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3. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian and memorize them.

Audio input devices, radio tuner, recorded in different formats, pre-amplifier, power amplifier, graphic equalizer, midi-fi system.

4. Match each part of the music centre and its peculiarity.



  1. A pre-amplifier.

  2. Power amplifier.

  3. A graphic equalizer.

  4. Hi-fi system.

  5. Midi-fi system.

  1. Allows the user to adjust the amplification of a particular frequency ranges by moving an array of slider controls;

  2. is a system of the very high quality of sound reproduction;

  3. amplifies the power of the pre-amp signals to enable them to drive the loudspeaker system;

  4. is the system of middle quality of sound reproduction;

  5. provides tone, volume and balance controls as well as amplification of the input signal voltages.

5. Choose the correct variant.

  1. Music centers consist … several audio input devices.

a) in; b) at; c) of; d) to.

  1. The common amplifier is made … … two sections.

a) out of; b) up of; c) out from; in with.

  1. These allow the user to play … music.

a) - ; b) in; c) at; d) of.

  1. A music centre system depends … the quality of its sound reproduction.

a) from; b) upon; c) on; d) -.

  1. Graphic equalizer allows … the user to adjust the amplifications by moving an array.

  1. to; b) for; c) on; d) -.

6. Answer the following questions about the text.

1. What forms of audio input does a music centre have?

  1. What other forms of audio input might be added?

  2. How many sections does the common amplifier consist of?

  3. What is graphic equalizer used for?

  4. Is there any difference between a hi-fi and midi-fi systems?

7. Translate into Ukrainian.

  1. A CD player, radio tuner, and a tape cassette desk are constitutional parts of a music centre.

  2. The function of a pre-amp is to provide tone, volume, balance controls and amplification of the input signal voltages.

  3. Power-amp amplifies the power of the pre-amp signals.

  4. Most of the modern music centres contain graphic equalizers.

  5. A system of a music centre depends on the quality of its sound reproduction.

8. Translate into English.

  1. Звичайний музичний центр складається з ряду пристроїв аудіо вводу.

  2. Будь-який підсилювач має 2 секції: підсилювач звуку і підсилювач потужності.

  3. Підсилювач звуку забезпечує гучність, контроль балансу і напругу вхідного сигналу.

  4. Підсилювач потужності сприяє функціонуванню системи гучномовців.

  5. В залежності від якості відтворення звуку музичні центри можна розподілити на 2 класи: з високою точністю відтворення звуку та з середньою точністю.


1. Read and translate the text in a written form: Music Centre

A music centre (or centre) is a type of integrated audio system for home use, used to play from a variety of media. The term is usually used for lower end or sub-high fidelity equipment. The term itself has been in use since the 1970s, though in more recent times the terms mini, micro or midi hi-fi, or integrated hi-fi have been preferred. The distinguishing feature compared to high end equipment is that there is usually only one main unit, with maybe a pair of detachable or separate loudspeakers, though some equipment also has these built in to the main unit.

Integrated audio equipment has a long history, beginning with the integration of the record player and the wireless receiver. Such units were usually called radiograms or stereograms. Very often these were designed as items of household furniture, with a large wooden cabinet on legs. These units were originally monaural, and featured a single integrated loudspeaker in the main body of the cabinet. By the 1960s these units had become smaller, and had developed to include stereophonic reproduction. The necessity of having suitable separation of the speakers meant that the single cabinet designs evolved into three-box designs, and the main box could become much smaller. By the beginning of the 1970s systems were starting to be made of plastic and other materials rather than wood.

The 1970s saw the inclusion of a deck for playing compact cassettes as well as a record player and receiver, and the term music centre came into common use. The inclusion of a turntable capable of playing full-sized gramophone records tended to dictate the overall size of these units, which remained relatively large. The cassette component was either a top-loading unit beside the turntable or a front-loading unit mounted on a deeper front panel. By the end of the decade, the first very small systems started to appear, which dropped the integrated record player in order to reduce the size of the other components significantly. Other innovations such as electronic control of the cassette transport mechanism (as opposed to direct mechanical operation) allowed further size reductions.

The compact disc appeared in the early 1980s and the integrated hi-fi system came into its own, because the small size of a CD player compared to a turntable meant that this function could be reintegrated into the main unit without compromising its small size. The cassette remained a standard part of these systems until the late 1990s, where it was gradually eliminated in favour of other technologies such as the Minidisc.

The music centre has always been rather looked down upon by the hi-fi enthusiast. In the early days the sound quality was far below what was possible using separate components. The main compromise is in the area of the loudspeakers, where small size is favoured over the ability to reproduce an extended low frequency response. Modern equipment has improved in this respect, and such systems are popular. There are still some compromises in terms of what components are used within the integrated unit, compared to what could be fitted in a set of separates, but the differences are smaller than they used to be.

The market for these systems is probably now larger than that for "true" hi-fi. Small units take up less space, and are more suitable in urban areas.

2. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.


1. Mind the following words:

  1. to trace back – просліджувати

  2. rotating cylinder – рухомий (той, що обертається) циліндр

  3. barrel organ – бочковий орган

  4. arbitrary – випадковий, довільний

  5. punched paper scroll – перфорована паперова спіраль

  6. medium - засіб

2. Listen to the text and try to understand it.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. Who introduced a mechanical bell-ringer?

2. Could the early musical devices record music?

3. What could they do?

4. What was the first device that could record sound mechanically?

5. What could piano rolls perform?

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