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10. Translate into Ukrainian.

  1. Magnetic switches can be used on windows and doors.

  2. They switch on when a window a door is opened.

  3. Some break detectors use metal foils or vibration sensors.

  4. When someone steps on the carpet two thin metal plates come in contact.

  5. Battery backup works in a power cut.

  6. During the first stage of an alarm system, a particular form of energy is detected.

  7. At the second stage a transistor switches.

  8. During the third stage an output transducer operates a powerful circuit.

11. Translate into English.

  1. Детектори проти зламу можна приклеїти на край скла.

  2. Якщо хтось наступає на сходинку, в середині датчиків дві металеві пластини замикають контакт і виникає сигнал тривоги.

  3. В сенсорах руху використовуються пасивні джерела інфрачервоної, ультразвукової і мікрохвильової енергії.

  4. Деякі детектори обладнані системою затримки звукового сигналу.

  5. Контрольна панель містить в собі сенсори, які активізують систему оповіщення.

  6. В простій системі оповіщення можна виділити три етапи.

  7. Сенсорний пристрій є першим етапом в цій системі.

  8. Транзистор є найпростішим перемикачем.


1. Read and translate the text in a written form: Detection Devices

An automobile detection and alarm device detects obstacles near the automobile and abnormal conditions of tires on the automobile. An oscillator is provided which either oscillates or does not oscillate depending upon the value of a capacitance present between first and second electrodes. Preferably one of the electrodes is connected to the automobile body and the other electrode is either grounded or is connected to an antenna which is mounted on the automobile but insulated there from. Obstacles near the car change the effective capacitance between the two electrodes either by providing a dielectric effect or by acting themselves as an extension of electrical ground. In order to detect abnormal pressure of tires, the capacity between the car body and ground or between a steel portion of a steel radial tire and ground is detected.

MICRO POWER OVER-TEMPERATURE ALARM The circuit is powered for years by a single 3 volt lithium battery. It sounds an alarm when the temperature exceeds a certain point. With some minor changes the circuit could also be configured for an under temperature (freeze) alarm. The circuit uses a cheap but accurate thermistor as the temperature sensor.

POWER REMINDER BEEPER  This circuit produces a short beep once each minute. It is powered directly off the 120vac power line to remind you that a device connected to the circuit is turned on. It is simple enough to be packaged inside a small plastic box. It might be ideal for computers, printers or some test equipment that shouldn't be left on all night.

MACHINE POWER LOSS BEEPER For some medical equipment it is important for an operator when power is lost to the machine. The beeper is powered from a 9v battery and requires the machine to have a power switch with a third set of contacts.

DOORKNOB ALARM Many companies offer simple alarm devices for personal use in bedrooms or hotel rooms. A metal chain attached to a box holding the electronics is placed around the inside doorknob of a wood door. Anyone grabbing the knob from the outside is detected by the electrical capacitance change that occurs from the human hand contact between the knob and the box. Almost all of the commercial devices sold use a more expensive and power consuming radio frequency circuit approach to detect the capacitance change. But, a very inexpensive and micro power technique can also work. This circuit schematic should dramatically reduce the cost of the device and allows it to operate for many years from one set of batteries.

2. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.


1. Mind the following words:

  1. ashtray – попільниця

  2. assembly – пристрій

  3. dust – пилюка

  4. to alert – сповіщати, попереджати

  5. angle – кут

  6. beeper – пейджер

2. Listen to the text and try to understand it.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What caused the author to think about dust alerts?

2. What is the advantage of such a circuit?

3. What is the function of an infrared LED here?

4. What will happen if the dust reaches a particular level?

5. What is the alarm output connected to?

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