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Unit18 text a Areas of Employment

1.Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations and their translations.

  1. Maintain – встановлювати;

  2. Rigorous – суворий;

  3. Transducer – датчик, випромінювач; трансдюсер;

  4. Remote – те, що предається за допомогою радіо;

  5. Tedious – нудний;

  6. To gauge – вимірювати, оцінювати.

2. Read and translate.

1 Avionics

Aircraft electronic equipment has to be maintained to a very high standard with rigorous checks at set of intervals. Service engineers are required to maintain on-broad equipment such as radio, radar and automatic flight path plotting equipment. Air traffic control equipment is maintained on the ground.

2 Computing

This is an area where competition between companies is considerable and technology is moving very quickly. With the increasing numbers of computers used in the office, the home and as part of industrial and communications equipment, there is a growing need for engineers to design these as well as service them. On the software side, there is always a demand for programmers to design software for business use and for leisure.

Almost every large business organization, like banks and insurance companies, runs several local area networks (LANs). These require network managers and maintenance and software support.

3 Defence

The reduction in political tension in recent years has meant cuts in the defence industry. Nevertheless, many countries are still developing sophisticated defence systems both for home use and for export. These systems require not only engineers to design them, but highly-skilled operators to man them and maintain them. Thus the armed services recruit and train numbers of electronic technicians and engineers. The major fields of defence electronics are:

  • early warning systems;

  • detection systems;

  • ranging, using radar and computers;

  • weapons guidance, using computers;

  • communications

4Industrial electronics

Industrial electronics started with transducers which allowed to remote monitoring of processes, especially those which involved high temperatures or dangerous substances. Further developments allowed processes in a whole range of industries- from food and drink production to garbage recycling- to be fully automated.

The development of robotics has led to widespread application in the car industry in particular. Everything from assembling to spraying the completed car can now be done without human assistance. Tedious and unpleasant jobs have disappeared. Automation has led to savings for the manufacturer but has also contributed to unemployment. Electronics engineers are required to design and service industrial circuits, including control panels.

5 Leisure products

Society expects a wide range of leisure electronic items. This can be gauged by sales of radio, hi-fi equipment, television sets, compact disc players, DVD recorders, satellite receivers, etc. Engineers and technicians are required not only to design and manufacture these, but also to maintain them.

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