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1.8. Choose suitable words from the following list to complete the text:

accuse arrest capital punishment commit court cross-examining defence evidence guilty innocent jury life imprisonment prosecution released sentence verdict witness

What Happens When a Criminal Is Caught

If the police have a __1__ who saw the suspect __2__ the crime or they have enough __3__ to show that he did it, they __4__ the suspect and __5__ him of the crime.

At the trial, the __6__ tries to prove that the accused is __7__ of the crime by __8__ its witnesses. The __9__ can cross-examine them to prove that the accused is __10__. When both sides have presented their case, the __11__ retires to consider its __12__. When it has made its decision, it returns to the __13__-room and the head juryman dеclares the accused “guilty” or “not guilty”. If the accused is convicted of the crime, the judge pronounces __14__.

Because the death penalty, also called __15__, was abolished in Britain in November 1965, the maximum punishment is a life sentence or __16__. If the accused is acquitted, i.e. he is found “not guilty”, he is __17__.

1.9. Work in pairs. One person in each pair should study the newspaper reports “LITTLE OLD LADY IN KNIFE RAID” and “MUGGER MEETS LITTLE OLD LADY”. The other person should prepare questions to find out the information listed below.

Find out:

– the place, day and time of the incident

– the little old lady’s appearance and dress

– what exactly happened

– the names of the people involved

– what the police did

– how much, if anything was stolen

Little Old Lady In Knife Raid

A little grey-haired woman armed with a knife robbed an Oxfordshire shop after threatening the assistant.

The untidily dressed woman walked into The Sandwich Man shop in Parsons Street, Banbury at 9.30 at night and pulled out the bread knife from beneath her coat.

She threatened the young girl assistant and forced her to open the till before grabbing the entire day's takings.

The robbery happened on Saturday night, and police at Banbury are appealing for witnesses.

The shop owner, Mr Ken Woodd of Deddington, who also runs George's Cafe and Georgina's in the Covered Market, Oxford, said: «It is unbelievable. It has never happened before in the 38 years I have been in business».

Police took the assistant around pubs in the town after the robbery to try to find the woman, but with no luck.

Mr Woodd said the day's takings were snatched. He said it might have been as much as £180.

Mugger Meets Little Old Lady

Jose Ramos is an experienced mugger, but he didn't know about little old English ladies. Now he does.

87-year-old Lady Vera Tucker was walking down New York's East 66th Street. She looked like an easy prey – small, grey-haired and expensively dressed, carrying a handbag over her shoulder.

Ramos came up on his bicycle and grabbed the handbag. Lady Tucker hit him on the head with her umbrella, knocking him off his bicycle, and started screaming at the top of her voice.

The unfortunate mugger tried to get back onto his bicycle and escape, but Lady Tucker kept hitting him. A lorry driver, hearing her screams, came and joined in the fight.

Holding his head, Ramos pushed the handbag at the driver and said «Here it is. It's over, it's over». «The hell it's over», said the driver. They went on fighting, and Lady Tucker went on screaming, until a policeman arrived and took Ramos prisoner.

Lady Tucker refused medical help, saying that she felt fine. But she did allow the policeman to take her arm and escort her home.