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Ex. III. Complete the situations with sentences “I wish…”

  1. You’ve just redecorated your bedroom. Now you decide the wallpaper is too dark. You say: I wish…

  2. You’ve wasted a lot of time writing an article for a local paper, but it sounds too formal. You say: I wish…

  3. You were on a business trip when a friend of yours visited your city. You are upset and you say: I wish…

  4. You’ve just come back from your vacation. Everything was fine except for the hotel and you say I wish…

  5. You overslept because you had stayed up late reviewing for an exam. You say: I wish…

Ex. IV. Write a sentence with I wish … would …

Example: It’s snowing. You don’t want to go out in the snow, you want it to stop snowing, so you say: “I wish it would stop snowing” or “I wish it wouldn’t snow”.

  1. Your neighbours are making a noise. You want them to stop playing loud music. You say: “I wish…”

  2. Many people pick flowers from the flowerbeds in a public garden. You don’t like this and you say: “I wish…”

  3. Jane always leaves the door open. You don’t like this. You say to her “I wish … wouldn’t …”

  4. Tom has been wearing the same old clothes for years. You think he needs some new, and you want him to buy some. You say to him: “I wish … wouldn’t …”

  5. You’ve looking for a job – so far without success. You want somebody to give you a job. You say: “I wish somebody…”.

Ex. V. Translate into English:

1. Який жаль, що я не бачив цієї програми вчора.

2. Як було б добре, якби він приїхав до нас у гості.

3. Якби він тільки відремонтував наш принтер.

4. Як жаль, що канікули такі короткі.

5. Я хотів би, щоб він не піднімав такого галасу вночі.

  1. Як жаль, що у мене немає автомобіля.

  2. Як жаль, що ти запізнився на зустріч.

Oral practice: Farming in the United States

Ex. I. Describe a typical farm in the US. Use the prompts: family tradition, automation, facilities, high productivity, hard work, rewarding, modern equipment, scenery and country life.

Ex. II. Read the text and put down the rewards of living on a farm as you read.

Farming in the United States has changed dramatically over the past decade but continues to be a very exciting and rewarding profession that generally involves a person’s entire family. Farms generally are much larger than in the past and generally involve more specialization.

There are still many smaller farmers who farm less land, however, farms are growing ever larger. The children on a farm are very fortunate because they have many opportunities that children who live in cities do not have.

When farm children reach the 8th or 9th grade often they are able to run tractors by themselves.

Other chores include such things as building the fences that keep the animals in a field and going after cattle that are out grazing on pasture. Sometimes a farmer will have a special machine that goes over the hills very quickly and has small wheels and a motor like a motorcycle.

Often farm children must ride buses a long way to school and they must get up very early to do chores and get cleaned up for school. To reward a child for working so hard a farmer often will allow a young member of his family to own some animals or to plant some crops and to care for the crops or the animals and then sell them and make a profit to be spent or saved. In this way young farm children learn to care for money and to plan on spending it on the things they want. If they have money they have earned from an enterprise of their own effort they are able to feel much pride as they purchase something they want. Once again, it is an opportunity a city person does not have in the same way.

Farm children often have friends or a family from the city and they enjoy going to visit and learn about what it is like to live in city. Often also they have a family or friends who live in the city who want to come and spend time with them on the farm to learn about their lives. It is a special event, usually in summer, when a friend or relative will come to spend some time in the country with his friend and also it is special when the farm children got to go to their city friends’ homes. Many farmers try to plan out such events because they want their families to have the opportunities that are also available in the cities and the young farm child needs to experience that first-hand. As the number of farmers in the United States get smaller and farms get bigger it is even more important for the cultural exchange to occur for young people to property learn about their entire culture. It also makes an interesting event for the young farm children and they love to host their city friends and to go and visit. Often they return with stories and experiences that are treasured by the child.

Farming is changing as all things must change overtime, however, the one thing that remains the same is that young people who have the privilege of growing up on a farm in the United States are generally very happy and have a very special set of opportunities. If you are ever able to visit the United States, it would be a wonderful thing to ask a farmer to demonstrate his farm to you and to join his family for a day or two to experience the joys of farming first-hand.

Ex. III. Compare list of rewards living on the US farm for children. Discuss them in pairs. Compare the good things living on the US farm and in your homeland.

Audition: Online Trading Information System

Ex. I. Listen to the text after you’ve consulted your dictionary for the words below. Answer the questions.

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