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We appreciate greatly the opportunity to participate in the debate, especially because of the motion, which is ...

The very term can cause a lot of controversial opinions Before presenting the case we'd like to define the terms for the purpose of this debate. With terms in mind, the affirmatives present the following arguments...


Our side will concentrate on things like ...

This approach suggests that...

Therefore the A (N) team (case) stands firmly resolved that .

Developing ideas and arguments

As we have seen...

As well (as)...

To begin (to start) with ,..

By the same token ...

By the way...

In addition (to)...

In other words...

In passing...

In the first place...

In the second place...

In the same way...

To put it (differently)...

What is more...


I'd like to add something, if I may.

I have a point (to make) here.

May I say something here?

Can I interrupt (you) for a moment?

Sorry to interrupt, but...

Excuse me, but...

Wait a minute!

Hold on!

Hang on!

Balancing arguments

Either way

One way or the other

For (and) against

On balance

On the one hand ... on the other hand

(The) pros and cons

To take into account (consideration)


To take account of To weigh up

Asking for more detailed information

I wonder if you could explain about …

Could I ask you a little more about …

I'm afraid I'm not quite clear about …

I'm interested in knowing more about …

How (exactly) do you do ...?

Could you fill me a bit on …

Can you put me in the picture about …

Expressing Agreement

I couldn't agree more!

That's absolutely true!



I take your point.

I'd go along with you on that/there

I'm with you on that/ there.

Well, you've got a point there.

There's something in that, I suppose.

I guess you could be right.

Well, possibly.

Expressing Disagreement

I disagree entirely.

I wouldn't go along with you on that/there.

You can't be serious.

You must be joking.

How on earth can you say such a thing?

I'm not really sure if I'd go along with you on that/there.

I'm inclined to disagree with that.

I'm not sure you're right there.

That's a little far-fetched, isn't it?

As far as it goes

To be beside the point

To have doubt about

(A) matter of opinion


On the contrary

Out of the question

There is no (not any) question of

To pass the buck

To shift the blame (responsibility) onto

To put the blame on

To split hairs

Up to a point

(A) value judgment

Steps to Compromise and Agreement

To agree on

To agree with

To be in the line with

Common ground

To give and take

To go along with

In agreement (with)

In so far as

To make (do) a deal (with)

To meet (someone) halfway

Off the record

Along (these) lines

On (these) terms

To see eye to eye

To settle (one's) differences

To smooth out

To take note of

To take the point

To think over

What is...?

Without prejudice (to)


As long as

In case

It (that) depends on

It (that) remains to be seen

On condition that


Attitudes, Opinions and Discussion

To argue against

To argue in favour of

To be against

To change one's mind

The facts speak for themselves

In my opinion

To insist on

To make clear

A matter of fact

To point out

Steps to Understanding

At first sight… At a glance… To be in the dark… To be in the picture… Crystal clear… To leave open… On the surface… To see the light… To see reason… To throw light on it… Wise after the event…


To this should be added the fact that... Some of the arguments are obvious…Thus we have an opportunity to observe... Thus there arises a crucial question… We'll also dwell on the economical (political, etc.) side of the issue…

In a certain sense

It should be mentioned that...



It looks as though ...

In plain terms it means that

In plain language

Another example is quite revealing

Now, let's turn to...

I suppose I may go to my next point

It led to = as a result = it resulted in

In short

It stands for

This is what they call...

In addition

On top of that


But seemingly this was not enough


Oddly enough

Let's contemplate

When confronting what's behind the problem, we see...

The issue surely touches on deep questions

Of the many actual points of view, it's widely held that...

Let's consider these two positions in turn

It just reminds me of...

We believe that many supporters of this point of view are troubled at least occasionally by this question, but they are reluctant to raise it, because it is the beginning of the slippery slope

Once we acknowledge that___, doesn't it follow that...

All of us think it proper that...


All in all

In brief

In effect (in reality)

In essence

In a nutshell

In a word

The long and the short of it

That is (to say)...


What we were really aiming at, was actually to prove that

To sum up

I’ll wind up by saying


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Учебное издание


Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов экономических специальностей

БОБРОВА Галина Борисовна РАДИШЕВСКАЯ Ирена Геннадьевна

2-е издание, с изменениями

Редактор А. Э. Цибульская Дизайн обложки И. С. Васильевой

Подписано в печать 29.09.10. Формат 60х841/16. Бумага офсетная. Ризография. Усл. печ. л. 12,06. Уч.-изд. л. 10,91. Тираж 125 экз. Заказ 1498.

Издатель и полиграфическое исполнение: учреждение образования «Полоцкий государственный университет».

ЛИ № 02330/0548568 от 26.06.2009 ЛП № 02330/0494256 от 27.05.2009

Ул. Блохина, 29, 211440, г. Новополоцк.