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House Chamber

The House Chamber, first occupied in 1857, underwent a complete remodelling and structural renovation between 1949 and 1951. The ceiling contains seals of the 50 states, four territories, and the District of Columbia, as well as a carved glass eagle outlined in bronze. Twenty-three noted lawgivers are depicted in sculptural relief above the gallery doors. On the walls at the sides of the Speaker’s rostrum are portraits of George Washington and Marquis de Lafayette.

When the House is in session, the mace – the symbol of authority of the House – may be seen on the Speaker’s right.

Senate Chamber

The Senate Chamber was completed in 1859 and was renovated along with the House 90 years later. The Senator’s desks include the 48 original mahogany desks made in 1819. With the addition of new states similarly styled desks have been added. In the niches of the gallery are the busts of 20 vice presidents. In the ceiling is an interpretation of the Great Seal of the United States.

Comprehension questions:

  1. What is the Capitol?

  2. When was the cornerstone of the Capitol laid by George Washington?

  3. What additions were brought in the 19-th century?

  4. What is the Crypt?

  5. What does the ceiling of the House Chamber contain?

  6. In which Chamber are the busts of 20 vice presidents?

  7. How old is the building itself?

Audition: Business Organization

Ex. I. Listen to the text after you have scanned the word list and answer the questions below. (You may look up the new words in your dictionary or ask your teacher).

Word list:

  • a sole trader

  • temporary loan

  • partnership

  • restrict

  • large-scale enterprise

  • predominate

  • retailing

  • solicitor

  • to be liable for

  • irrespective of

  • stake

  • insolvent


  1. Who is a sole trader?

  2. What is a partnership?

  3. What is the major problem with partnerships?

Unit X.

Part I

Ex. I. Pre-reading questions:

  1. Have you ever heard of wire transfers?

2. Do you think the demand for money transfers will grow?

Ex. II. Read the text:

Money Transfers

Lucrative cash-by-wire trade attracts banks. More banks are setting up money-transfer services in response to an increase in the amount of money being wired into Ukraine.

Most of the wire transfers are money coming to Ukraine from abroad. Transfers inside and out of the country account for about 3 percent of the total transactions.

According to the industry sources, about 97 percent of all money transfers in Ukraine involve money being wired from abroad into Ukrainian banks.

One reason for that statistic is that Ukrainian laws make it difficult to wire money out of Ukraine.

But there has also been a clear increase in demand for wiring money into Ukraine, a trend that appears to be driven by the West's Ukrainian diaspora. Half of the money originates in the United States and Canada and ends up in Western Ukrainian cities. Lviv and Ternopil each receive about 20 percent while Chernivtsy residents claim 7.5 percent of the incoming cash.

Of the small amount of money that is wired out of Ukraine 25 percent goes to Russia. Another 19 percent is wired to Georgia, and Americans are recipients of another 10 percent.

Banking analysts predict that the demand for money transfers will continue to grow. As a result, more Ukrainian banks are entering the market hoping to get a piece of the action.

It is a lucrative business. Banks and transfer services charge fees of from 1 percent to 5 percent of the total amount being wired.

With more than 600 transfer centers Aval Bank is well ahead of the pack, but competition is growing almost daily.

Aval Bank claims to account for about 63 percent of all money transfers made through Western Union, the most popular money wiring service in Ukraine. Western Union has been offering its services in Ukraine since 1995.

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