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1.7. Use the words from the table to fill in the blanks in the text.

casting vote tied unassailable humiliating

crushing / landslide no confidence voted against

George was confident. He thought that he had a _______ majority on the committee and so he was not worried when Jack resigned. But to his horror Maureen Washington stood for election and, with her radical politics, won a ______ victory, completely defeating her main rival. As soon as she arrived on the committee she began to cause trouble; votes on this, votes on that. Whatever George advised them to vote in favour of, she _______. And as the weeks went by others began to support her. Finally, some weeks later, at the end of a long discussion, there was a _______ vote with half the members voting one way and half voting the other. Of course George saved it by using his _______, but it was the beginning of the end. Ten days later Maureen tabled a vote of _______ and in the wake of his _______ defeat George had no alternative but to resign. He felt bitter and betrayed and went off to live in his luxury villa in Santa Lucia. But the rest of us felt saved.

  • Invent a scenario to fit the facts in this story? What was the committee for?

  • Why did the narrator feel relieved when George resigned?

1.8. Match the verbs with their complements. Tick the boxes.




your local party


stand for

stand as

nominated by


resign from

1.9. Fill in the blanks in the chart with the following words:

selected election councilor cabinet represent

nominated opposition stand for candidate


1. You are _______ by two members of your local party.

2. You are _______ as a _______ by the local party.

3. There is an ________.

4. local election

5. by-election

6. general election

7. You _______ the council.

8. You stand for parliament.

You win!

9. You are a _______.

10. You are a member of parliament so you _______ your constituency.

11. You become leader of the council.

12. in opposition

13. in government

14. You become a member of the shadow cabinet.

15. You become a member of the ______.

16. You become leader of the ________.

17. You become prime minister.

  • Look at the chart again. How is the system in your country different? What similarities are there?