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умк_Боброва_Анг.яз_для экон._2010.doc
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I. Choose an appropriate variant.

1. prospects for 2010 could hardly be called bad in the economy.

a) economic b) economical

c) economics d) economy

2. Economic for individual regions was viewed by the president.

a) wealth b)independence

c) influence d)importance

3. Belarus numerous economic problems.

a) met b)took

c) faced d)struggled

4. To ensure a ____ economic growth, all the macroeconomic parameters must be involved.

a) rich b)slow

c) steady d)well

5. When studying market economy we have to understand that business is

the very heart of private property and market relationships.

a) enterprise b)laws;

c) problems d)goods

6. We shall consider only economies in transition as opposed to the economies.

a) steady b)production

c) regional d)advanced

7. The economic are known to be universal.

a) regions b)importance

c) laws d)transition


8. For the economic growth to continue a whole set of macroeconomic needs to be taken.

a) measures b)growth

c) importance d)laws

9. Some economists question the effectiveness of control as a means of

regulating the economy.

a) government b)regional

c) economic d)monetary

10. Some companies produce global that are easily recognized by people

all over the world.

a) economy b)enterprise

c) market d)products

11. The global has developed with the collapse of Soviet-style communism

and the opening up of new countries to trade.

a) economy b) enterprise

c) market d) products

12. Some companies now operate in so many countries that they are described as global .

a) economy b) enterprises

c) market d) products

13.Since products are assembled from components made in numerous countries and then sold on to other countries’ markets, we can talk of a global .

a) economy b) enterprise

c) market d) products

14. can help the multinational company get rid of unnecessary duplication.

a) Globalization b) Re-engineering

c) Reorganization d) Deregulation

II. Fill in the gaps with suitable words below:

deregulation liberalized globalization global economy multinational.

The tendency of companies to sell their products into many foreign markets, or

, has led to the development of a global marketplace. In recent times markets

in Eastern Europe have joined the . Since the governments of these countries

their laws regulating to foreign trade many companies have set up

operations there to take advantage of the opportunity to enter such a huge new market. The process of has made trade with Eastern Europe easier.




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                  1. Лексика: активный словарь по теме.

                  1. Основы предпринимательской деятель­ности; определение и функции денег; что такое прибыль; как успешно организовать рекламную кампанию.

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                  1. Читать и переводить тексты по теме, используя активную лексику.

                  1. Вести диалог и уметь рассказывать об индивидуальном предпринимательстве, деньгах, прибыли и рекламной деятельно­сти, используя активную лексику урока.