5. упорнее when her friend cheered her on.

Social facilitation is not 6. ограничивается to people. Psychologist Robert Zajonc (1980) 7. обнаружил that dogs and cats – and even cockroaches – do things faster when they are in a group than when they are alone. This suggests that social facilitation may be a basic animal 8. реакция. Zajonc believes that animals, 9. включая humans, respond in this way because the presence of others 10. повышает their level of arousal.

5. Match the terms with their definitions.

1. Obedience

a) matching one’s behavior to that of other group members

2. Conformity

b) tendency of people to perform at a higher level when others are watching

3. The foot-in-the-door effect

c) behaving as someone else orders

4. Social facilitation

d) unselfish concern for the welfare of other people.

5. Social loafing

E) the tendency for people to give in to major demands once they have given in to minor ones

6. Altruism

F) tendency for people to slack off when they are working with others toward a common goal

6. Discuss the following statements with your group-mates making use of the expressions below.

I believe so …

It’s hard to say …

There is no doubt about it …

I’m afraid I can’t say …

In my opinion …

It should be noted …

  1. Character often means the sum total of an individual’s traits, whether rated productive or destructive, normal or neurotic.

  2. It is the original endowment of each individual that is of great importance.

  3. Individuals have an original equality or similarity of mental faculty and all their subsequent differences are ascribed to a diversity of circumstances.

  4. While the human organism grows and changes, the faculties of the soul may be variously developed by the manner in which it is exercised.

  5. The frequent indulgence in emotions, such as anger, envy, fear and the like, fosters tendencies towards these sentiments.

  6. The exercise of the will plays the predominant part in moulding the type of character.