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1.5.1. Find words in the text which mean the same as:

    1. a metallic container

    2. to cause yourself seem like a stupid person

    3. former, recent and not now living

    4. an adhesive label to be stuck on sth, eg. clothes

    5. defensive covering, usually metal, for the body, worn in fighting

    6. stage dance with rhythmical quick and light blow of the foot, toe or


    1. sum paid to the owner of a copyright on all copies sold

    2. a design on cloth or made of metal worn to show a person’s

occupation, rank or membership of a society

1.6. In pairs, discuss the following questions:

  1. How do people in Great Britain participate in charitable activities?

  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each way of collecting money for charity described in the articles?

  3. Which way would work best in your country?

  4. Steve Evans (see the picture) collects money for a British charity by walking 25 miles through the streets of London wearing a suit of armour weighing 52 lbs. People sponsor him by donating a certain amount of money per mile, and on the walk pictured above Steve collected about . 1,000. Can you think of any other original ways of raising money for charity?

  5. Would you be willing to “make a fool of yourself” in order to raise money for charity? Give reasons for your answer.

1.7. Fill in the gaps in the article with suitable words from the list:

refugees helped assistance accomplishments committed hunger needy Famine poverty diseases raised

World Vision Canada Thanks Area Students

As president of World Vision Canada, I would like to thank the many ______students and organizers in the Stratford area, Ontario, who ______ make the 30 Hour Famine a success in 1999.

To date, the event has raised a record $3.1 million for ______ children around the world!

Students in your community _______ more than 418,000. This money will be used to help Kosovar _______, orphans in Rwanda, street kids in Cambodia and Romania, children of war in Uganda and needy children here in Canada.

The 30 Hour ________ is a national event. This year more than 136,000 students across Canada went without solid food for 30 hours to raise money and increase awareness of global _______.

Next year's 30 Hour Famine will be held on April 7 and 8 with a goal of raising $3.5 million.

I hope that students in Stratford will join the fight against ______ again by contacting us at 1-888-8-FAMINE.

On behalf of the children whose futures are brighter because of your efforts, I want to thank Stratford and the surrounding area.

Your students can be proud of their _______.

Each day 33,000 children under the age of five die from hunger and preventable ______. The 30 Hour Famine support emergency _____ and long-term development programmes to help suffering children.

President World Vision Canada