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1.3. Love. Put each of the following words in its correct place below.

partners platonic flirtation infatuation

mature compatible one-sided hero-worship

mutual idolize complement stable

Youngsters in their teens or even earlier sometimes (a) _____ film stars or other celebrities with a kind of blind, devoted (b) _____. The objects of such adoration are regarded as gods by their smitten worshippers. How sad that such devotion is almost always unrequited (though pop-stars have been known to marry their fans). Young people also sometimes develop an irrational obsession for another, often older, person which is not an adult, (c) ______feeling but simply a youthful (d) ______. At parties a boy may playfully try to attract a girl, or vice versa, without intending any serious, lasting relationship. This is just a (e) ______. A relationship which gives deep and lasting happiness to both (f) ______must not be (g) ______ (felt more strongly by one of the pair than by the other). It should be based on a (h) ______love and respect, felt equally by each of the two. Of course it can take many forms. It might be very deep but entail no physical desire, in which case it is described as (i) ______. Certainly, for any relationship to be (j) ______, the two people involved must be (k) _____ (they must get on well together). This does not necessarily mean that they must have attitudes and interests in common, for partnerships of opposites can work very well. The different characters of the two people somehow (l) ______ each other.

  • Use the word combinations in bold type in sentences of your own.

1.4. A description of an ideal PARENT: Patient

Always there



Never unfair


  • Use the letters of the word HUSBAND / WIFE to describe your idea of an ideal husband / wife or the worst kind of husband / wife.

II. «across a crowded room» (Phrasal verbs and idioms)

2.1. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

  • Do you believe in love at first sight? Why? / Why not?

  • What vocabulary do you know for describing the different stages of a relationship (at the beginning you get to know someone, etc.)?

2.2. Read the story. Try to work out from the context the meaning of the multi-word verbs and idiomatic expressions in italics. Across a crowded room

It was love at first sight. I saw her standing on the other side of a crowded room sipping a glass of wine. Our eyes met. I walked over to her and said, “You seem to be on your own. Can I join you?”

She smiled and said yes. At first she came across as rather shy, but as I got to know her better I found out she was an open and confident person who was easy to get on with. At the end of the party I said I would like to see her again and asked her out for a meal the following week.

I took her out to a small Italian restaurant in Soho. After talking for a while, we found out that we had a lot in common – in fact, we seemed to have the same interests and tastes in everything. She smiled at me when I spoke to her, and when our eyes met this time I knew that I was head over heels in love with her. I thought that she was falling in love with me, too. We started going out with each other, and after some time we got engaged and decided to live together. We were both very happy and made plans to settle down and get married the following year.

However, it wasn't long before things started to go wrong. She seemed less affectionate and loving as the weeks passed, and I started to feel she was going off me. She criticized me all the time. “Why are you always going on at me?” I asked.

In the end I wondered if we were suited to one another. I was keen on hard rock and she was fond of classical music. I was interested in sport and she was interested in politics. We finally fell out over a TV programme. We had a terrible row, broke off our engagement, and called off the wedding. A week later she moved out. I was heartbroken, and it took me a long time to get over it.

A few months later I heard she was engaged to a man who worked in local government. They got married, but after two years their marriage broke up and they got divorced.

I tell you this because last night I went to a party and I was drowning my sorrows when I saw her standing on the other side of the room sipping a glass of wine. I saw a man walk over to her and I heard him say, “You seem to be on your own. Can I join you?”