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2.11.  Read the texts. The shape of your face can give a clue to your personality. What does yours say about you?

Revealing Faces

Small Face

Small Face. You don't enjoy people intruding into your personal life and invading your privacy and can be rather secretive. Reflective and intelligent, yours is a passionate but firm personality, although you find these two traits in conflict at times. A tendency to be cautious means you don't trust too easily, but you do value a circle of close friends and family members.

Oval Face

A good decision-maker, you have strength of character, lots of energy, and usually finish what you start. Affectionate and outgoing by nature, you can be a bit gullible.

Square Face

You expect a lot from other people, but give as much in return. You're stubborn, strong-willed and quick to learn, but your staying power runs out when you lose interest. Highly sensitive to criticism, you're aggressive under pressure.

staying power: ability to keep going at something

Thin Face

You don't suffer fools gladly and have an offbeat sense of humour. Energetic but able to balance action with thought, you're not one who follows the crowd. You enjoy competition in the love stakes and opt for a partner who's companionable as well as attractive.


Practical rather than a thinker, you have a degree of charm that can be devastating. Your romantic judgement can sometimes let you down, though. You appear placid and cool in most situations, but this hides a quick temper when crossed. Relationships may suffer if your partner can't live up to your high expectations.

Broad Face

A strong sense of your own importance means you like to be taken seriously by friends. You can be kind and sympathetic, but won't waste it on those you feel don't deserve it. Affectionate and loving rather than passionate, yours is an energetic and intelligent nature with optimism high on your list of the important things in life.

Round Face

Short and round shows you're slightly erratic and romantic. You're positive about your own aims, generous and an excellent host with close friends. You prefer mental activity to physical and there's a lazy streak that comes out now and then if you don't check yourself.

(Patricia Marne, Bella – adapted)

  • Do you agree with the description of your personality based on the shape of your face?

2.12. Work in groups. Discuss these questions with your partners (use the Active Vocabulary in answering the following questions):

  • What kind of people are often lonely? (are usually surround­ed by friends / are easily forgotten / are quick to see the point / think only of themselves / feel uneasy in company / keep their thoughts to themselves / easily lose their temper / enjoy other people's con­fidence / waver in the face of danger / fail his friend / spend more than he can afford)

  • What kind of people are called versatile / just / business-like / sympathetic / revengeful / persistent / haughty / humble / vulgar / vain / ambitious?

  • What do you call a person who can't keep a secret? (pokes his nose into other people's affairs / intrudes his views on others / is always sure of himself / is mostly in high spirits / gets annoyed easily / keeps on forgetting things / is unlike others / says what he thinks / has no moral princi­ples)

  • What traits of character would you appreciate in a wife (a husband) / a mother (a father) / a son (a daughter) / a bosom friend?

  • What traits of character are required to make a good teacher / a good doctor / a good lawyer / a good politician / a good journalist / the chairman of a multinational company? What traits might prevent one from becoming a good specialist in those fields?