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11. Choose the most appropriate variant.

1. The Project Team a broad range of specialists working together to

solve a given problem.

a) involves b) subdivides c) manufactures

2. I cannot make any decision unless I all the facts concerning the matter.

a) will know b) know c) won’t know

3. We won’t start discussing this question until the Production Manager .

a) will arrive b) won’t arrive c) arrives

                  1. Each subsidiary has its own way that management is organized. a) management structure b) management strategy c) organization chart

                  1. The success of the project was to a great extent due to the people who work for the company. a) workforce b) management team c) trainers

                  1. My sister is responsible for promotion and distribution of the company’s goods as well as for the market research. a) a production manager b) a marketing manager c) a sales manager

                  1. The company’s plan of action is being developed at the moment. a) budget b) strategy c) objectives

                  1. The top managers are responsible for reaching the company’s objectives. a) producing b) advertising c) achieving

                  1. The operating divisions of our company are managed like separate small businesses. a) run b) responsible c) established


                  1. The management structure of our company should be made more efficient. a) changed b) rationalized c) worked out

                  1. He said the management team their best to improve the situation.

a) will do b) would do c) will have done

III. Choose the best.

1. How do you see your future profession? What kind of work are you interested in:

well-paid work;

interesting work;

work in a large and famous company;

quiet work;

work in an industry which has future prospects;

prestigious work;

a kind of work such as not to sit the whole day in the office;

to travel a lot.

2. What position would you like to have:

to manage people - manager;

to work for someone else - an employee;

to be your own boss - self-employed, businessman;

be responsible for everything - top manager, director;

to work for the state - state employee.

3. What are the most important things for you in your work? Arrange these aspects in order of importance and add some more things you think are important:

job satisfaction;

earning plenty of money;

having pleasant co-workers / colleagues;

meeting people;

earning enough money;


                  1. Out of all people you know, who has the job you’d most like to have? Why?

                  1. If you could choose any job in the world to do, what would it be? Why?

                  1. Please, discuss advantages and disadvantages of your future profession.

                  1. Do you think your future profession is prestigious?

                  1. Do you think it will be still prestigious and well-paid by the time you graduate?

                  1. How difficult is to find a good work in your field?

                  1. Do you think that competition among groupmates is a good stimulus to study well or it just makes communication between you more difficult?




Marketing is a magic power of business. George Doriot, Harvard Business School


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рамках темы “Marketing”.