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2.3. Match the verbs with their definitions.

1. to come across as smth

a. to stop liking someone (informal)

2. to ask someone out somewhere

b. to start to live a stable, regular life in one place (perhaps after buying a house or getting married)

3. to go out with someone

c. to give the impression of having a particular characteristic

4. to settle down

d. to cancel something (an arrangement or event)

5. to go off someone

e. to discontinue something, to bring something to an abrupt end

6. to go on at someone

f. to spend time with sb socially, often to have a romantic relationship

7. to fall out (with someone) (over sth)

g. to come to an end

8. to break something off

h. to have an argument with someone and stop being friendly with them

9. to call something off

i. to keep complaining about something to someone (informal)

10. to break up

j. to invite sb to go out somewhere (to a restaurant or theatre)

2.4. Jane is very upset. Her friend, Mary, has come to visit her. Look at their conversation below. Replace the words in italics with multi-word verbs.

Mary What's the matter, Jane? Have you had an argument with Paul again?

Jane Yes, you could say that . . .

Mary Well, it takes two to have an argument. What was it about this time?

Jane He said I was always complaining and criticizing him.

Mary Is it true?

Jane Well, in a way, yes. But I was feeling insecure because I thought he was starting to dislike me.

Mary How long have you been seeing one another?

Jane Nearly a year now. But yesterday I discovered he's been having a relationship with someone else.

Mary Oh, so what did you do?

Jane I told him, and he said he wanted to end our relationship.

Mary But I thought you were planning to get married in June?

Jane We've cancelled it.

Mary Well, I'm sorry to hear the two of you have ended your relationship.

Jane I think it'll take me a long time to recover from this.

Mary Well, perhaps it's for the best. You were never really happy with him. And after all, there are plenty more fish in the sea!

  • What does the last sentence of the dialogue mean? Why does Mary say it?

  • How would you express the same idea in your own language?

2.5. There are six mistakes in the text below. Find them and correct them.

I used to be very keen at football, but I lost interest in it when I met my best friend's sister. At first I was only fond on her, but later on I fell in love to her. We had a lot on common and thought about getting married. I was engaged with her for six months, but in the end she got married with someone else.