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I. Explain the meaning of the underlined parts of the sentences.

  1. You are welcome to eat with us, but you’ll have to take pot luck.

  2. He was demoted from sergeant to corporal.

  3. He considered several candidates and short-listed Mr Swanson and Miss Brown.

  4. Do you like working on your own?

  5. What is more important for you in choosing a job: a good salary or a chance of promotion?

  6. The man staggered across the room.

  7. We wandered round the little harbour town.

  8. She tries to get through the mundane work about the house as quickly as possible.

  9. I am a very down-to-earth person.

II. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences.

  1. She solves her problems without conscious reasoning or study.

  2. I work independently. I don’t like the idea of being employed. (one word)

  3. He belongs to an organization protecting workers’ rights.

  4. We should do our work at the same time and speed.

  5. There’s a flourishing successful black market for videos.

  6. I admired her commitment to her family.

  7. Give him a smack if he is too much of a pest.

  8. The hijackers are nervous and anxious men who can easily be triggered into violent reaction.

  9. Northcliffe had great ability and energy and determination.

  10. Willie Musarurwa is one of the most outstanding and purposeful journalists in South Africa.

III. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences using phrasal verbs.

  1. I’ve decided to make a career in medicine.

  2. The company has stopped doing business.

  3. The company has employed extra staff.

  4. I rejected his offer of help.

  5. She survives on a very small income.

  6. The bad working conditions depress me.

  7. She wants to be a success in her job.

  8. The factory will have to reduce production.

IV. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences using idioms.

  1. He knew in his innermost feelings that he was doing the wrong thing.

  2. They lived somewhere far from civilization.

  3. I asked him directly, leaving no room for doubt, whether he intended to help.

  4. It’s very important for me to improve my financial and social status (and to be successful).

  5. I think you have the right qualities and abilities to be a lawyer.

  6. Having three children under five keeps me ready for action (stops me from relaxing) all day.

  7. Millen’s new line of suits are ideal for career women who are always busy.

  8. Herbert Hoover was a poor farm boy who became rich and successful, and Americans love to see that happen.

  9. Let’s try to work very hard, and then I think we’ll see results.

V. Insert prepositions where necessary.

  1. Do you like working _____ your own?

  2. I enjoy organizing things _____ advance.

  3. I like working _____ pressure.

  4. Thinking _____ the abstract helps to solve problems.

  5. You will have to work _____ shifts.

  6. Her parents could not afford to keep their six children and made them go _____ service.

  7. He likes working his ideas _____ in detail.

  8. He tried to cover up _____ the mistakes made by his son.