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2.2.1.  Make sure you understand the words and expressions in the box. Then listen to the two politicians again, and make a one-line summary of each answer.

catch (my) fancy civil servant issue lay the foundations neutral have strong views response mediocre superficiality be tucked up in bed hang around sit around strain frown upon a burning desire bread and butter handle problems brewing industry pharmaceutical company merchant bank

2.2.2. Work in groups. Decide which of the two people you have heard is a member of the Labour Party and which is a member of the Conservative Party. Be ready to give reasons for your answer.


Types of politician in Britain

Councillors. They are elected locally to represent the different areas in the region.

Members of Parliament. MPs are elected to form the national government. There is one representative from each of the 635 different areas – or constituencies – of the country. The party with the biggest majority forms the government. The other parties are ‘in opposition’; they try to persuade the government to act differently, on many occasions.

Members of the House of Lords. The House of Lords is an unelected body: the members are either created by the government or inherit their title.

The main parties in the UK are the Conservative party (right wing), the Labour party (left wing) and the Liberal Democrats (centre).

The Conservative Party goes back to the Tories, or Royalties, who originated in King Charles’ reign (1660-1685). The Tories were the party that supported Church and King; the other main party at the time were the Whigs, who were a group eager for political reform. The Tory party gave way to its successor, the Conservative party, in around 1830.

The Conservative party believes in free enterprise (freedom to try new projects and businesses, using boldness and initiative), low personal taxation, the importance of a capitalist economy, with private ownership preferred to state control, and the maintenance of the UK in its present form.

The Labour Party (appr. 1900) –has a long association with the Trade Unions. It believes that private ownership and enterprise should be allowed to flourish, but not at the expense of their traditional support of the public services.

The Liberal Democrats. There has been a Liberal party in GB since 1868 when the name was adopted by the Whig party. In 1981, a second centre party was created by 24 Labour MPs. It was called the Social Democratic party, and soon formed an alliance with the Liberal party. They formed a single party which became the Liberal Democrats after the 1987 election.

The Liberal Democrats believe that the state should have some control over the economy, but that there should also be individual ownership.

2.3. We asked Clare Short and Robert Jackson, “What are the most important qualities for a successful politician – one who gets to the top?” Each mentioned three or more qualities. Look at the list below and try to guess who chose what. Then read their answers and see if you were right.

- ability to make decisions quickly

- ability to organise people

- belief in things they’re working for

- clarity

- energy

- intelligence

- openness

- physical attractiveness

- relationship with people that elect them

- sensitivity