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2. Study the meaning of the following words and expressions from their definitions.


– management of money

– capital involved in a project

– loan of money for a particular purpose

– money resources of a state, company or person


Finance house (company)

– organization providing finance for hire-purchase agreements.

Financial accountant

– accountant whose primary responsibility is the management of the finances of an organization and the preparation of its annual accounts.

Financial adviser

– a person who offers financial advice to someone else, especially one who advises on investment.

– organization, usually a merchant bank, which advises the board of a company during a take-over.

Financial capital

– the liquid as opposed to physical assets of a company.

Financial futures

– futures contract in currencies or interest rates.

Financial institution

– an organization that collects funds from individuals, other organizations or government agencies and invest these funds or lends them on to borrowers.

Financial instrument

– formal financial document.

Financial intermediary

– bank, building, society, finance house, insurance, company, investment trust etc. that holds funds borrowed from lenders in order to make loans to borrowers. – person or organization that sells insurance but is not directly employed by an insurance company.

Financial year

– any year connected with finance, e.g. a company's accounting period or a year

for which budgets are made up.

– specific period relating to corporation tax.

Financial ratio

– ratios between particular groups of the assets or liabilities of an enterprise and corresponding totals of assets or liabilities; or between assets and liabilities and flows like turnover or revenue.


– person who uses his one money to finance a business deal or venture or who makes arrangements for such a deal.


V. Speaking Practice

1. Dramatize the dialogues and make your own by analogy. A

Mary It’s so nice to see you, Frank. Sorry, I couldn't come to your

office today. Frank Never mind. Have a seat. Let’s start by having some coffee.

Mary So Frank. I guess it might be right time for me to invest in that

computer company. As my stockbroker, what can you

suggest? Frank I am sure they are doing extremely well and they would

welcome your investment. Mary But why do they need my investment if they are doing so

well? Frank O.K. I think I should explain you a little about a corporate



Frank Mary, in fact, I studied the Annual Report of the company and

I can tell that they have good management. Their business is

doing very well, the value of their stock has been rising. It can

be an excellent long-term investment, I am sure. Mary But if I want to sell my shares very soon?

Frank No problem. Undoubtedly you can make a profit on the sale.

But it seems to me you'll want to keep this company in your

portfolio. Mary Thank you for your advice. You are as wise as usual.

Frank Well, my advice now is to study the company's Annual

Report. You need several days for that. Then we'll meet and

talk again.

                  1. Career opportunities in finance is great”. Outline as many points as you can to support this statement.

                  1. Describe the main types and characteristics of financial markets.

                  1. Get ready to speak in details about your future profession.


VI. Written Task

1. Translate into Russian using a dictionary.