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2.2 Перевод пассивных конструкций

Пассивный (страдательный) залог показывает, что над подлежащим совершается действие. В английском языке форма пассивного залога используется гораздо чаще, чем в русском, поэтому существует много способов ее перевода. Например, This issue was discussed in the board meeting. – А) Этот вопрос был обсужден на заседании совета. Б) Этот вопрос обсудили на заседании совета. В) Этот вопрос обсуждался на заседании совета. Г) Заседание совета обсудило этот вопрос.

Упражнение 2.2.1

Переведите предложения с пассивной конструкцией.

1. A new computer has been recently bought for the lab.

2. It was found that the papers for the conference were printed double space instead of 1.5.

3. It is assumed that the participants will take care of their accommodation themselves.

4. The productivity issue has been given special emphasis to in the meeting.

5. It was suggested by the commission that the project should be worked out in the context of the new circumstances.

6. The construction of new houses in another place is being negotiated with the district authorities.

7. Nobody has been refused a chance to put forward their ideas for discussion.

2.3 Перевод слов с окончанием – ing

В английском языке имеются части речи, оканчивающиеся на ING, например, причастие I, герундий.

ING форма это герундий, если она:

-- является подлежащим (Seeing is believing. Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать);

-- стоит после предлога (This is a device for measuring temperature. Это прибор для измерения температуры);

-- стоит после глагола (I need going there at once. Мне нужно немедленно пойти туда);

-- стоит после притяжательного местоимения (Do you mind my opening the window. Вы не возражаете, если я открою окно?);

-- стоит после глаголов с предлогами и некоторых словосочетаний (account for – объяснять, differ in – отличаться, be interested in – интересоваться, keep from – мешать, result from – являться результатом, succeed in - удаваться, добиваться, cannot help – не могу не, it is worth (while) – стоит (что-либо сделать), it is no use – бесполезно, нет смысла).

Поскольку в русском языке нет части речи, однозначно соответствующей герундию, его можно переводить несколькими способами, в зависимости от функции. Например:

1. The device for measuring temperature is called thermometer. Устройство для измерения температуры называется термометром (переводится именем существительным).

2. Не succeeded in performing the experiment. Ему удалось осуществить эксперимент (переводится инфинитивом).

3. We can increase the current by reducing the resistance of the circuit. Можно увеличить силу тока, уменьшая сопротивление (переводится деепричастием).

4. We didn’t know of his having made experiment. Мы не знали о том, что он провел эксперимент (переводится придаточным предложением).

Причастие I обычно не представляет трудностей при переводе, за исключением случаев, когда оно функционирует как обстоятельство. В отличие от герундия, оно не сопровождается предлогом, но может сопровождаться союзом. В этом случае причастие I можно перевести несколькими способами:

Англ.: Translating the text the student consulted the dictionary. = While translating the text the student consulted the dictionary. = When translating the text the student consulted the dictionary.

Рус: Переводя текст, студент пользовался словарем (деепричастие). = Когда студент переводил текст, он пользовался словарем (придаточное предложение). = При переводе текста студент пользовался словарем (существительное).

Упражнение 2.3.1

Переведите предложения с герундием.

1. He remembers having added some water to the mixture.

2. They finished installing the apparatus only on Saturday.

3. They began making the experiment in May.

4. There are different ways of obtaining the substance.

5. We heard of the experiment having been started last week.

6. Instead of restoring the old theatre they decided to build a new one in the centre of the town.

7. New possibilities for applying atomic energy open up.

8. It is possible to set up power stations based on utilising the heat of the Sun.

9. The idea of creating a step rocket belongs to Tsiolkovsky.

10. Before being sent up the balloon was filled with a special gas.

11. What apparatus do we use for measuring air pressure?

12. Science requires experimenting.

Упражнение 2.3.2

Переведите предложения с причастиями.

1. The device for measuring the strength of the current is called ammeter.

2. He succeeded in performing the experiment.

3. We can increase the current by reducing the resistance of the circuit.

4. We didn’t know of his having made the experiment.

5. Monkeys get from one tree to another by swinging on lianas hundred of times a day.

6. Wash minor wounds and grazes with soap and water and follow this by applying an adhesive dressing.

7. A sprinter in a 100 meter race may perform work of very high intensity without actually using any oxygen at the time.

8. By analysing the brightness of the luminescence they estimated the amount of bacteria in the leaf.

9. The analysis of the phenomenon was very useful in helping us to understand the ways of nature and our ways of looking at it.

10. Planes and helicopters can become highly electrically charged either from flying through dust or snow or from encountering strong electric fields in clouds.

Упражнение 2.3.3

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The channel linking the two seas is being built now.

2. Having obtained the necessary results they stopped their experimental work.

3. When studying elements Mendeleyev found that they could be divided into nine groups.

4. When writing a telegram we must use as few words as possible.

5. Being built in a new way modern houses have better facilities.

6. While waiting for him I looked through the magazines lying on the table.

7. They stayed at home refusing to go out.

8. Having passed all the examinations he left for his native town.

Упражнение 2.3.4

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He is reading a very interesting book, don’t interrupt him.

2. She’s a famous singer. Everybody likes her singing.

3. – Where is Nick? – He’s over there, at the window reading something.

4. I must have a look at the text before reading it.

5. The reading of the poem was excellent.

6. I suggest reading it at once.

7. After having read the book we can discuss it.

8. In manufacturing goods special attention should be paid to their quality.

9. A new electron tube has been designed for generating power at microwave frequency.

10. Almost every processing industry is now exploring the use of microwave heat.

Упражнение 2.3.5

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

A 1. The monument needs restoring.

2. The monument of what century are you restoring?

3. The monument of what century is being restored?

4. The experts restoring the monument were provided with modern equipment.

5. With the help of a magnet we can hold two metal plates together without tying them.

6. He pointed out that the assembling time of the apparatus was very short.

7. The police were informed of the criminals having appeared in the city.

8. The committee studied the problem of improving the bus service in the town without increasing the number of buses operating on the routs.

9. Increasing population of the world changes the face of the Earth.

10. Heating the substance to high temperature may change its properties.

11. Being heated to high temperature the substance considerably expanded.

12. The substance was being heated for three hours.

B 1. Leaving the earth means moving upwards against gravity, and this requires work.

2. The moon keeps moving around the earth without slowing down considerably.

3. Before discussing the method it is necessary to get some additional information.

4. It’s a device for converting an optical image into an electrical signal.

5. They succeeded in solving the two problems.

6. His measuring of pressure was accurate.

7. They had difficulties in transmitting the signal.

8. We can improve the device by making it lighter.

9. They told us of his having solved the problem.

10. For radically improving the vehicle he was granted a patent.

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