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440 I English for Psychologists and Sociologists

and culture; protection agencies; drug mafia; boredom; compulsory treatment; to give up smoking or alcohol; from bitter experience; to show signs of drug addiction; disposable syringes; to be involved in the cycle of depravity.

  1. Make up sentences with these word-combinations.

  2. Give English equivalents for:

Наркоман; наибольшая категория риска; распрост­ранители наркотиков; пристрастие к наркотикам; от­рицательное отношение; обращаться к помощи специ­алиста; социо-психологическая реабилитация; более жёсткие законы; легализация наркотиков.

VI. Make up word-combinations:

Drug use








VII. Reproduce situations where these word-combi nations may be used.

VIII. Answer the following questions:

  1. What was the aim of the survey?

  2. What were the results of this survey in general?

  3. Who comprises the highest risk category?

  4. When does the problem disappear? After what age? Why? What do you think?

  5. Where is it easy to get drugs?

  6. Where do teenagers get information concerning drug distribution?

  7. What does an absolute majority of experts think in accordance with the present situation?

Sociology. Unit XII I 441

  1. What are the main reasons for a partiality towards drugs?

  1. Is drug-taking a habit and nothing more serious?

  1. How would you characterize the conditions in the specialized medical institutions?

  2. How is it possible to help drug-addicts?

  3. What is the first preventive step?

IX. Agree or disagree with the following:

  1. The highest risk category for drug-taking is the elderly population.

  2. The mass media is a source of information on the dangers of drug use.

  3. The present situation with drug use is the result of decline in morals and culture.

  4. The police have no links with the drug mafia.

  5. The main reason for a partiality towards drug is too much money.

  6. It is necessary to create special jobs for drug-users.

  7. Disposable syringes must be distributed free.

  8. Tougher laws should be introduced to fight the drug mafia.

X. There are some main reasons for increase in drug abuse. They are:

  1. Insufficient mass media propaganda concerning dangers of drug-abuse.

  2. Decline in morals and culture.

>3. Poor work of the health protection agencies.

  1. Explosion in crime.

  2. The influence of friends who are drug users.

  3. Lack of interesting work.

  4. Boredom and nothing to do.

  5. Too much money.

What are the reasons that may be put at the first place, at the second one, and so on? Arrange them in the order of decrease.

442 I English for Psychologists and Sociologists

XI. Some major steps should be taken to reduce the danger of drug problems. What would you choose out of those suggested below?

  1. To seek specialist help at the sign of drug addiction.

  1. To secure adequate work of the specialized medical institutions.

  2. To provide social and psychological rehabilitation help for drug users.

  1. To create special jobs for drug users.

  2. To introduce tougher laws to fight the drug mafia.

  3. To legalise drug use.

XII. Speak on:

  1. The aim and the results of the survey.

  2. The highest risk category.

  3. The main reasons for drug addiction increase.

  4. Preventive steps.

  1. Review the article.

  2. Make up a special questionnaire to assess the situation with drug use in your region.

XV. Conduct an interview with a drug-addict.

XVI. A role-play: Suddenly you find out that your close friend acquired a habit of taking drugs. You are shocked as you understand you may lose your friend. You try to persuade him to give up this dreadful habit and offer your sincere assistance of any kind.

Text 5

I. Read and translate the text:

Character and Communication

Communication is the most important skill in life. We spend most of our waking hours communicating. But

Sociology. Unit XII I 443

consider this: You've spent years learning how to read and write, years learning how to speak. But what about listening? What training or education have you got that enables you to listen so that you really, deeply understand another human being from the individual's own frame of reference?

Comparatively few people have had any training in listening at all. And, for the most part, their training has been in the personality ethic of technique, truncated from the character base and the relationship base absolutely vital to authentic understanding of another person.

If you want to interact effectively with me, to influence me - your spouse, your child, your neighbor, your boss, your coworker, your friend - you first need to understand me. And you can't do that with technique alone. If I sense you're using some technique, I sense duplicity, manipulation. I wonder why you're doing it, what your motives are. And I don't feel safe enough to open myself up to you.

The real key to your influence with me is your example, your actual conduct. Your example flows naturally out of your character, or the kind of person you truly are - not what others say you are or what you may want me to think you are. It is evident in how I actually experience you.

Your character is constantly radiating, communicating. From it, in the long run, I come to instinctively trust or distrust you and your efforts with me.

If your life runs hot and cold, if you're both caustic and kind, and, above all, if your private performance doesn't square with your public performance, it's very hard for me to open up with you. Then, as much as I may want and even need to receive your love and influence, I don't feel safe enough to expose my opinions and experiences and my tender feelings. Who knows what will happen?

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