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Раздел II грамматические аспекты перевода

2.1 Перевод артиклей

В русском языке артикля нет. При переводе с английского языка на русский он опускается. Однако в некоторых случаях требуется перевод:

1. Неопределенный артикль a/an иногда переводится как «один, какой-то, некий», например, We have not a minute to waste. — У нас ни одной лишней минуты. A passenger was looking for a place to put his bag. – Какой-то пассажир искал место, куда поставить сумку.

2. Определенный артикль the переводится как «этот, данный, вышеупомянутый», например, The experiments ended in failure. Данные эксперименты закончились неудачей. I am sure you’ll like the place. – Я уверен, тебе понравится это место.

3. Особые случаи передачи артикля:

-- если определенный артикль используется перед количественным числительным, он переводится как «все три, все пять, и т. д.», например, Не succeeded in solving the three problems. – Ему удалось решить все три задачи.

-- предложения с конструкцией «the + прил. в сравнительной степени + the + прил. в сравнительной степени» переводятся следующим образом: The sooner you do it, the better. – Чем раньше вы это сделаете, тем лучше.

Упражнение 2.1.1

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на артикли.

A 1. Is there a bank near here?

2. There was not a man alive there.

3. Neutron stars are known to rotate very quickly. The star makes a revolution per minute.

4. There seems to be a little chance that life can exist on a planet if the planet differs greatly from the Earth in size and weight.

5. Suppose the central electrode is a thin wire in a duct 20 cm in diameter.

6. I’ve seen the man.

7. The four known methods have been applied to improve the situation.

8. If you manage to solve the five problems you get the prize. If a problem remains unsolved you become an outsider.

9. I can’t vote for the proposal.

B 1. It seems to me I’ve seen the man.

2. The usefulness of the tests is questionable.

3. In the evening before going to bed he used to read a book for an hour or so.

4. I know the five devices well enough.

5. The act of transmitting a signal from one frequency band to another is called modulation.

6. She didn’t want to utter even a word.

7. I expected to see a new device but yours is an outdated one.

8. Certain materials exhibit piezoelectric properties, that is when subjected to a mechanical stress they develop an electrostatic charge. The effect has been employed usefully in many variations.

Упражнение 2.1.2

Переведите предложения.

1. A new team was formed to develop the project.

2. The new team was accommodated in the University Inn.

3. The few objections I have are not aimed at ruining the project.

4. I’m waiting here for a Dr. Fisher to get the papers.

5. She is a kind of person you never know what to expect.

6. The report now seems to be more solid than the one presented in the previous board meeting.

7. Miss Trotwood came on the Friday when David was born.

8. Many women in the US, now in the professions, would be unable to work without illegal immigrants’ domestic help.

9. The danger of forest fires is the greater the more carelessly people act when camping.

10. Under the circumstances, a courier is the only safe way to send them a message.

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