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II. Answer the following questions:

  1. What problem is the article devoted to?

  2. Is brain drain a natural phenomenon? What do you think?

  3. Why do Russian scientists leave their Motherland?

  4. Do all of them leave forever?

  5. What countries do they go to?

Sociology. Unit XI I 423

  1. What does the term «diaspora» mean?

  2. How do the Russian scientists contact each other?

  3. How many scientists from Russia are working abroad?

  4. What specialists are of high demand abroad?

10. What expects Russia in future?

III. Choose the facts from the article to characterize:

  1. The problem of emigration as it is.

  2. The Russian scientific diaspora.

  3. The INFO-RUSS project.

  4. Work perspectives for young specialists abroad.

IV. Express your personal opinion of brain drain problem. Is it as dismal as it seems to be?

V. Translate the following word-combinations into Russian:

Detrimental brain drain; the rest of the world; to emigrate for good; temporary grants; scientific diaspora; exotic destinations; the process of intellectual migration; to create new communication technologies; some fresh blood.

  1. Reproduce situations in which these word- combinations may be used.

  2. How would you treat the statement: «The level of «internal» scientific emigration is at least twice as high as its «external» counterpart»?

VIII. What do you think why the author compares the lifestyle of emigre scientists with a watchman's job? Give your arguments.

IX. Review the article.

X. Develop the following situation:

Your close friend, a graduate of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, is leaving


424 I English for Psychologists and Sociologists

Russia for Germany. What possible questions can you ask him, being much surprised with his decision?

XI. Read the article and say why it is headlined in this way.

Burnout and How to Recover from it (After Donna Cobble)

Q.: I am approaching the mid-point of my career and I am experiencing extreme dissatisfaction with the career I began so eagerly twenty years ago. I am in a consistent state of frustration, and those things about my work which once gave me such pleasure no longer seem to matter. A good friend has suggested that I am expe­riencing career «burnout». Could this be the case, and if so, what can I do?

A.: Much is being said about burnout; often in jest, and employees sometimes don't realize that burnout is very real and has distinct warning signals.

There are three major symptoms of burnout, and it is important to understand that individuals are frequently unable to identify these symptoms themselves, hence requiring the guidance of a trusted family member or friend to point them out.

  • Physical exhaustion — There is a general feeling of tiredness for no apparent reason. Soon fatigue, nausea, muscle tension, stomach pains, and headaches will appear, and eventually there will be changes in eating and sleeping habits accompanied by a constant low energy level.

  • Emotional exhaustion — This is expressed through feelings of frustration, hopelessness, helplessness, depression, sadness, and apathy about work with those feelings of apathy spilling over into other activities and relationships.

  • Mental exhaustion — A dissatisfaction with them­ selves, their jobs, and life in general, while feeling in-

Sociology. Unit XI I 4г5

adequate, incompetent, or inferior. During this phase, individuals become convinced something is wrong with them since the work that once provided so much pleasure has become boring and stale.

Career burnout occurs over a period of time and cannot be instantly «cured». However, there are some steps an employee can take to move in the right direction.

  • Understand your personal workstyle and ways of reacting to stress, and of identifying work and behaviour patterns that no longer work for you.

  • Reassess your values, goals, and priorities, making certain the career goals you set early on are still realistic and appropriate in today's workplace.

  • Maintain a lifestyle which demonstrates a healthy balance between work, home, family, leisure, friends, spiritual, etc.

  • Cultivate a social support system which includes close friends from all areas of your life.

If you think you may be experiencing burnout, understand that it is possible to come out of it happier, healthier, and stronger.

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