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4. Choose the correct variant:

1. Samuel Morse first developed…..

a) integrated circuit

b) telegraph

c) TV broadcasting

d) Optical fibre

2. Hertz verified that…..energy could be radiated.

a) electrical

b) solar

c) nuclear

3.Modem is an equipment that enables to…. data.

a) see

b) feel

c) print

d0 convey

4. Optical fibre has been developed with ….data capacity.

a) no

b) high

c) low

d) medium

5. Complete the sentences with the proper word or phrase:

Detection, long-distance communications, wires, electromagnetic waves, transmission, Morse Code, electrical signals

1. Sending coded electrical message…….along the…was put into practice in the mid 1840s.

2. The invention of telephone enables speech to be transported as……along wires.

3. The radiation of electrical energy proved the existence of……….

4. Radar played a vital role in aircraft…..in World War II.

5. The space race led to another means of……..

6. Advances were made in analogue and digital methods of information…….

6. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Long-distance telegraph could transmit information between England and Canada.

2. Marconi overcame the problem of transmitting messages round the Earth.

3. The invention of diode and thermionic valve made advances in both receiver and transmitter design.

4. Other improvements in materials and devices also led to the data transferring via cable.

5. The advances in microelectronics have led to the digital transmission mode.

7. In this description of the changes which have taken place in telephone design, put each verb into correct tense and form.

Many changes (take place) in telephone design in recent years. Formerly, telephones (have) rotary dials. A pulse (signal) each dialed number. Now, push-buttons (replace) dials. Each button (trigger) a different audio-frequency tone. This (know) as multi-frequency dialing.

Also handset (change). Old models (contain) carbon microphones, which (be) inexpensive and robust but noisy. Today, moving-coal and electret devices (replace) the old microphones.

Advances in technology (allow) additional features to b added to phones. Most now (contain) memories to store frequently-used numbers. Some telephone manufactures (add) LCDs which (display) dialed numbers and (indicate) the duration of calls.


1. Read and translate the text in a written form: History of Electronics

Military equipment, toys, communication, home electronics, computing, cars, satellites and others - this is only a partial list of products, which contain electronics. Actually electronics won our world. We wake up with the ring of electronic clock, drink coffee from an electronic coffee machine, work with computers, learn by using video conferences, and listen to the music from a sound system and go to sleep while adjusting our electronic watch for tomorrow morning. It is hard even to think that only a hundred years ago our world seemed different at all from this point of view. But how did the electronics revolution begin? Which research and discovery was the basis for this modification? Why was it so fast, relatively to other developments in history? Theoretical and experimental studies of electricity started in the 18th and 19th centuries enabled the development of the first electrical machines and the wide use of electricity. During that time the first theory was founded and the rules of electricity was formulated. The event of identification of the electron in second half of 19th century by the English physicist J.J. Thompson and the measurement of its electric charge in 1909 by the American physicist A. Millikan were the point of turning the electronics evolution separately from that of electricity. Another course of interest to electronics was the observation of the American inventor Thomas A. Edison. He noticed that the current of electrons would flow from one electrode to another, if the second one was with relatively positive charge. This discovery led to the development of electron tubes. Electron tubes became very useful for manufactory at that time. X-ray tube, the radio signal detectors and transmitters, and the first power systems were based on electron tubes. The development of the vacuum tube and later the three-electrode tube by adding the grid between the anode and the cathode improved the characteristics of the tube by far and made it more useful for different electronic applications. The first half of the 20th century was the era of the vacuum tubes in electronics. Using the tube permitted the development of radio, long-distance telephony, television and even the first computers. The most known one was the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) completed in 1946. The first and the second World Wars gave a considerable boost to the way the electronics science has advanced. Governments of rival countries invested a lot of money in the technology of military industry. On other hand they wanted the quick solution and were looking for long-range developments. Therefore the varieties of vacuum electron tubes were the central device in the electronics system of that time. There are several limitations to the tube. Its big size, slow working paces, bad accuracy, and very hard and high cost of production it. These limitations of the tube motivated to the “Solid-State” revolution with the invention of the transistor in 1947 by Bell Laboratories scientists: John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William B. Shockley. The vacuum tube hasn’t disappeared from the world until today. All kind of displays (except the liquid crystal one), laser systems, some measurement equipment include the tube and there is no alternative product to be used instead of the tube until now.

2. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.


1. Mind the following words:

  1. to witness - спостерігати

  2. capacitor - конденсатор

  3. to supplant - витіснити

  4. missile guidance system – система наведення ракет

2. Listen to the text “History of electronics” and try to understand it.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What device made a revolution in electronics?

2. What properties do semiconductors have?

3. What supplanted vacuum tubes?

4. Where were the transistors used?

5. What happened in 1971?



Future of electronics

1. Read and remember:

  1. Image converter-перетворювач зоображення

  2. opaque material-непроникний,непрозорий матеріал

  3. negligible intensity-незначна інтенсивність

  4. celestial body-небесне тіло

  5. emit-випромінювати

  6. soft landing- м’яка посадка

  7. collision-зіткнення

  8. warning radar-попереджувальний радар

  9. quantum generator- квантовий генератор

2. Add a proper suffix to the verbs to make them nouns:

Convert, radiate, emit, inform, locate, communicate, generate, transmit, operate

3. Read and translate the following text:

Electronics is believed to be rather young a very promising science. It has become a powerful means of progress. Electronics has widened our vision and given us the chance to see the microworld more clearly.

Electron-optical image converters using solid-state components penetrate deep into opaque materials, convert invisible radiation to visible, and pick up light of negligible intensity. Radiotelescopes are known to collect and to focus the radio waves emitted by celestial bodies, revealing new facts about universe. Of course, radio waves are not the only carriers of information in space.

Modern science knows many more media, which can be employed for this purpose. These are the infrared and ultraviolet radiations, X- and gamma rays, elementary particles and fields etc. What role will electronics play in space travel? Above all, it will give a deeper insight into the properties of outer space.

Radio is thought to help man to know more about the Sun’s atmosphere of many planets, the location the speed of huge hydrogen clouds in space, and the processes accompanying the collisions of galaxies. Electronics is expected to enable the astronauts to locate their position in space.

Spaceships will be guided automatically just as planes are controlled by robots today. Electronics is sure to give the space pilots easy control for soft landing on other planets. Collision-warning radars will operate automatic control if there is a danger of meteor hitting the spaceship. Before all this can be accomplished, however, many complicated problems will have to be solved. One problem is that of extending the range of radio communication in outer. With proper refinements, radio communication is likely to be set up over distances of 100 million kilometers or even more.

To ensure higher effectiveness and reliability of communication many thousands of scientific experiments were devoted to the investigations of these factors. All scientific achievements in the field of transmitting information over long distances being applied in the system of space communication, real possibilities are opened up for transmitting tremendous amount of information over distances of several hundred million kilometers.

It is expected the greater prospects for constructing even more effective systems for transmitting information in space will be opened with the application of methods and means of quantum electronics and especially of quantum generators.

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