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I. Biodiversity

1.1. Here’s an animal quiz which will refresh your memory on some key words as well as the names of some animals. Select the correct answer to each question. Part one

  1. Which is the largest of the ape and monkey families, full-grown?

a) chimpanzee; b) orang-outang; c) gorilla

  1. Which of these is not a mammal?

a) whale; b) porpoise; c) shark; d) dolphin

  1. Which of these is a marsupial?

a) kangaroo; b) came; c) panda

  1. Which of these hasn’t got a shell on its back?

a) snail; b) tortoise; c) turtle; d) crab; e) octopus

  1. Which of these hasn’t got tusks but has got whiskers?

a) elephant; b)walrus; c) seal

  1. Which of these hasn’t got horns?

a) rhino (ceros); b) hippo (potamus); c) bull; d) goat; e) deer

  1. Which of these has spots rather than stripes?

a) zebra; b) leopard; c) tiger

  1. Which of these animals is not carnivorous?

a) hyena; b) reindeer; c) polar bear

  1. Which of these insects doesn’t sting?

a) ant; b) wasp; c) bee; d) lady-bird

  1. Which won’t bite you?

a) mosquito; b) flea; c) butterfly; d) fly

  1. Which of these beasts hasn’t got a hump?

a) bison; b) ox; c) camel

  1. Which of these birds can fly?

a) penguin; b) ostrich; c) goose; d) emu

  1. Which of these birds has the most impressive tail?

a) peacock; b) pigeon; c) sparrow; d) budgerigar

  1. Which of these animals does not normally hibernate?

a) bear; b) squirrel; c) dormouse; d) rat

  1. Which of these has most legs?

a) spider; b) scorpion; c) centipede; d) beetle

  1. Which of these creatures is not extinct?

a) mammoth; b) dinosaur; c) pterodactyl; d) buffalo; e) brontosaurus

Part two

  1. Which of these is not a fabulous creature?

a) dragon; b) unicorn; c) chameleon; d) mermaid

  1. Which of these reptiles is not an amphibian?

a) crocodile; b) iguana; c) alligator; d) newt

  1. Which of these is not nocturnal?

a) moth; b) badger; c) bat; d) koala bear

  1. Which of these creatures has got gills?

a) lizard; b) toad; c) lobster; d) dragonfly

  1. Which of these four is a cross between two of the others?

a) horse; b) ass; c) donkey; d) mule

  1. Which of these animals has hooves as opposed to paws and claws?

a) stag; b) hare; c) otter; d) racoon

  1. Which of these is not a bird of prey?

a) hawk; b) falcon; c) vulture; d) woodpecker; e) eagle

  1. Which of these is not a wading bird?

a) stork; b) flamingo; c) swan

  1. Which of these birds has the longest wings?

a) albatross; b) seagull; c) humming-bird

  1. Which of these does not normally migrate?

a) robin; b) swallow; c) thrush

  1. Which of these creatures is not prickly?

a) hedgehog; b) porcupine; c) cockroach

  1. Which of these cold-blooded sea creatures has tentacles and no fins?

a) jellyfish; b) swordfish; c) stingray

1.2. 9 Listen to the talk and try to match the different kinds of animals to their descriptions.

1. invertebrates

A. cold-blooded; no longer the most important animals

2. insects

B. warm-blooded; like reptiles in many ways; can fly

3. vertebrates

C. cannot live on land; the largest group of vertebrates

4. fish

D. soft insides; external skeletons or shells

5. amphibians

E. don’t lay eggs; warm-blooded; a few fly

6. reptiles

F. internal skeletons; soft outsides; in the minority

7. birds

G. happy in the water; also on the land

8. mammals

H. no backbone; majority of animals; many more to be discovered