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Management Levels and Information Needs.

Management is divided into three basic levels:

  1. Strategic (top-level managers),

  2. Tactical (middle-level managers),

  3. Operational (low-level managers)

Each level requires different types of information.

Strategic managers. Strategic (top-level) managers make decisions involving the long-range, or strategic, goals of organizations. Of the five major management functions, top-level managers spend most of their time planning and organizing. They need summarized information that covers past and present operations as well as future projections. Information drawn from internal sources gives them broad views of the internal situations of their companies. Information drawn from external sources permits them to evaluate industry trends, world economic trends, government regulations and other outside activities. A strategic manager such as the chief executive officer of an automotive company might be required to decide whether a new plant should be opened or a new sports car produced.

Tactical managers. Tactical (middle-level) managers divide their time among all five functions of management. They are concerned with short term, tactical decisions directed toward accomplishing the organizational goals. Middle-level managers work on budgets, schedules and performance evaluations and need information that is fairly detailed. Middle-level managers require mainly internal information but also use some external information. Many organizations are using computerization to reduce the number of tactical managers and cut costs.

Operational managers. Operational (low-level) managers are directly involved with the day-to-day operations of business. They are responsible for seeing that the tactical decisions of middle-level managers are implemented by personnel at the operations level. The information of operational managers must be detailed, current and focused. It comes from such sources as inventory lists, historical records and procedures manuals.

Ex. III. Complete the information about manager’s role using the above text:

  1. A manager is responsible for……………………………………………..

  2. Managers are ………………………. decision makers.

  3. Managers must receive the information they need in a ……………….. manner.

  4. Managers work through five major functions: ……………………..

  5. Directing supplies leadership in …………………………………..

  6. Controlling involves ………………………..

  7. Management is divided into three basic levels ………………………….

  8. Strategic managers make decisions involving ……………………………

  9. Tactical managers are concerned with ………….. decisions

  10. Operational managers are directly involved with ……………………….

Ex. IV. Try to describe the decisions of all the three basic levels of management in a food factory.

Audition: Staying Legal in Cyberspace

Ex. I. Listen to the text after you’ve consulted your dictionary for the new words. Answer the questions.

Word list:

  • access

  • skill

  • application

  • enhance

  • curriculum

  • guidelines

  • dissemination

  • live music

  • infancy

  • remote

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