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1.10 Многофункциональные слова

В английском языке достаточно много слов, которые выполняют различные функции в предложении, например, союзы, предлоги, местоимения и др.


1 Конструкция There is / are обозначает, что что-то где-то находится, есть, существует. Предложения переводятся с обстоятельства места. Например: There is some doubt in the results. – В полученных результатах есть сомнение.

2 Местоимение там, туда. Например: Leave the letter there. – Оставь письмо там.


1 Личное или указательное местоимение. Например: It’s today’s newspaper. It’s interesting. – Это сегодняшняя газета. Она интересная.

2 Формальное подлежащее. It is necessary to think over. – Необходимо это обдумать.


  1. Местоимение (э)тот, (э)та, (э)то, который (-ая, -ое);

  2. Союз что; то, что, чтобы.


  1. Местоимение, который, что.


  1. Вопросительное слово что, какой;

  2. Местоимение то, что, какой.


1 Наречие как, подобно;

2 Прилагательное похожий, подобный, схожий;

3 Глагол нравиться.


1 Предлог для, за, в течение;

2 Союз поскольку, так как, потому что, ибо.


1 Cоюз так как, ибо, по мере того как, когда, в то время как;

2 Наречие как.


1 Наречие только;

2 Прилагательное единственный;

3 Союз но.


1 Предлог (начиная) с, после;

2 Союз с тех пор, как, так как, поскольку.

Упражнение 1.10.1

Переведите предложения, содержащие многофункциональные слова.

1. There is a certain rule to be used in this case.

2. There are many options to choose from here.

3. There has been recently developed a new approach to this.

4. There seems to be another solution to the problem.

5. There are a few things I want to make clear.

6. It is worth while discussing this matter.

7. Take it seriously. It might help.

8. It is not at all easy to put it into practice.

9. It is thought that this approach will be more helpful.

10. We hope this decision will make it only difficult to attract the savings of the population.

11. In our case it is a usual procedure.

Упражнение 1.10.2

Переведите предложения.

1. Pierre and Marie Curie were mostly engaged in researching radioactive elements, in which field they made most essential discoveries.

2. Factors are investigated which play an important role in the process under study.

3. The way in which this was achieved is not exactly what we have in mind.

4. We accept what you offer us.

5. They wanted to know what had happened.

6. What he said may have been true.

7. What I mean is that we must go there anyway.

8. What technique is to be used should be coordinated with your research supervisor.

9. What I have tried to do is to give an analysis of the situation.

10. What really matters is the attitude to the problem.

11. What approach is the best should be decided in advance.

12. We didn’t know what the nature of this phenomenon was.

13. What was the formula you used in your calculation?

14. The answer will depend on what you decide.

Упражнение 1.10.3

Переведите предложения.

1. These substances have like properties.

2. I like this design.

3. Nobody will do this for you.

4. There is a package left for you here.

5. We’ve been working on this project for half a year.

6. They were not ready to discuss this problem as nobody had informed them about it.

7. This form needs to be filled in as required by the consulate.

8. Only he was able to help us.

9. The only thing that could help them was time.

10. His only book was printed after his death.

11. They were prepared to do it, only they were never asked.

Упражнение 1.10.4

Переведите предложения.

1. We haven’t talked since Monday.

2. I haven’t seen her since.

3. He hasn’t written since he left.

4. Since everything was ready, we didn’t want to waste time.

5. As the time passed, we were able to see the changes.

6. It is difficult to believe it, for so many attempts have been made.

7. Both these countries have like tendencies of development.

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