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III. Comprehension and Word Study

1. Translate into Russian:

1. То start business a manufacturer should buy the necessary means of production.

                  1. Nowadays people can easily communicate with each other by means of the Internet.

                  1. Oligopoly means a market condition in which relatively few firms produce identical or similar products.


                  1. A high tariff on imported goods is a possible means to reduce domestic demand for these goods.

                  1. For many developing countries the US assistance meant economic dependence.

6. New means of communication have appeared with the introduction of computers in people's life.

                  1. The development of trade relations will mean larger international income. .

                  1. A plane is known as the quickest means of travel to the farthest places on the earth.

                  1. What does the term “economic security” mean in economic theory?

2. Translate into English:

достичь высокого жизненного уровня, импортировать предметы первой необходимости, стабильность цен на мировом рынке, высококачественное оборудование, эффективно сотрудничать, эффективные средства связи, покупать сырье, продавать произведенные товары, относительно высокая степень экономической надежности, полученная прибыль, надежная бытовая техника, развивающиеся страны.

3. Complete the sentences:

                  1. People of every nation try to achieve … .

                  1. People seek economic security to make … .

                  1. The Belgians have to buy … .

                  1. The Belgians have to turn to world markets for three reasons …

                  1. Japan is known as small nations which was able to … .

                  1. The main items of Japanese export are … .

                  1. Nowadays Japan has become one of the … .